Venue: County Hall, Usk - Remote Attendance. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
To consider the following reports (Copies attached): |
DRAFT REVENUE BUDGET PROPOSALS 2022/23 Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To set out draft revenue budget proposals for financial year 2022/23.
To commence a period of consultation on the draft budget proposals for a four-week period to 16th February 2022.
To consider the 2022/23 draft budget proposals within the context of the 4 year Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and the Corporate Plan.
Author: Peter Davies, Deputy Chief Executive / Chief Officer for Resources (S151 Officer)
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approves the release of its draft budget proposals for 2022/23 for consultation purposes.
That Cabinet approves that the consultation period, including the opportunity to present alternative proposals that have been assessed for Future Generations and equality implications, commences for a four-week period ending on 16 th February 2022.
That Cabinet confirms that the draft budget proposals and the revenue budget for 2022/23 are wholly aligned with the priorities set out in both the Corporate Plan and latest iteration of its strategic aims and that looks to maintain focus on the longer term challenges facing communities, and calls on the Council’s partners and partnerships to maintain such similar focus.
To update Cabinet on the implications arising out of the provisional settlement announcement of Welsh Goverrnment and to agree its proposed response as outlined in the letter shown in appendix 5.
That Cabinet recognises unavoidable service pressures of some £10.41 million and further pay pressures of £4.96 million that need to be provided for within the 2022/23 budget.
That Cabinet confirms its intention fund pay related pressures insofar as they impact schools and up to a threshold of a 3% pay award, and to accommodate significant demand pressures caused, in particular by increasing numbers of looked after children and pupils with additional learning needs.
That Cabinet proposes a Council Tax rise of 3.95% for modelling purposes for financial year 2022/23 and over the medium term
That Cabinet acknowledges the financial risks and uncertainties that remain and that unless mitigated through other means will result in further budget pressures needing to be managed.
That Cabinet recognises that whilst the draft budget proposals are presenting a balanced budget this includes a one-off contribution of £863k from the Council’s limited general reserve (Council Fund). Efforts are to continue to mitigate as much as possible the level of reserve contribution supporting the budget proposals for 2022/23. |
DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET PROPOSALS 2022/23 TO 2025/26 Division/Wards Affected: All Purpose: To set out draft capital budget proposals for financial year 2022/23 and the indicative capital budgets for the three years 2023/24 to 2025/26. To commence a period of consultation on the draft capital budget proposals for a four-week period to 16th February 2022.
Author: Jonathan Davies – (Acting) Assistant Head of Finance (Deputy S151 Officer)
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet approves the release of its draft capital budget proposals for 2022/23 and indicative capital budgets for 2023/24 to 2025/26 as set out in appendix 5 for consultation purposes.
That Cabinet note the reduction in core general capital grant of £762,000 highlighted in the provisional settlement received from Welsh Government that creates a funding shortfall and will require an assessment of the affordability of the existing programme prior to final capital proposals being presented.
That Cabinet notes the capital bids put forward in appendix 1 that would require additional funding over and above that contained in the existing programme, and requests that further scrutiny is carried out of these bids prior to them being considered for inclusion in the final budget proposals.
That Cabinet confirms that the draft capital budget proposals for 2022/23 are wholly aligned with the priorities as set out in the Capital strategy, the Corporate Plan and the latest iteration of its strategic aims, and that looks to maintain focus on the longer term challenges facing communities.
That Cabinet reaffirms the principle that new capital schemes can only be added to the capital programme if the business case demonstrates that either: · they are self-financing · the scheme is deemed a higher priority, utilising the priority matrix in the Capital Strategy, than current schemes in the capital programme and displaces them · they do not compromise the core principles of affordability, sustainability or prudence
That Cabinet considers whether the draft budget proposals are reasonable and appropriate in light of the backlog capital pressures identified in appendix
That Cabinet notes the capital receipt receipts forecast in appendix 8 (exempt), and the prudence not to anticipate further significant additional receipts over this next 4-year MTFP window.
That Cabinet specifically approves the use of £2.65m of capital receipts, using Welsh Government guidance on the flexible use of capital receipts to fund revenue costs associated with service reform, to support the draft revenue budget proposals for 2022/23.
