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2021/22 DATGANIAD ALLDRO REFENIEW A CHYFALAF PDF 351 KB Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: Pob Un
Diben: Pwrpas yr adroddiad hwn yw darparu gwybodaeth i Aelodau ar ganlyniadau’r Awdurdod ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2021/22 o ran y gyllideb refeniw, y rhaglen gyfalaf a’r arian wrth gefn.
Awdur:Jonathan Davies, Pennaeth Cyllid Cynorthwyol (Dirprwy Swyddog A151)
Manylion Cyswllt: Jonathandavies2@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet recognises a positive net revenue budget position at outturn of £5.62m prior to transfers to earmarked reserves of £4m, and that this represents a significant improvement of £5.3m from the position forecast at month 9, primarily as a result of:
•Receipt of £1.87m of Welsh Government Covid-19 hardship funding since month 9 to compensate the Council to support its enhanced costs of service delivery and loss of income as a direct result of Covid-19 impact;
•Receipt of circa £1.3m in unbudgeted grants that were communicated to and received by the Authority late in the financial year and that have offset core budget funding;
•Improved income and reduced expenditure across many service areas as a result of in-year budget recovery action as well as the impact of the ongoing operating conditions experienced during the financial year and where services have been reduced or stopped, travel requirements have reduced, office and buildings have remained closed and substantial staff vacancies have remained unfilled.
That Members acknowledge the extent that the Welsh Government Covid-19 Hardship Fund has covered all Covid-19 related additional costs directly incurred during the financial year of £12.3m together with compensation for loss of income of £3.6m, noting that the Hardship Fund closed on the 31st March 2022 and that continued budgetary pressures and risks result for 2022/23 and beyond.
That Members endorse the strategy applied to replenish reserves as noted within the report to support future financial challenges and ensure financial resilience during a period of continuing uncertainty and as we continue to recover from the pandemic and as the delivery of our services take shape in light of a severely altered socio–economic landscape, a period of significant economic uncertainty, and as wider policy commitments both locally and nationally begin to take shape.
That Cabinet acknowledges the continued improvement in Schools reserve balances of£3.5m as contained in Appendix 1 and Appendix 4 that reflects the significant levels of grant support from Welsh Government that was notified late in the financial year.
That Cabinet reaffirms the requirement for schools carrying significant surplus balances that are above levels guided by Welsh Government to provide investment plans setting out how they intend to spend their significant surplus balances, whilst also appreciating that the inherent structural budget deficits that led to 17 schools being in deficit prior to the pandemic will in some cases still require resolution, irrespective of the unprecedented funding received.
That Members acknowledge the capital outturn spend of £25.2m, introducing an underspend of £1.1m and that subsequently releases £640k of capital receipts back to reserve to support future capital investment.
That Members approve the capital slippage requests of £68.5m as listed in Appendix 5,acknowledging the challenging operating conditions and external influences impacting progress during the year. |
STRATEGAETH RHAGLEN CYMORTH TAI 2022-26 PDF 261 KB Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: Pob Un
Diben:Cymeradwyo a mabwysiadu’r Strategaeth Cymorth Tai arfaethedig ar gyfer 2022-26 a’r dogfennau cyswllt, fel sydd angen gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Awdur:Ian Bakewell, Rheolwr Tai a Chymunedau
Manylion Cyswllt: ianbakewell@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet considered the findings of the Homeless Need Assessment (See Appendix 1) and the current related homeless risks and challenges.
That Cabinet approve and adopt the draft Housing Support Programme Strategy (Appendix 2) and Action Plan (Appendix 3). |
Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: Pob Un
Diben:Diweddaru’r Cabinet ar gynnydd Cronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin Llywodraeth y DU (UK SPF) fel rhan o Raglen Ffyniant Bro Llywodraeth y DU a’n gofyn am gymeradwyaeth i weithredu’r argymhellion sydd yn dilyn.
Awdur: Frances O’Brien, Prif Swyddog Mentergarwch
Manylion Cyswllt: francesobrien@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Penderfyniad: Cabinet considered the three investment priorities of the UK SPF and the opportunities for investment which contribute significantly to the Council’s strategic aims of the ‘Plan on a Page’ Looking Ahead, Delivering Now: Our Strategy to Summer 2022, which are namely:
· Communities and Place. · Local Businesses. · People & Skills
Cabinet agrees that Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council (RCTCBC) acts as the Lead Local Authority for the UK SPF for the ten Local Authorities across the South East Wales Region. RCTCBC, will therefore have overall accountability for the funding and how the fund operates.
