Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Wednesday, 7th December, 2022 5.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room - Usk, NP15 1AD. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


National Collaborative Arrangements for Welsh (local authority) Adoption and Fostering Services, National Adoption Service for Wales and Foster Wales – Enhancing Governance and Leadership pdf icon PDF 462 KB

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To provide cabinet with information regarding the proposals for developing the governance and enabling structures for the National Adoption Service for Wales as it assumes responsibility for Foster Wales.


To seek agreement for Monmouthshire County Council to sign the Joint Committee Agreement for the proposed Joint Committee between the 22 Local Authorities in Wales and the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA).


The Agreement sets out the arrangements in relation to the manner in which the Councils will work together and use the Joint Committee to deliver the specified and agreed functions set out by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Joint Adoption Arrangements) and provides a framework for the parties to give effect to the coordination of identified foster service functions across Wales.


A copy of the Joint Committee Agreement is provided at Appendix One.


Author: Jane Rodgers, Chief Officer, Social Care, Safeguarding & Health


Contact Details:

Additional documents:


That Cabinet agree that Monmouthshire County Council signs the Joint Committee Agreement for the National Adoption Service and Foster Wales.



Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide Members with information on the Authority’s financial forecasts for the 2022/23 financial year in respect of the revenue budget, capital programme, and associated reserves position.


Author: Jonathan Davies, Head of Finance (Deputy S151 officer)


Contact Details:

Additional documents:


That Cabinet recognises the concerning net deterioration of £355k since the previous revenue budget forecast that results in a forecast over spend at Month 6 of £9.15m, driven by an increase of £880k within Children’s services to a £4.4m over spend; an increase of £194k in meeting the needs of the Homeless to a £1.5m over spend; offset by a number of favourable movements, significantly the level of ongoing staff vacancies being carried or held in the workforce.


That Cabinet notes that the Strategic Leadership Team have taken immediate action to arrest the forecast over spend and developed a robust recovery plan as outlined in table 3 that will result in a balanced outturn position being achieved. These are notably through the one-off use of revenue and capital reserves; reprioritisation of grant funding; and through cost moderation or reduction in service delivery.


That Cabinet note the further financial risk represented by the current volatile environment that both Adult’s and Children’s services are operating within that is associated with the level and complexity of demand, inflationary pressures, and labour shortages, and the risk this represents to the ongoing financial sustainability of this Council.


That Cabinet require the respective Chief Officers and the Responsible Financial Officer to continue to closely monitor and manage operational and financial performance, specifically in relation to Children’s services, Adult’s services, and Housing, but also the other service areas highlighting forecast over spends, and to ensure the release of at least £2.185m of highlighted service budget mitigations across all directorates as a consequence of the budget recovery plan.


That Cabinet recognise the ongoing financial risks to the revenue budget of the current wider economic climate, including the inflationary and interest rate environment; supply chain disruption; the volatile energy market; and notably the potential impact of the cost of living crisis on communities, and the associated financial impact this may have on the Council.


That Cabinet recognises the importance of a balanced outturn position being achieved for 2022/23, in that it minimises the need to draw further upon any planned use of reserves and capital receipts and which will be required to assist in meeting the unprecedented projected budget deficit highlighted for 2023/24.


That Cabinet note that the overall revenue budget continues to be subsidised by £2.65m of capital receipts which are being used to fund identified eligible expenditure under the flexible use of capital receipts directive.


That Cabinet note the forecast 100% delivery of the budgeted mandated savings as detailed in appendix 2 and as approved as part of the budget set by full Council.


Cabinet notes the extent of forecast movements in Schools reserve usage contained in table 6, and appendices 1 & 3 which highlight the possibility of a further seven schools entering into a deficit reserve position by the end of the financial year.


Cabinet considers the forecast capital outturn spend of £59.9m as outlined in appendix 1 that currently indicates a forecast over spend of £310k, noting the continuing difficulty in delivering capital projects to  ...  view the full decision text for item 4.


To consider the financial liabilities of the Regional Integration Fund pdf icon PDF 732 KB

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: The purpose of this report is to consider the financial liabilities and implications of the Regional Integration Fund and its tapered funding model. Members will need to consider and provide a response to the Gwent Regional Partnership Board on the outcome of the consideration as to whether the council accepts or rejects the liabilities.


Author: Jane Rodgers, Chief Officer, Social Care, Safeguarding & Health


Contact Details:

Additional documents:


That the Council does not accept the financial liabilities and implications of the new Regional Integration Fund and its tapered funding model.


That the Council advocates that the Regional Integration Fund continues to be used to support the objectives of the Regional Partnership Board through allocating funds based on a process of evaluation and review using an evidence base focused on achieving best outcomes for residents of Gwent, rather than a formulated tapering approach.


That the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Health, together with the Chief Officer provides this response to the Regional Partnership Board.