We welcomed Vivien Collins, Manager for Superfast Cymru and David Elsmere, Partnership Manager for Superfast Business Wales to the meeting in order to receive the following presentations:
· An update on Superfast Cymru deployment.
· An update on Superfast Business Wales.
Superfast Cymru Deployment
Statistics relating to Monmouthshire:
· Total Premises in Intervention Area - 23,290
· Total Premises Passed at 24Mbps and above - 16,596
· FTTC Premises Passed - 15,481
· FTTP Premises Passed - 1,115
· LA Intervention Area Percentage Complete - 71.26 %
· FTTC Take- up - 32.26%
· FTTP Take-up - 21.45%
· Average Download Speeds - 78Mbps
Having received a presentation regarding Superfast Cymru deployment, the Chair allowed members of the public and representatives from Llanover Community Council to outline their concerns and ask questions with regard to this matter. In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Llanover had received a presentation from BT last year. However, not one of the promises made by BT have been followed up. There appears to be no sanctions in place to ensure the completion of the promises made. In response, it was noted that BT has quarterly targets that have to be met but they are not location specific. However, BT has to meet the numbers set. If this does not happen, financial penalties are put in place.
· In response to a question raised regarding the definition of an isolated area, it was noted that there is no definition. However, the Manager for Superfast Cymru stated that with regard to specific places that are currently experiencing problems with their broadband connection, she would raise these issues with BT.
· It was noted that 96% of properties in Wales would receive broadband access other than the very remote areas within Wales. Monmouthshire is a rural County, however, it is not remote.
· Concern was expressed regarding the lack of knowledge displayed by BT when an engineer visits the Llanover area. Often, engineers rely on local knowledge to inform them of the location of the boxes and which property is connected to which box. This happens regularly. It appears that this information is not held for the next time that an engineer visits a particular location. The Manager for Superfast Cymru stated that this matter would be taken back to BT.
· A property in Llanover has three BT lines for three different businesses. However, not one of the lines receives reliable broadband provision. This is affecting the efficiency of the businesses. The property is only located two miles from the main highway. The resident is paying for two broadband lines but is not receiving an adequate service. The Manager for Superfast Cymru agreed to take the details of the property and would obtain a response from BT.
· It was noted that the farming community needs to have a reliable broadband provision as certain data and grant claims can only be submitted to government departments online.
· The landlord of a public house in Upper Llanover is experiencing similar problems with unreliable broadband provision which is having a detrimental effect on his business. The Manager for Superfast Cymru stated that she would take away the specifics of this issue and pass them on to BT.
· Two of the major sectors in Monmouthshire are tourism and farming which are being negatively impacted upon by the lack of good quality broadband provision.
· It was considered that Welsh Government should insist on the provision of a minimum broadband speed with a view to ensuring a consistent service.
· The Manager for Superfast Cymru stated that for those areas without broadband provision to date and which may not be in the programme, these areas can apply for an Access Broadband Cymru (ABC) Grant.
Members’ Scrutiny
· Surveys for the Raglan area have been returned and the main issues here are the poor broadband service that is being provided.
· With regard to the next steps, it was noted that on completion of the current contract in 2017, during the last six months the aim is to go out to procurement to take the network further. The Minister has earmarked a £80M budget for the next three to five years.
· Areas that are not located within the Intervention area may apply for an Access Broadband Cymru (ABC) Grant.
· Communities that are not located within the Intervention area would need to write to the Minister requesting that they be included.
· A public consultation exercise will be held at the beginning of May 2017 for one month. This will allow communities to check whether they have been included in the Intervention area. This will be via a premises level and not a post code level.
· With regard to individual inquiries, the Authority is holding a database for those premises that have an issue, to register. Some pilot schemes are currently running. One of these is for TV white space which uses analogue television signals for broadband. The other pilot scheme is AB Internet. The funding for the AB Internet pilot scheme, which includes Llanover, came directly from the UK Government.
· With regard to cabling, it was noted that cabling can be installed but is not live. When it does become live, which can take up to two to three months, BT will then start contacting residents. There is an availability checker on the Welsh Government Website. Communications regarding this information is not common. BT need to be made aware of this issue.
