Agenda item

Y Prentis




To scrutinise the 2016-18 Y Prentis Business Plan.


Key Issues:


Y Prentis was established in 2012 by CMC2 and Melin Homes as a ‘not for profit’ company, limited by guarantee.  Y Prentis is the only Construction Industry Training Board’s (CITB) approved deliverer of shared apprenticeships in construction in South East Wales. Its vision is to ‘provide long term sustainable employment opportunities to help young people maximise their potential’ and its aim is to recruit 50 new CITB sponsored apprentices per year and 10 Y Prentis sponsored apprentices per year.


Y Prentis is clear in its priorities which are to:

·         Deliver more apprenticeships to meet industry need.


·         Keep the pipeline of new entrants flowing.


·         Develop a career offer that promotes the construction sector as a route to economic prosperity for people of all backgrounds.


·         Work with CITB, schools, colleges, universities and other training providers to ensure we develop their knowledge and understanding of the construction sector’s requirements.


·         Provide support to help businesses to improve their competitive edge and to take advantage of new opportunities.


·         Work with the CITB, industry and government to help deliver infrastructure projects.

Member Scrutiny:


·         To date, Y Prentis has enabled over 160 young people into sustainable living wage apprenticeships of which 12 have been from Monmouthshire.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question, it was noted that the detail of the levy is still being developed.  Officers are waiting for Welsh Government frameworks and advice.


·         Demand is already high and is forecast to continue to be by high in the coming years in terms of skills required for the construction industry.  Y Prentis is perfectly positioned to provide that service.


·         A study is being undertaken via the Rural Development Programme (RDP) in terms of needs for the catering sector.  There are likely to be opportunities for apprenticeships in this field and in many other areas.


·         The Y Prentis Model can apply to different sectors but it is particularly suited to the construction industry and also engineering.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question, it was noted that Y Prentis has eight partnered colleges.  Y Prentis is partnered with 60 contractors and it has in the region of 30 clients.  The dialogue with colleges with regards to what is required is ongoing but does need to be taken further. 


·         The type of education needed to be put in place in all schools and colleges needs to be able to cater for the types of apprenticeships on offer. The education strategy is currently being reviewed. Therefore, this is a good opportunity to address these issues.


·         The Y Prentis model covers the whole of the South East Wales region.  Therefore, no one is excluded from the portfolio of potential projects that could factor into providing training opportunities for young people.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding Y Prentis finances, it was noted that Y Prentis is operating at a surplus and has a healthy reserve to fall back on if required. 


·         There is a close working relationship being undertaken with Careers Wales with regard to advising young people.  It was noted that Costain was currently working on the Heads of the Valleys Dualling between Gilwern and Brynmawr and were encouraging the public to visit the site.  Schools should be encouraged to take students to the site.  It was noted that this matter had been identified and there was an appetite to follow this matter through.


Committee’s Conclusion:


  • The Economy Committee at the Welsh Assembly has an ongoing inquiry regarding apprenticeships.  Monmouthshire County Council could put forward its view with regard to this matter with a view to helping to shape national policy.




Supporting documents: