Venue: Steve Greenslade Room, County Hall, Usk
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Verbal Update - The Gathering's business case Decision: Cabinet was advised that a business plan had been received and reviewed by a panel of MCC officers, including representatives from Social Services, Landlord Services and Community Partnerships. A meeting had been held with The Gathering’s management committee to discuss the initial draft and to discuss areas for its strengthening. Further work was needed to substantiate that the proposal is suitably robust and sustainable.
It was anticipated that a revised business case would be issued by The Gathering to MCC for consideration by the end of June following which a formal recommendation would be brought to Cabinet for consideration.
Proposed adoption of the Local Transport Strategy PDF 1 MB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To seek Cabinet approval of the adoption of the Local Transport Strategy and associated actions, which will be used to inform the Replacement Local Development Plan and the South East Wales Local Transport Plan.
Author: Debra Hill-Howells, Head of Decarbonisation & Transport
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approved the Local Transport Strategy and associated actions which provides the vision and transport priorities for the time period 2024 – 2029.
That Cabinet agreed that the Local Transport Strategy will provide Monmouthshire’s transport priorities for consideration by the Cardiff City Region whilst developing the South East Wales Transport Plan. |
Uploading S106 Capital Sums into 2024/25 Capital Budget PDF 315 KB Division/Wards Affected: Caldicot, Magor with Undy, Abergavenny, Mardy
Purpose: To authorise the uploading of capital sums from Section 106 Agreements received from the developments specified into the 2024/25 Capital Budget
Author: Mike Moran, Community Infrastructure
Additional documents: Decision: That a capital budget of £95,000 be created in 2024/25 to fund play area improvements at the Cas Troggi Open Space in Caldicot, and that this is funded by corresponding contributions of £69,120 from the Section 106 balances held by the council from the S106 Agreement in relation to the former White Hart Public House in Caldicot (Planning Ref: DC/2013/00796) and £25,880 from the Section 106 balances held by the council from the S106 Agreement in relation to the development of land east of Church Road, Caldicot (Planning Ref: DM/2018/00880).
That a capital budget of £144,456 be created in 2024/25 to fund works at one or more of three beneficiary sites in Caldicot (Caldicot Greenway, Caldicot Castle Country Park, Caldicot Town Centre Regeneration Scheme), and that this is funded by a corresponding contribution of £144,456 held by the council from the S106 Agreement in relation to the development of land east of Church Road, Caldicot (Planning Ref: DM/2018/00880).
That the decision on which beneficiary projects the £144,456 funding will be spent be delegated to the Chief Officer for Customer, Culture and Wellbeing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, this decision to be taken following consultation with the local Caldicot county council members and Caldicot Town Council.
That a capital budget of £24,629 be created in 2024/25 to fund play area improvements at Rockfield Farm, Undy and that this is funded by a corresponding contribution of £24,629 from the Section 106 balances held by the council from the S106 Agreement relating to the development of land at Vinegar Hill, Undy (Parcel A) (Planning Ref: DM/2019/01937).
That a capital budget of £13,422 be created in 2024/25 to fund advance planning works on land at Knollbury to establish increased recreation facilities for the Magor with Undy area and that this is funded by a corresponding contribution of £13,422 held by the council from the S106 Agreement relating to the development of land at Vinegar Hill, Undy (Planning Ref: DM/2019/01937
That the above amount (specified in para 2.5) be utilised to offset the costs of obtaining planning permission for the recreational use of land adjacent to Rose Cottage, Knollbury, Magor currently held on capital budget code 90847.
That a capital budget of £120,000 be created in 2024/25 for play area improvements at Mardy Playing Field and that this is funded by a corresponding contribution of £120,000 from the Section 106 balances held by the council from the S106 Agreement in relation to the development of land at Deri Farm, Abergavenny (Planning Ref: DC/2014/01360).
That when uploaded into the 2024/25 capital budget, the funding of £120.000 set out in para 2.7 above is transferred to the Llantilio Pertholey Community Council, as owners of the Mardy Playing Field, and that officers work closely with the community council to agree and implement a range of play area improvements.
That a capital budget of £13,230 be created in 2024/25 for play area improvements at Bailey Park, Abergavenny and that this is funded by ... view the full decision text for item 5. |
Climate and Nature Emergency Strategy 2024 PDF 441 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To seek adoption of the Climate and Nature Emergency Strategy (Appendix 1) and 4 Action Plans which set out how the Strategy is to be delivered (Appendix 2).
Author: Hazel Clatworthy, Sustainability Policy Officer
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet agrees to sign off and adopt the Climate and Nature Emergency Strategy and 4 Action Plans. The action plans set out how the council will address: Council Emissions, Nature Recovery, Rivers and Oceans and Communities and Climate.
That Cabinet agrees that the Action Plans are delivered by Service Area Officers/Managers and coordinated by the Chief Officer – Communities and Place. This will enable strategy ownership and delivery across all services. Progress will be reported to the Climate and Nature Emergency Steering Group |
Climate and Nature Emergency Strategy 2024 - Nature Recovery Reports 2024 PDF 693 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To seek Cabinet approval of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience (Section 6) Forward Plan and Action Plan 2024-28 and approval for public consultation of the: · Monmouthshire Nature Recovery Action Plan (NRAP) Part 1: Strategy · Monmouthshire’s Green Infrastructure Strategy Vol 1&2 and Executive Summary Which sets out the Council’s statutory duties and responsibilities and associated actions for delivery.
Author: Colette Bosley, Green Infrastructure Manager
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approves the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience (Section 6) Forward Plan and Action plan 2024-28 and gives approval for a public consultation exercise for the Nature Recovery Action Plan (NRAP) Part 1: Strategy (Final Draft) and Monmouthshire’s Green Infrastructure Strategy Volumes 1&2 and Executive Summary (Final Draft).
That Appendix 2b Short Nature Recovery Action Plan (an abridged version of Appendix 1b) sits alongside the four Action Plans for the Climate and Nature Emergency Strategy. |
Greenfingers Service PDF 300 KB Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: This report is brought forward to seek the release of the Greenfingers site in the grounds of Melville Centre for the Arts in Abergavenny with the view to it being made available for a community organisation(s) to develop an inclusive horticultural or gardening project.
Author: Jane Rodgers – Chief Officer, Social Care, Safeguarding and Health
Additional documents: Decision: That the current Greenfingers site should be released to Landlord Services in order to seek expressions of interest from community organisations to develop the site as an inclusive horticulture related project.
Agreed for Landlord Services to work in partnership with the Green Infra-structure Team, Community Animation Team and Social Care and Health directorate to ensure that the site is developed in accordance with current policy objectives regarding the climate and nature emergency.
To continue supporting people with learning disabilities to access community gardening opportunities |