Venue: Council Chamber - Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: We elected Mr. T. Auld as Chair.
It was noted that the Chair for the next Council term would be elected at the Standards Committee held in June 2017.
We welcomed new members, Mr. R. McGonigle and Mr. R. Stow to the Committee.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 19th September 2016 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Standards Committee held on 19th September 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
In response to a question raised at the meeting, we heard that there had been no instances of cases being referred to another Standards Committee.
Monitoring Officer to undertake training on Code of Conduct with Members of Standards Committee Minutes: The Monitoring Officer undertook Code of Conduct training with members of Standards Committee. The same training would be undertaken with the new Council following the May election.
Members were provided with a presentation of the Member Induction Wales 2017, with examples of breaches of the Code of Conduct.
It was suggested that the Register of Interests be added as an agenda item for a future meeting.
We heard that guidance on the use of social media would be circulated to the new cohort.
Members were also provided with guidance, and exercises, on Personal Interests.
Following the training Members agreed that the training received today will be appropriate for the new Council. The Monitoring Officer intends to hold several sessions to ensure all undertake. In terms of training for Town and Community Councils, the intention is to hold a couple of sessions in both the North and South of the County.
It was suggested that attendees sign an attendance sheet on leaving the training session to ensure detail of those who attend the whole session.
To note the date and time of next meeting. Minutes: We noted the date of the next meeting as 12th June 2017. However, the Council Diary is to be confirmed at Council 20th March 2017.
It was agreed that future meetings be held at 10.00am. |