Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr USK. View directions
No. | Item | |
Chair's announcement Minutes: As this was the final meeting of the Economy and Development Select Committee before the local Elections are held on 4th May 2017, the Chair wished to thank the Scrutiny Manager, the Democratic Services Team and the Select Committee for their input and support during the previous five years. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: County Councillor S. Jones declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Member’s Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 6 – Update regarding rate re-valuations, as she is the Head of the Welsh Retail Consortium. She stood down from chairing this agenda item but remained in the meeting. County Councillor A. Wintle was elected to chair agenda item 6, as the Vice-Chair was not present at the meeting.
County Councillor S. Jones declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Member’s Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 7 – Y Prentis Update as she works for an organisation that deals with levy payers in the retail industry. |
Confirmation of Minutes: |
Economy and Development Select Committee dated 9th February 2017 PDF 236 KB Minutes: The minutes were confirmed and signed by the Chair.
In doing so, it was noted that the organisers of the velothon had been invited to attend today’s meeting but were unable to do so. An invitation has been extended to the organisers, with a view to them attending a future meeting of the Select Committee.
The Scrutiny Manager would make available to the Select Committee the return on investment report.
Joint Select Committee (All Four Select Committees) dated 27th February 2017 PDF 179 KB Minutes: The minutes were confirmed and signed by the Chair.
Broadband Provision in Monmouthshire Minutes:
We welcomed Vivien Collins, Manager for Superfast Cymru and David Elsmere, Partnership Manager for Superfast Business Wales to the meeting in order to receive the following presentations:
· An update on Superfast Cymru deployment. · An update on Superfast Business Wales.
Superfast Cymru Deployment
Statistics relating to Monmouthshire:
· Total Premises in Intervention Area - 23,290 · Total Premises Passed at 24Mbps and above - 16,596 · FTTC Premises Passed - 15,481 · FTTP Premises Passed - 1,115 · LA Intervention Area Percentage Complete - 71.26 % · FTTC Take- up - 32.26% · FTTP Take-up - 21.45% · Average Download Speeds - 78Mbps
Having received a presentation regarding Superfast Cymru deployment, the Chair allowed members of the public and representatives from Llanover Community Council to outline their concerns and ask questions with regard to this matter. In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Llanover had received a presentation from BT last year. However, not one of the promises made by BT have been followed up. There appears to be no sanctions in place to ensure the completion of the promises made. In response, it was noted that BT has quarterly targets that have to be met but they are not location specific. However, BT has to meet the numbers set. If this does not happen, financial penalties are put in place.
· In response to a question raised regarding the definition of an isolated area, it was noted that there is no definition. However, the Manager for Superfast Cymru stated that with regard to specific places that are currently experiencing problems with their broadband connection, she would raise these issues with BT.
· It was noted that 96% of properties in Wales would receive broadband access other than the very remote areas within Wales. Monmouthshire is a rural County, however, it is not remote.
· Concern was expressed regarding the lack of knowledge displayed by BT when an engineer visits the Llanover area. Often, engineers rely on local knowledge to inform them of the location of the boxes and which property is connected to which box. This happens regularly. It appears that this information is not held for the next time that an engineer visits a particular location. The Manager for Superfast Cymru stated that this matter would be taken back to BT.
· A property in Llanover has three BT lines for three different businesses. However, not one of the lines receives reliable broadband provision. This is affecting the efficiency of the businesses. The property is only located two miles from the main highway. The resident is paying for two broadband lines but is not receiving an adequate service. The Manager for Superfast Cymru agreed to take the details of the property and would obtain a response from BT.
· It was noted that the farming community needs to have a reliable broadband provision as certain data and grant claims can only be submitted to government departments online.
· The landlord of a public house in Upper Llanover is experiencing similar problems with unreliable broadband provision which is having a detrimental effect on ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Youth Education-Enterprise Offer PDF 383 KB Minutes: Context:
To scrutinise the 2017/18 Action Plan for the Youth Education-Enterprise Offer.
Key Issues:
To raise awareness of and develop the Youth Education-Enterprise Offer by working with schools, colleges and other partners to enhance current provision in a more cohesive way. The offer will utilise good practice from partners to enhance existing enterprise and entrepreneurship opportunities in Monmouthshire.
To provide learning, training and employability opportunities through the delivery of Inspire2Achieve (I2A) and Inspire2Work (I2W) ESF (European Structural Fund) programmes for 11-24 year olds, working towards ESF priority 3 – Youth Employment. Specific Objective 1 – To reduce the number of 16 -24 years olds who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and Specific Objective 2 – To reduce the number of those becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) amongst 11 -24 year olds.
To sustain the Engagement and Progression Coordinator (EPC) function, which will contribute to reduced risk of young people becoming NEET and better outcomes for young people by brokering the right options and support interventions.
To work closely with partners to implement a support package for those most vulnerable NEET 16-24 year olds to extend their skills and interests, and reduce homelessness by promoting independent living.
To seek to increase engagement between young people and local business in stimulating future career pathways and local employment opportunities, by introducing national events to a local audience and collaborating with local employers.
To provide work experience / placement, traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities within a policy framework, supporting the ‘Y Prentis’ apprenticeship programme.
Member Scrutiny:
· In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding young carers, it was noted that the report makes reference to vulnerable young people which includes young carers.
· It was essential that every young person reaches their full potential. For some young people, apprenticeship schemes were vital in enabling them to achieve their goals.
· It would be appropriate to review progress of the action plan throughout the year including success stories of case studies. · Try to engage more business.