· The EcoPOP system uses renewable energy to power the AB internet system. However, there have been some issues regarding reliability of this system which has been noted.
· Monmouthshire was one of the first regions in Wales to receive fibre cabling but is the last region to be connected.
· The new housing estates in Monmouth have fibre cabling. Other areas within Monmouth rely on copper cabling with slower speeds.
· Concern was expressed that the contract with BT relies on the number of connections provided. Therefore, BT will go to the areas that are easier to connect rather than going to the areas that necessarily require connection sooner. It was considered that the contract needed to be reviewed.
· The upcoming City Deal and the reduction in the tolls on the Severn Bridge is good news. Therefore, enquires are being made by businesses with regard to the opportunities and availability for new business locations in Monmouthshire. However, Monmouthshire has the worst broadband provision in Wales which is having a negative impact on existing businesses and businesses looking to establish locations within the County.
· It was noted that without the intervention area over 16,000 premises within Monmouthshire would not have received the service.
· With regard to the numbers targets, it was noted that BT is required to go to a number of specific postcodes which are identified as priority areas. These areas are determined at the beginning of the project and are known as value zones and are located in the more hard to reach areas. BT have to reach 100% of these value zones.
· It was advised that the County Council and the Town and Community Councils within Monmouthshire should write to the Welsh Government Minister and ensure that they are vocal in the public consultation exercise for the next phase.
· An invitation to attend a future meeting of the Select Committee should be extended to the Minister to hear the concerns directly.
· Monmouthshire is currently at 71% broadband coverage. New figures will be available at the end of May 2017.
· It was considered that rural communities were missing out on broadband provision even though funding for broadband provision in rural communities has been made available.
· Concern was expressed that broadband provision in Monmouthshire was poor and needed to be brought up to the same standard as other counties within Wales. This message would be taken back to BT.
· The consultation process will be available on line and also via post.
· Many residents are paying for Superfast Broadband but are connected to the wrong Cabinets and are paying for a service that they cannot access. This matter would be taken back to BT.
· In response to a question raised, it was noted that some of the premises left are those where a connection is expensive to install. There is a finite budget for the programme. The aim is to get as many premises passed as possible. Therefore, some of the very expensive premises will be outside the programme. There is also a contract clause which states that if it is likely to cost more than £1700 to go to a single property then BT has to go to the Welsh Government to ask permission to go to the property or whether BT should go to an area that will provide better value for money.
· Contrary to information provided regarding Superfast Broadband provision in Devauden, it was noted that this service had not been installed in the village and residents were still waiting to be connected.
· BT had put in a claim on a monthly basis for a number of premises under a number of exchanges. There are two full time consultants who investigate whether the information provided by BT is technically correct. 20% of premises are then physically checked to ensure that the connections are correct. This includes download speeds.
Superfast Business Wales
Member Scrutiny:
· There are five workshops that will be held in Monmouthshire.
· With each of the local authorities, Superfast business Wales has a delivery plan which is a working document.
· Part of the workshop delivery is live via websites so good broadband connectivity is required to demonstrate the programme.
· Breakfast events are also held.
· Liaison with the County Council is key to ensuring success and the Authority is very supportive of the programme.
· The Select Committee would welcome a progress update in a few years.
Committee’s Conclusion:
· There are opportunities to influence improvements.
· Answers to the questions raised are required.
· The approach being taken by BT is actively damaging to the County because we are falling behind the rest of Wales.
· We need to ensure that we are supporting our rural communities, businesses and tourism by building up the digital infrastructure which needs to be effective and fit for purpose for the future.
· Be aware of the consultation period which commences in May 2017 and to act accordingly.
· Members to receive a map of Monmouthshire identifying areas within the County, at a premises level, that are receiving a satisfactory broadband provision.
· The Chair will write on behalf of the Select Committee, capturing the issues discussed today and send to the Minister with a request that the Minister attends a future meeting of the Select Committee to answer questions regarding this matter.