Venue: County Hall, Usk - Remote Attendance
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence. |
Declarations of Interest. |
To consider the following reports (Copies attached): |
EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT SERVICE (EAS) BUSINESS PLAN (2022-2025) PDF 180 KB Division/wards affected: All
Purpose: This report seeks agreement from members for the EAS Business Plan 2022-2025.
Author: Debbie Harteveld (Managing Director EAS)
Contact Details:
Edward Pryce (Assistant Director, EAS) Additional documents: Decision: Cabinet approves the EAS Business Plan 2022-2025. |
Purpose: To provide Members with an updated forecast of the revenue and capital outturn position for the current financial year.
This report will also be considered by Select Committees as part of their responsibility to,
• assess whether effective budget monitoring is taking place, • monitor the extent to which budgets are spent in accordance with agreed budget and policy framework, • challenge the reasonableness of projected over or underspends, and • monitor the achievement of predicted efficiency gains or progress in relation to savings proposals.
To provide an update on the financial impact of Covid-19 on the Council. Authors:
Peter Davies, Chief Officer for Resources (Section 151 officer)
Jonathan Davies, Acting Assistant Head of Finance (Deputy S151 officer)
Additional documents:
Decision: · That Cabinet recognises a forecast surplus of £2.182m at year-end on the Council’s core service delivery, a significant improvement in the forecast outturn position since month 6 of £4.122m.
· That Cabinet note that the improvement in the forecast outturn has arisen both through continuing budget recovery action and more significantly through the notification of substantial further and late specific grant funding to be received from Welsh Government before the year-end.
· That Cabinet recognises the importance of a positive outturn position being achieved for 2021/22, in that it safeguards and now forecasts to contribute to limited one-off reserve headroom retained to assist with meeting the unpredictable financial challenges over the medium term, and where uncertainty still remains to the extent of future pressures and the funding available to meet these challenges.
· That Cabinet recognises that currently the overall net revenue forecast surplus at month 9 is £310k, as this takes account of a further forecast deficit of £1.872m that is directly associated with the extraordinary financial pressures attached to Covid-19. If, as expected the £1.872m is fully recovered from the WG Covid-19 hardship fund the overall surplus would be that on core service delivery of £2.182m.
· That Cabinet can be reasonably assured based on commitments from Welsh Government, that all Covid-19 associated cost pressures and income losses that are eligible to be met by the Welsh Government Covid-19 Hardship fund will be funded to the end of March 2022.
· That Cabinet note that there remains significant Covid-19 related cost pressures and income losses forecast after the end of March 2022 and that these have been assessed and incorporated where required into the final budget proposals for 2022/23.
· That Cabinet recognise that the current budget forecast allows for an estimated non-teaching pay award for 2021/22 of 1.75%. The outcome of pay negotiations is awaited and in the event that the agreed pay award is above this estimate, that this will present a further budgetary pressure. Welsh Government have been clear that no compensating funding is anticipated and given that the Minister confirmed via the final settlement that this already took into account any subsequent pay awards.
· That Members note that the overall revenue outturn position continues to be subsidised by £2.2m of capital receipts which are being used to fund identified eligible expenditure under the flexible use of capital receipts directive.
· That Members note the forecast 93% delivery of the budgeted mandated savings as detailed in appendix 3 and as agreed by full Council previously and the implicit remedial action/savings included in the financial outturn to compensate for circa 7% savings (£309k) reported as delayed or unachievable by service managers.
· Cabinet notes the extent of forecast improvements in school balances contained in table 4 and appendix 1 which is informed and driven by the extent to which significant and unprecedented late grant support provided by Welsh Government to schools at the end of 2020/21 exceeded the impact of school investment plans, and notably further receipt of unbudgeted grant support notified since ... view the full decision text for item 3b |
Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To update Cabinet with the consultation responses to the draft budget proposals issued by them on the 19th January in respect of the Capital and Revenue budgets for 2022/23. To update members with implications arising from the Provisional Local Government Settlement announcement of the Welsh Government as well as providing update with regards to the awaited Final Settlement announcement. To make recommendations to Council on the Capital and Revenue budgets and level of Council Tax for 2022/23. To receive the Responsible Financial Officer’s Prudential Indicator calculations for capital financing. To receive the statutory report of the Responsible Financial Officer on the budget process and the adequacy of reserves.
Authors: Peter Davies – Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Officer for Resources (S151 officer) Jonathan Davies – (Acting) Assistant Head of Finance (Deputy S151 officer) Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet considers the responses to consultation and recommends to Council:
a) The 2022/23 revenue budget as attached in Appendix H2.
b) The 2022/23 to 2025/26 capital programme as attached in Appendix I1.
