Venue: Steve Greenslade Room, County Hall, Usk
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: A paper on exploring how to improve MCC’s offer to foster carers has already been presented to DMT and is being further worked on to identify a more detailed funding profile. The purpose of this report is to outline a proposal within the paper referred to above for Monmouthshire County Council to create a policy that supports its employees who are existing foster carers or wish to become a foster carer through offering an appropriate leave entitlement. The policy would apply to all employees who foster directly with Monmouthshire County Council or other Local Authority, with the exception of those working in maintained schools under the direct control of a School Governing Body. Monmouthshire County Council would support the adoption of this policy to individual Governing Bodies. The report also advocates for provision to be made within the Council’s Special Leave policy for Special Guardians who are employees of Monmouthshire County Council.
Author:Charlotte Drury
Decision: That Cabinet consider proposals for implementing a Foster Friendly policy and agree next steps. |
2023/24 REVENUE AND CAPITAL MONITORING - MONTH 6 PDF 317 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose:To provide Cabinet with an update of the progress of the Councils revenue budget for the 2023/24 financial year, based on actual expenditure incurred at the end of Month 6 (September), and overlaid with the most up to date budget information up until the time of publishing.
Author: Jonathan S. Davies, Head of Finance (Deputy Section 151 Officer)
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet note the overall revenue budget deficit forecast at month 6 of £284k, a deterioration of £160k since the previous forecast.
That Cabinet note the forecast 87% delivery of the £12.3m budgeted service savings for the year, resulting in a £1.6m deficit that is needing to be managed as part of the overall revenue budget. The overall level of budgeted savings includes the additional in-year budget recovery action of £2.1m as recommended by Cabinet as part of the Month 5 report.
That Cabinet note the ongoing budgetary risks that remain inbuilt into the month 6 forecast, namely;
Ø The volatility of demand for high-cost services, particularly in Adults & Childrens Social Care and Homelessness; Ø The risk of further non-delivery of the £12.3m of budgeted savings targets; Ø The severely limited reserve cover available to the Council; Ø The continued pressure on both UK and Welsh Government budgets, and wider challenging economic environment; Ø The potential shortfall in funding of the increased responsibilities transferred to Councils, particularly within Universal Free School Meals and Homelessness that have the potential to further impact forecasts if a suitable funding resolution is not achieved. That Cabinet note that the negotiation of national pay agreements for Local Government employees has concluded, and that the outcome is in line with previous budget forecasts.
That Cabinet note the forecast draw on schools delegated balances as outlined in Appendix 1 of this report of £3.76m, with school balances forecast to reduce to £494k by the end of the financial year and with fifteen schools now forecast to be in a deficit balance.
That Cabinet note a forecast Capital budget underspend of £2.19m, alongside an indication of slippage in capital schemes of £9.2m. The £2.19m underspend is in relation to the Asset Investment Fund budget that is funded by borrowing and does not therefore represent a usable surplus budget.
That Cabinet approve the capital budget revisions as outlined in Appendix 3 as a result of additional unbudgeted grant allocations notified since the beginning of the year, and a required draw on Section 106 major maintenance sums to fund required works.
Purpose:To provide cabinet with an overview of the current strategic risks facing the authority.
Author:Richard Jones, Performance and Data Insight Manager Hannah Carter, Performance Analyst
Decision: That Cabinet members review the strategic risk assessment, provided in appendix 1, and assess whether the assessment provided is a realistic and evidenced appraisal of the strategic risks facing the authority over the next three years |
Purpose:The School Admissions Code Wales (July 2013) places a requirement on Local Authorities to consult on its school admissions policy on an annual basis. The purpose of this report is to advise Members of a desire to enter into a more extensive consultation in order to seek the views of the wider community on some changes proposed to primary school catchment areas.
Author: Matt Jones, Access Unit Manager
Additional documents:
Decision: That Members acknowledge the attached consultation document (appendix 1) and agree that a review of primary school catchment areas should be undertaken on a rolling programme to ensure their suitability moving forward.
To agree to enter into a consultation that proposes amendments to the primary school catchment area for the areas of Tredunnock, Llanhennock and Llandegveth (appendix 2), which proposes that the affected areas have a catchment school that is within the county.
That Cabinet agreed not to proceed with the consultation as stated in recommendation 2.3 contained within the report.
KING HENRY VIII 3 - 19 SCHOOL FUNDING FORMULA PDF 349 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to update Cabinet with the consultation feedback regarding the proposed fair funding formula for King Henry 3 – 19 School in Abergavenny.
Author: Nikki Wellington – Support Services Manager
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approve the proposed changes for King Henry 3 – 19 school wit effect from 1st April 2025. |