· The Offer will be taken into schools and colleges with a view to opening up more opportunities for young people. Inviting businesses into schools will also be undertaken inviting open dialogue between schools / colleges and businesses.
Business Rate Re-valuations PDF 366 KB Minutes: Context:
To provide an update regarding business rate revaluation from 1st April 2017.
Key Issues:
· The revised rateable values come into force on 1st April 2017.
· The Council uses the rateable value to calculate business rate bills by multiplying it by a rate poundage set annually by the Welsh Government.
· For 2017/18 that poundage is 0.499. New rates bills show the revised rateable value and the amount payable for the 2017/18 financial year.
· The revaluation exercise has resulted in significant changes in rateable value for some businesses and Welsh Government recognises that businesses need time to adjust to an increase in their rate liability and so have introduced new regulations to provide a transitional relief scheme. No application is required – The Council will automatically apply this relief to eligible businesses as follows:
- 2017/18 75% of the increase in charge. - 2018/19 50% of the increase in charge. - 2019/20 25% of the increase in charge. Qualification for Transitional Relief
• Ratepayers in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) on 31st March 2017 which is either reduced or removed as a result of an increase in rateable value following the revaluation.
• The business premises must be shown in the Rating List on 31st March 2017.
• There must be an increase in rate liability greater than £100.
• The property must be occupied.
• The ratepayer must continue to be the same as the one liable on 31st March 2017.
• The ratepayer must not be in receipt of relief under S44A (applies to property which is partially unoccupied for a short time only).
· If someone qualifies for transitional relief it will be shown on their rates bill.
Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR)
The SBRR scheme will continue into 2017/18. Properties with a rateable value up to £6,000 pay nothing. Properties with a rateable value between £6,001 and £12,000 receive tapered relief. Businesses in receipt of SBRR may also benefit from the transitional relief scheme.
If someone qualifies for small business relief it will be shown on their rates bill.
Targeted High Street Rate Relief Scheme
Welsh Government has recently announced funding of £10 million to be distributed between the 22 local authorities in Wales to provide further assistance to certain retail businesses including those which have seen their rates increase significantly as a result of the revaluation. The scheme is based on the previous Wales Retail Relief Scheme, using broadly the same exceptions and eligibility criteria to define what constitutes a retail property.
Some details of the scheme have only just been finalised but it will provide two tiers of relief. Up to £500 (tier 1) and £1,500 (tier 2) to qualifying properties with a rateable value of £50,000 or less in the financial year 2017/18.
This new High Street relief can be given in addition to SBRR and transitional relief and will be applied to the net bill after all other reliefs have been applied. Relief is given ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Context:
To scrutinise the 2016-18 Y Prentis Business Plan.
Key Issues:
Y Prentis was established in 2012 by CMC2 and Melin Homes as a ‘not for profit’ company, limited by guarantee. Y Prentis is the only Construction Industry Training Board’s (CITB) approved deliverer of shared apprenticeships in construction in South East Wales. Its vision is to ‘provide long term sustainable employment opportunities to help young people maximise their potential’ and its aim is to recruit 50 new CITB sponsored apprentices per year and 10 Y Prentis sponsored apprentices per year.
Y Prentis is clear in its priorities which are to: · Deliver more apprenticeships to meet industry need.
· Keep the pipeline of new entrants flowing.
· Develop a career offer that promotes the construction sector as a route to economic prosperity for people of all backgrounds.
· Work with CITB, schools, colleges, universities and other training providers to ensure we develop their knowledge and understanding of the construction sector’s requirements.
· Provide support to help businesses to improve their competitive edge and to take advantage of new opportunities.
· Work with the CITB, industry and government to help deliver infrastructure projects. Member Scrutiny:
· To date, Y Prentis has enabled over 160 young people into sustainable living wage apprenticeships of which 12 have been from Monmouthshire.
· In response to a Select Committee Member’s question, it was noted that the detail of the levy is still being developed. Officers are waiting for Welsh Government frameworks and advice.
· Demand is already high and is forecast to continue to be by high in the coming years in terms of skills required for the construction industry. Y Prentis is perfectly positioned to provide that service.
· A study is being undertaken via the Rural Development Programme (RDP) in terms of needs for the catering sector. There are likely to be opportunities for apprenticeships in this field and in many other areas.
· The Y Prentis Model can apply to different sectors but it is particularly suited to the construction industry and also engineering.
· In response to a Select Committee Member’s question, it was noted that Y Prentis has eight partnered colleges. Y Prentis is partnered with 60 contractors and it has in the region of 30 clients. The dialogue with colleges with regards to what is required is ongoing but does need to be taken further.
· The type of education needed to be put in place in all schools and colleges needs to be able to cater for the types of apprenticeships on offer. The education strategy is currently being reviewed. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to address these issues.
· The Y Prentis model covers the whole of the South East Wales region. Therefore, no one is excluded from the portfolio of potential projects that could factor into providing training opportunities for young people.
· In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding Y Prentis finances, it was noted that Y Prentis is operating at a surplus and has a healthy reserve to fall back on if required.
· There is ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Economy and Development Scrutiny Forward Work Programme PDF 169 KB Minutes: We scrutinised the Economy and Development Select Committee Work Programme.
In doing so, the work programme would be amended to include the organisers of the velothon attending a future meeting of the Select Committee.
We resolved to receive the report and noted its content. |
Cabinet & Council Forward Work Programme PDF 337 KB Minutes: We resolved to receive and note the Cabinet and Council Forward Work Programme. |
Next meeting Thursday 8th June 2017 at 10.00am. Minutes: The next meeting of the Economy and Development Select Committee will be held on Thursday 8th June 2017 at 10.00am. |