That Cabinet considers and re-affirms its agreement to the prudential indicators supplied in appendix 9 that are based on the current draft revenue and capital budgets. |
USK (& WOODSIDE) IMPROVEMENT MASTER PLAN Divisions/Wards Affected: Usk & Llanbadoc
Purpose: To formally receive and adopt the Usk (& Woodside) Improvement Masterplan (appendix 1).
Author: Jane Lee, Project Manager Regeneration & Placemaking
Contact Details: Additional documents:
Decision: That the draft Usk (& Woodside) Improvement Masterplan be approved, and that the action plan be subsequently amended by the Steering Group as appropriate.
That the process to deliver the Action Plan set out in the Next Steps section is approved, subject to the amendment that the Partnership Group recommendation is not taken forward (see paragraph 3.7).
That a Steering Committee is established and that the Steering Committee agrees a terms of reference, including the ability to revise and amend the Action Plan.
That the Chief Officer for Enterprise and the relevant Cabinet members be regularly briefed on the actions of the Steering group and refinement of the Action Plan.
To facilitate early occupation, that options for the use of the vacant HWRC site In Maryport Street car park be developed and implemented in advance of the wider masterplan action plan revision and any such proposals be approved by the deputy chief executive in consultation with the relevant cabinet member |
Division/Wards Affected: Cantref, Castle, Croseonen, Grofield, Landsdown, Mardy, Priory, Llanelly Hill, Llanover, Goetre Wharf, Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist Fawr and Crucorney
Purpose: The purpose of the report is to provide members of Cabinet with the outcome of the statutory objection period that relates to the Authority’s intention to establish an all-through school with a specialist centre for children with complex neurodevelopmental and learning needs in Abergavenny on the site of King Henry VIII Comprehensive School.
Members will be aware that agreement to proceed with the project and the associated funding are subject to a separate decision making. This report is to agree the school organisation route that will allow the creation of the school.
Author: Will McLean Chief Officer, Children and Young People
Contact Details: Additional documents: Decision: To agree to proceed to implement the below school reorganisation proposals:
· Establish an all-through School with specialist centre for pupils with complex neuro-developmental needs between the ages of 3-19 on the site of King Henry VIII Comprehensive School, Abergavenny, with effect from 1st September 2023
· Cease to maintain both Deri View Primary School and King Henry VIII Comprehensive School, with effect from 31st August 2023
· Enable officers to take the necessary steps to establish a temporary governing body in advance of September 2023 |
Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To receive an update following approval of the Council’s £2.04M bid to the UK Community Renewal Fund. To receive an update on the Vale of Usk Rural Development Programme which is due to cease in September 2022. To seek approval to proceed with additional funded rural economic development programmes. Author: Cath Fallon – Head of Enterprise and Community Animation
Contact Details: Decision: To consider the benefits that the approval of the UK Community Renewal Fund will bring to the County alongside the potential impact of the loss of the Rural Development Programme.
To approve the delivery of the additional rural economic development programmes in line with confirmation of funding being received. |
WELSH IN EDUCATION STRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2020 Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: The purpose of the report is to provide members of Cabinet with Monmouthshire’s first ten-year Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) 2022-31. This report presents Monmouthshire’s WESP 2022-31 to Cabinet and seeks their approval to submit the plan to Welsh Ministers in line with statutory requirements.
Members should review the actions, targets and timescales proposed in the Monmouthshire WESP 2022-31, in relation to all aspects of the local authority corporate and strategic work. This is particularly relevant in the proposed expansion of Welsh-medium education in both primary and secondary phases, school transport arrangements, provision for Welsh medium learners with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and the Welsh language capacity of the workforce.
Author: Sharon Randall-Smith - Head of Service Children and Young People Directorate
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: To receive the Monmouthshire WESP 2017-2020 Plan
To agree to the actions, targets and timescales contained within Monmouthshire’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) 2022-2031, including: · The expansion of Welsh medium primary in the North East of the county and the co-creation of a new secondary school · A School Transport Review to ensure all learners within the county have a realistic option of choosing a Welsh-medium education · The development of ALN Welsh-medium provision and the delivery of wider ALN services through the medium of Welsh · An increase in the proportion of Welsh speakers in the school and local authority workforce |
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to make recommendations to Cabinet on the Schedule of Applications for the Welsh Church Fund Working Group Meeting 7 held on the 22nd December 2021.
Author: David Jarrett – Senior Accountant – Central Finance Business Support
Contact Details: Additional documents:
Decision: That the grants be awarded as per the schedule of applications. |