That Cabinet acknowledges that the final budget proposals proposed look to support the priorities of the council and specifically seek to recognise:
a) All pay and pension related spending pressures in our schooling system, up to a threshold of a 3% pay award.
b) The increasing demand on schools and the Local Education Authority of pupils with additional learning needs.
c) The increasing complexity of cases being placed on our children’s social services in respect of looked after children and for whom the Council acts as corporate parent.
d) The growing impact of an ageing population on adult social services and the challenges that result from a fragile and unsustainable social care market in Wales.
e) Significant service pressures within the passenger transport unit and within recycling and waste and that look to ensure that the Council supports and sustains key service delivery.
f) Responding to the needs of homelessness with housing related support.
g) Further investment in our Highways and transport infrastructure alongside our IT and network estate.
That a 2.95% increase in the Band “D” equivalent Council Tax is used as the planning assumption in the budget model and to apply for County purposes in 2022/23, reduced from the previous proposed increase of 3.95% and as a result of public consultation.
That Cabinet approves the revised saving and pressure proposals, updated following public consultation, scrutiny and more up to date information being made available since the draft proposals were released on consultation on 19th January 2022.
That Cabinet recommends the additional capital investment of £4.84m for 2022/23 and a further £4.38m over indicative capital budgets from 2023/24 to 2025/26 and as identified in Appendix I2.
That Cabinet recommends Council to dispose of assets identified in the exempt background paper at best value. That Cabinet considers the Responsible Financial Officer’s report on the robustness of the budget process and the adequacy of reserves issued under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 2003, together with an assessment of the current and future financial risks facing the Council.
That Cabinet adopts the Responsible Financial Officer’s report on Prudential Indicators.
That Cabinet approves that:
a) Further work is undertaken to develop a balanced Medium Term Financial Plan.
b) Regular review is undertaken of the MTFP to ensure it remains up to date, and that it includes an assessment of evidence based pressures and risks, underlying modelling assumptions and the ongoing affordability implications of the Corporate Plan. |
HOUSING INVESTMENT FUND - Funding Agreement for £5.21m from the Cardiff Capital Region PDF 265 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: 1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement from Cabinet for Monmouthshire County Council to enter into a funding agreement jointly with Vistry Group for £5.21 million Housing Investment Fund from the Cardiff Capital Region.
Authors: Craig O’Connor - Head of Planning Denzil Turbervill - Commercial Solicitor
Contact Details: Additional documents: Decision: The key terms of the funding agreement and guarantee as set out within the report are endorsed, and Cabinet provides delegation to the Chief Officer Enterprise and Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Officer Resource in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members to enter into the agreements with Vistry Group when the final documents are completed. |
Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To receive an update on the UK Government Levelling Up Fund, Levelling Up White Paper and UK Shared Prosperity Fund Pre-Launch Guidance.
Author: Frances O’Brien, Chief Officer Enterprise
Contact Details:
Decision: Cabinet to agree to the re-submission and revision of bids to the Levelling Up Fund (round 2) for Caldicot and Monmouth when this is launched by UK Government in Spring 2022 following the receipt of feedback received from the UK Government Department.
Cabinet to approve the development of a transport bid based around projects identified through the Chepstow Transport Study for the Levelling Up Fund round 2 and continue to progress all aspects of the study to continue to develop an integrated solution for the area.
Cabinet to agree to the consideration of a further report regarding funding options if our submission to Welsh Government under the Local Transport Fund to progress the next stage study (WELTAG3/WEBTAG3) for an improved road link/ bypass in Chepstow is unsuccessful or does not secure the necessary funding alongside partner contributions.
Cabinet to consider information received on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to date and to agree to the early establishment of a citizen focussed, Local Partnership to inform the preparation and development of an Investment Plan.
Cabinet to agree to the promotion and support to local voluntary and community groups to bid into the second round of the Community Ownership Fund. |
Purpose: To seek cabinet approval to amend the funding formula for delegating funds to schools to support pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN).
Author: Nikki Wellington – Support Services Manager CYP
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approves an amendment to the Additional Learning Needs formula to delegate funding to schools. This funding will be delegated based on proposal 1, 70% pupil numbers and 30% on the current band D and E (additional learning needs).
The changes to the funding are implemented for the 2022-23 budget from 1st April 2022. |
CHILDCARE SUFFICIENCY ASSESSMENT 2022-27 PDF 399 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To inform Members of the current situation regarding childcare in Monmouthshire. To fulfil our statutory duty to complete a detailed Childcare Sufficiency Assessment(CSA) every five years. To identify any potential gaps in childcare provision or barriers preventing families from accessing childcare and to develop an action plan to address these issues. Author: Sue Hall - Early Years Manager
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: To approve the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2022-27 for submission to the Welsh Government.
To utilise existing resources and grant funding to address the gaps highlighted through the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment and develop additional childcare, where necessary, in line with the action plan. |
Purpose: To seek Cabinet approval to progress to full application and acceptance of the Sport Wales and Football Association of Wales WG Development grants programme for funding to upgrade the outdoor playing facilities and pitches at Chepstow Comprehensive School and Leisure Centre and to receive an update on further investment into the Leisure Centre facilities.
