Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr USK. View directions
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Public Open Forum Scrutiny Committee Public Open Forum ~ Guidance
Our Scrutiny Committee meetings are live streamed and a link to the live stream will be available on the meeting page of the Monmouthshire County Council website
If you would like to share your thoughts on any proposals being discussed by Scrutiny Committees, you can submit your representation in advance via this form
· Please share your views by uploading a video or audio file (maximum of 4 minutes) or; · Please submit a written representation (via Microsoft Word, maximum of 500 words)
The deadline for submitting representations to the Council is 5pm three clear working days in advance of the meeting.
If representations received exceed 30 minutes, a selection of these based on theme will be shared at the Scrutiny Committee meeting. All representations received will be made available to councillors prior to the meeting. If you would like to attend one of our meetings to speak under the Public Open Forum at the meeting, you will need to give three working days’ notice by contacting . The amount of time afforded to
each member of the public to speak is at the chair’s
discretion, but to enable us to accommodate multiple speakers, we
ask that contributions be no longer than 3
Minutes: No submissions were received. |
Scrutiny of the School Catchment Review Minutes: Matt Jones, the Manager of the Access Unit presented proposals relating to primary school catchment areas and the consultation process for changing some of the catchments in Monmouthshire. He explained that the proposal was to change the catchment for Tredunnock, Llanhennock and Llandegvedd, which currently have Charles Williams Primary School in Newport as their catchment school. The consultation proposed to align these areas with Monmouthshire primary catchment and Monmouth Comprehensive School, which is their secondary catchment, so that Monmouthshire children have equal access to a Monmouthshire school. The consultation was launched in January and closed recently, and the final decision will be made by the cabinet on the 10th of April, based on a report that will include the details of the consultation responses.
Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni relocation To scrutinise the proposal during the consultation period. Additional documents: Minutes: Matt Jones presented the second report which concerned the proposal to increase the capacity of Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni by relocating it to the former Deri View Primary School site. He explained the background, the statutory process, and the consultation arrangements. He explained that the proposal to relocate the Welsh medium primary school from its current site to the former Deri View Primary School site, which would increase its capacity to 420 places. The proposal is part of the 21st century schools programme and aims to meet the demand for Welsh medium education in the Abergavenny area. The consultation process is ongoing and the cabinet will decide in April whether to proceed to the next stages of the statutory process. The committee was asked to give their views on the proposal and any feedback to the cabinet.
The Committee undertook thorough scrutiny of the proposal for relocating Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni and offered its support.
People Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes:
Minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 2024 23rd January 2024
6th February 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Confirmed. |
Next Meeting Minutes: 16th April 2024 at 10am. |