Venue: Mathern Village Hall, Mathern, Chepstow
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Minutes:
We elected County Councillor A.E. Webb as Chair of the Lower Wye Area Committee. |
Appointment of Vice Chairman Minutes:
We appointed County Councillor D. Dovey as the Vice Chair of the Lower Wye Area Committee. |
Declarations of interest Minutes:
There were no declarations of interest. |
To receive the notes of the inquorate meeting dated 29th April 2015 Minutes:
We received the notes of the inquorate meeting dated 29th April 2015. |
Conservation matters in the Lower Wye Area Minutes:
The committee welcomed the Conservation Manager, who had been invited to discuss conservation and heritage with members.
Issues were raised in relation to the following areas:
· High Trees · Rosedale · Garden City · Mount Pleasant · Shop Signage
The officer welcomed site visits with local members to discuss issues and confirmed that further information would be obtained and each case considered individually.
Concerns of the committee related to decisions being made in areas, which affected the look of the town. There was a need for a clear approach to conservation and related issues, with the local authority and town councils.
We thanked officers for attending and noted that an update would be provided on issues raised.
Chepstow Bridge Minutes:
We welcomed Mr John Burrows, who presented information regarding the 200 year celebration of Chepstow Bridge, which included the prominence and importance of the bridge within the town.
The committee were informed that in celebration and to mark the significance of the bridge, members were encouraged to attend the event, which would be a re-enactment of the original opening ceremony.
The event would be held on 24th July 2016.
Members welcomed the information and recognised the importance and history of the bridge.
We agreed that the issue would be discussed with group leaders and Mr Burrows invited to address the next County Council meeting.
Lower Wye Area Transport and travel update Minutes:
We welcomed the Passenger Transport Unit Manager and the Transport Planning and Policy Officer.
The committee were updated regarding recent bus service changes to the 74 service and how services were being managed in the interim. The services were currently running approximately every two hours and it was anticipated that this would be reduced to only one hour between services.
In response to concerns raised by members regarding demands for people to attend hospital, we were advised that there was a service to Newport and the Grass Routes services could also be utilised for this.
The authority were restricted in some aspects, as the 73 and 74 services were commercial.
Members recognised that many fascinating and complex issues were being addressed by officers. Officers welcomed information from members regarding any co-financed projects, as there could be funding available.
The Vice-Chair highlighted that the Strategic Transport Group had been set up for issues, which would be considered on a Countywide basis. It was important that this was utilised as a method of managing and centralising any transport issues.
We thanked officers for attending and updating the committee.
Caerwent Offsite recreation fund Minutes:
The Community Infrastructure Coordinator presented a report, the purpose of which was to consult with members of the Lower Wye Area Committee and members of Caerwent Community Council on proposals for the allocation of the off-site recreation funding made available by the County Council as a result of the development of new housing at Merton Green, Caerwent.
The County Council had agreed for funds to be used for off-site recreation projects that benefit the community of Caerwent. An amount of the sum was used as a contribution to the new regional 3G pitch in Caldicot.
The report contained recommendations as to how the funding should be allocated (3G Contribution, Crick Environmental Group, Old Gym Community Centre and Caerwent Playing Fields Association) and members were invited to express their views prior to recommendations being considered and final decision being made by Cabinet.
Members recognised the importance of consultation and recommended that local member views should be obtained.
We received and noted the report.
We received a paper which presented the Format for Delivering Whole Place.
The committee highlighted the need for all members to be part of the Whole Place process and welcomed further information regarding Whole Place in Lower Wye.
Clarification was requested regarding the £5000 funding and whether this would be allocated by the area committee. |
To agree the Lower Wye Work Programme for 2015-16 Minutes:
Items suggested for the future work programme, included:
· Police · Cyclist Group |
Date and time of next meeting Minutes:
We agreed the date and time of next meeting as Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 10.00am.