Agenda and minutes

Severnside Area Committee (2020) - Wednesday, 24th October, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: Undy Church and Community Hall, Church Road, Undy, Caldicot. NP26 3EN

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations made by Members.


Confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 79 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2018 were confirmed and signed by the chair.


In doing so it was noted that Counillor Alan Davies had been appointed as Vice Chair.  Councillor Guppy had given apologies.


Public Open Forum


Councillor Frank Rowberry raised concerns regarding the Cross at Caldicot specifically relating to the upcoming Remembrance Service.  The Head of Operations will take the concerns back to officers and seek assurance that the work will be finished.




Town Team Update


Town Centre Seating


Two of the new seating areas are in place, one between Asda and Waitrose, and one on the flagstone area outside Waitrose, Another two areas are to be looked at on a future date.


Street Food


There had been over 1500 people attending over the course of two events.  Local businesses had benefitted from a boost in profits.  Town Team are looking to expand these events next year.



Family Fun Day / 999 Day


Again, these events had been successful with a good turn-out.  Town Team are looking to run these events again next year.


Hoggin the Bridge


The event had been a success, with no congestion.  The new venue shows lots of potential.  Figures were being finalised but it was confirmed that Section 106 Funds had not been used.


There had been significantly less bikers than previous years, mainly due to clashing with the Distinguished Gentlemen Ride event.  Town Team are looking at dates for next year to avoid the same happening. 


The new route had proved successful, and they would look to put on a shuttle bus for next year’s event.


There had been some negative comments on social media, but there had been a great deal of positivity, and the majority were happy with the event.  The main focus was the valid concerns of those who had attended.


Upcoming Events


Winter Market – maybe indoors weather permitting, in the Store 21.  It was confirmed that Aldi or Lidl would not be moving into this space.


Christmas Market and Light Switch On.


Quiz night for local businesses and public – opportunity for a Council team?


A full report on expenditure would be ready in the next few weeks.


Car Care are moving premises to the large Concord unit imminently.






Area Grants


The Committee welcomed Andy Smith, Strategic Investment and Funding Manager who advised that since the last meeting there had been just one application, which had unfortunately been ineligible.  Alternative suggestions had been offered but the officer was unsure if the alternative sources had been utilised.


Statistics are being collated, and a report will be presented to Cabinet in due course.


It was confirmed that the £5000 area grant allowance is still in place, and applications are welcomed.  The officer agreed to provide further information to Members to aid the application process.


Members were reminded that PTAs can apply for the grant on behalf of schools.






Road Safety/Traffic Update


The Head of Operation attended to address traffic issues, and referred to the Capita B4245 Traffic and Transportation Review Road Safety Report.  He advised that the Paul Keeble, Group Engineer, would be best placed to respond, but was unable to attend the meeting. 


We were advised there is a second report due to be issued and it was advisable to consider both reports together.


MAGCP expressed frustrations regarding speed watch equipment, and thoughts that police were being obstructive.  Councillor Dymock agreed to write to the PCC o behalf of MAGCP.


4245 Traffic and Transportation TrafficaReview

Road Safety ReportB4245 Traffic and Transportation Review

Road Safety ReportB4245 Traffic and Transportation Review

Road Safety Report


Magor Station Update


We welcomed Paul Turner and Christian Schmidt who provided an update on Magor Station.


We were informed that a small number of residents were concerned with car parking but the group were aiming to change culture and mindset.  A study will be undertaken to mitigate problems.


GRIP 3 was progressing, and a recent publicity event had seen a good turn out with speakers, Sophie Howe, Paul Matthews and Kellie Beirne.  People had seemed impressed.  It was hoped that Network Rail will complete their GRIP 3 work by March 2019.  GRIP 4 is detail and design stage, 6,7 and 8 will be construction and delivery.


Transport for Wales is working on a South Wales main line study, and are aware of Magor Station and assume it will happen.


The station will be DDA compliant.


In terms of prevention of funding, it is a competitive bidding system, but there is a lot of political support.


The Committee will remain updated.




Confirm date and time of next meeting as 10am on 23rd January 2019