Authors: Ian Saunders, Chief Operating Officer MonLife Nicholas John, Leisure Services Manager
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approve a capital budget of £101,907 (19% contribution) to be created in the 2021/22 financial year from the Council’s Capital Match Funding budget to match fund the upgrade and improvements of the outdoor playing facilities and pitches at Chepstow Comprehensive School and Leisure Centre, the remainder of the project costs, £433,058 (81% of total costs), being sourced through external grant funding.
That Cabinet agree that Officers progress and deliver the project, through partners Alliance Leisure and the UK Leisure Framework.
That Cabinet note the ongoing investments at Chepstow Leisure Centre, which when completed will represent a total investment of more than £1.6 million, including carbon reduction improvements to the leisure centre and outdoor facilities, upgrade of health and fitness equipment and the improvements to the outdoor playing facilities and pitches, as detailed in 3.2 of the report. |
Purpose: To update cabinet on the Active Travel progress and whole funding overview
Authors: Ian Saunders - Chief Operating Officer, MonLife Paul Sullivan - Youth, Sport and Active Travel Manager, MonLife
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet to endorse active travel progress. To acknowledge the Council’s ambition in recognising the importance in helping to address key longer term commitments on reducing carbon levels and health and wellbeing improvements. |
CASTLE DELL PLAY AREA, CHEPSTOW PDF 1 MB Division/Wards Affected: All Chepstow Wards
Purpose: To seek Cabinet approval to submit an application to the People and Places Programme of the Big Lottery for funding to upgrade the children’s play area at Castle Dell Chepstow.
Author: Mike Moran, Community Infrastructure Coordinator
Decision: That Cabinet agrees to submit an application to the National Lottery Community Fund for a grant to upgrade the children’s play area at Castle Dell, Chepstow, working in collaboration with the Friends of Dell Park Chepstow.
That a reserve commitment of £25,000 is made from the Council’s 2021/22 Capital Match Funding budget and that is held pending the necessary external funding sources being secured to enable the scheme to proceed. |
ABERGAVENNY VELO PARK PDF 1007 KB Division/Wards Affected: Abergavenny and Llanfoist Wards
Purpose: To receive an update on the Abergavenny Velo Park project and to commit S106 capital resources to the project in 2022/23.
Author: Mike Moran, Community Infrastructure Coordinator
Contact Details:
That a capital budget of £492,000 be created in the 2021/22 financial year to fund the construction of the first phase of the Abergavenny velo park and that this is funded by:
a) Contributions from balances held by the council from the S106 Agreements relating to the Westgate (£168,160 – Finance Code N560) and Gavenny Gate (£231,840 – Finance Code N581) developments in Llanfoist.
b) A further S106 contribution of £92,000 be added to the above budget, when received, from the residential development site at Grove Farm, Llanfoist.
That the Council continues to work with other partner agencies to support a community group to form and subsequently source and apply for further capital funding from external sources that contribute to the development costs of the second and third phases of the Abergavenny Velo Park project.
That commitment of any expenditure from the above sums is subject to the submission and approval of a satisfactory management agreement with a supporting business plan for the proposed new velo park; such approval being delegated to the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the council’s S151 Officer.
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to present to Cabinet for approval the 2022/23 Investment and Fund strategy for Trust Funds for which the Authority acts as sole or custodian trustee for adoption and to approve the 2022/23 grant allocation to Local Authority beneficiaries of the Welsh Church Fund.
Authors: Dave Jarrett – Senior Accountant Business Support Nicola Wellington – Children & Young People Finance Manager
Contact Details: Additional documents: Decision: That the proposed Investment and Fund Strategy for 2022/23 for the Monmouthshire Farm School Endowment Trust Fund as set by the Trust be endorsed.
That the proposed Investment and Fund Strategy for 2022/23 for the Welsh Church Fund be approved.
To delegate responsibility for the execution and administration of treasury management decisions to the Deputy CEO and Chief Officer for Resources (S151 officer) who will act in accordance with the Investment and Funds Strategy (appendix 2).
To approve the 2022/23 grant allocation to Local Authority beneficiaries to the Monmouthshire Welsh Church Act Fund of £190,000 to be distributed in accordance with population data in the draft Local Government Settlement 2022/23.
To note that the Monmouthshire Farm School Trust Board determined the 2022/23 grant allocation for the year in July 2021. However, this is reviewed at every meeting to ensure that the grants offered do not exceed previous years’ investment return at the end of March 2021, and any under spends carried forward from the 2021/22 grant allocation, thus to avoid eroding the overall fund.
To endorse the Welsh Church Fund Principles, Policy Considerations and Grant Allocation Criteria for 2022/23 (Appendix 6) as considered and approved by the Welsh Church Fund Committee on the 27th January 2022.
To endorse the policy that Monmouthshire County Council (The Trustee) ensures that the constituent councils that benefit from grant distributions, ensure that grants allocated are in line with charitable objects of the fund and that this fact is advertised on their Authority’s website. |
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to make recommendations to Cabinet on the Schedule of Applications for the Welsh Church Fund Working Group Meeting 8 held on the 27th January 2022.
Author: David Jarrett – Senior Accountant – Central Finance Business Support
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
That the following grants be awarded as per the schedule of applications.