Cabinet endorses submission of the Regional Investment Plan, by RCTCBC, which incorporates Monmouthshire County Council’s (MCC’s) outline Local Investment Plan, to UK Government in readiness for the submission deadline of 1st August 2022.
Cabinet agrees to enact a ‘Monmouthshire People and Place Partnership’ to inform and assess the appropriateness of MCC’s outline Local Investment Plan, and monitor progress over the funding period.
Cabinet delegates powers to the Chief Officer – Communities and Place, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Economy, Deputy Leader, to agree the legal agreements associated with the UK SPF, with RCTCBC, on behalf of the Council.
Cabinet extends the contracts of NEET (Not in Education, Employment and Training) related staff who are currently at risk of redundancy in December 2022, due to the cessation of the European Social Fund programmes – Inspire2Achieve, Inspire2Work andSkills@Work. Staff will be funded via UK SPF until March 2025 by taking a locally delivered, regionally coordinated approach. Should confirmation of UK SPF be delayed beyond December, and the statutory three months’ notice period required, a further report will be brought to the Chief Officer – Communities and Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Economy, Deputy Leader, to seek approval to extend the staff contracts to March 2023.
Cabinet agrees to utilise up to 4% of the funding for financing the administration of the Monmouthshire element of the Fund to establish a delivery team from within the existing Economy, Employment and Skills Team. |
Diben: Cymeradwyo’r Asesiad o Ddigonolrwydd Cyfleoedd Chwarae a’r Cynllun Gweithredu fel sydd wedi eu cyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru erbyn y dyddiad cau statudol, sef 30ain Mehefin 2022.
Awdur:Matthew Lewis, Rheolwr Amgylchedd a Diwylliant Mike Moran, Cydlynydd Seilwaith Cymunedol
Manylion Cyswllt:matthewlewis@monmouthshire.gov.uk mikemoran@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet approved the 2022 Play Sufficiency Assessment and the Action Plan for 2022/23 |
Diben: Mae uchelgais y Cyngor ar gyfer gweithgarwch adfywio, ac uchelgais y cymunedau y mae’n eu cynrychioli, yn fwy o lawer na’r adnoddau a’r cyllid sydd ar gael i gyflenwi pob dim, ac felly, mae angen penderfynu ar flaenoriaethau a dilyniant. Pwrpas yr adroddiad yw gwahodd y Cabinet i gytuno ar y pecyn dangosol o’r prosiectau ar gyfer y Grantiau Creu Lleoedd (a fydd yn ffurfio rhan o’r cynnig ar gyfer grant Trawsnewid Trefi Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf) a chytuno ar ddatblygu ‘Cynlluniau Creu Lle’ ar gyfer Trefynwy, Magwyr a'r Fenni. Cynigir bod penderfyniad ar y prosiectau strategol yn cael ei oedi tan Hydref 2022, gan y bydd y Cyngor erbyn hyn wedi derbyn penderfyniad ar y ceisiadau sydd wedi eu cyflwyno am arian o’r Gronfa Ffyniant Bro.
Awdur: Mark Hand, Pennaeth Creu Lleoedd, Priffyrdd a Llifogydd Daniel Fordham, Rheolwr Adfywio
Manylion Cyswllt: markhand@monmouthshire.gov.uk danielfordham@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol: Penderfyniad: That Cabinet agrees to the co-production of ‘Placemaking Plans’ for Monmouth, Magor and Abergavenny with the respective Town Councils. These documents will provide an overarching masterplan for each of the towns to support future grant funding bids.
That Cabinet agrees the proposed indicative package of smaller Placemaking Grant projects (Appendix 2) for delivery in 2022/23 to 2024/25, and authorises the Chief Officer for Communities and Place to make adjustments to that package of projects as needed, in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Economy, Deputy Leader.
That Cabinet notes the schedule of potential Strategic Projects and the scale of funding required for delivery, and agrees to defer making a decision on strategic projects until the Autumn 2022, allowing for alignment with the emerging new Corporate Plan and in formed by the decision on our bids for Levelling Up Funds from the UK Government. |
POLISI CLUDIANT RHWNG Y CARTREF A'R YSGOL DRAFFT 2023/24 PDF 668 KB Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: Pob Un
Diben: Mae’r Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008 yn amlinellu’r cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol ar gyfer darparu cludiant ysgol. O fewn y ddeddfwriaeth, mae’n gosod dyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol i adolygu eu polisi cludiant yn flynyddol. Mae angen cadarnhau’r polisi yma erbyn 1af Hydref er mwyn medru ei weithredu ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd ddilynol.
Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn cyflwyno’r Polisi Cludiant arfaethedig ar gyfer 23-24 ac yn gofyn i Aelodau i’w gymeradwyo er mwyn cynnal ymgynghoriad. Bydd adroddiad pellach yn cael ei gyflwyno i Aelodau ym mis Medi yn dilyn adolygiad o’r ymatebion i’r ymgynghoriad.
Awdur:Debra Hill-Howells, Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Datgarboneiddio, Cludiant a Chymorth
Manylion Cyswllt:Debrahill-howells@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol: Penderfyniad: That Cabinet agrees to the commencement of public consultation on the proposed transport policy. |
ADRODDIAD MUCH (HYBIAU CYMUNEDOL MAGWYR A GWNDY) PDF 152 KB Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: Dwyrain Magwyr a Gwndy, Gorllewin Magwyr
Diben: Gofyn am gymeradwyaeth i adeiladu hyb cymunedol newydd aer y safle a adwaenir fel y ‘Three Fields’ ym Magwyr a Gwndy.
Cytuno ar brydles hirdymor gyda’r Gr?p Cymunedol ‘MUCH’ ar gyfer meddiannu a rheoli’r safle
Awdur:Nicholas Keyse – Rheolwr Datblygu Ystadau
Manylion Cyswllt: nicholaskeyse@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: To add the £2,864,316 development of the Magor and Undy Community Hub to the capital programme.
To delegate responsibility to the Chief Officer for Resources and Cabinet Member for Resources for approval of the business case and lease terms with the MUCH group, inclusive of a rent-free period of two years.
That the development is conditional upon granting of £400,000 additional contribution from Welsh Government’s Economic Stimulus Fund.
That the development is funded via £800,000 S106 contributions from the Rockfield Farm development, and £222,120 advanced call on the Vinegar Hill development’s S106 contribution. |
CYNLLUN DYFODOL PENTREFI DYFFRYN GWY PDF 101 KB Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: CC Trylech, CC Dyfawden, CC Dyffryn Gwy, CC St Arvans
Diben: Pwrpas yr adroddiad hwn yw briffio’r Cabinet ar y cefndir i’r Cynllun Dyfodol Pentrefi Dyffryn Gwy sydd wedi ei baratoi ar y cyd, sut y mae’r prosiect o bosib yn mynd i ddatblygu wrth symud ymlaen a gofyn am gytundeb y Cabinet i fabwysiadu’r Cynllun er mwyn llywio gweithgareddau a phenderfyniadau yn y dyfodol. Y bwriad yw bod yr holl bartïon (cynghorau cymuned, swyddfa Ardal o Harddwch Naturiol Eithriadol Dyffryn Gwy a Chyngor Sir Fynwy) yn mabwysiadu’r Cynllun. Os caiff ei fabwysiadu, bydd gr?p cyflenwi yn cael ei sefydlu.
Awdur: Mark Hand, Pennaeth Creu Lleoedd, Priffyrdd a Llifogydd Daniel Fordham, Rheolwr Adfywio
Manylion Cyswllt:Markhand@monmouthshire.gov.uk danielfordham@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet adopts the Wye Valley Villages Future Plan for implementation and to inform future decision-making (Appendix 1).
That Cabinet authorises the Chief Officer for Communities and Place, in liaison with theCabinet Member for Sustainable Economy, Deputy Leader and advised by the delivery group, to source funding, undertake community and stakeholder consultation as needed, and to decide to proceed with any of the projects outlined in the Wye Valley Villages Improvement Plan where those projects involve MCC. |
AIL-AGOR STRYD FAWR CAS-GWENT I DRAFFIG CERBYDOL PDF 121 KB Is-Adran/Wardiau yr Effeithir Arnynt: Cas-gwent
Diben: Pwrpas yr adroddiad yw gwahodd y Cabinet i benderfynu a ddylid dileu’r Gorchymyn Arbrofol sydd yn gau'r Stryd Fawr yng Nghas-gwent i draffig ac eithrio'r sawl sydd yn meddu ar Fathodynnau Glas a’n defnyddio’r mannau parcio ar Stryd y Banc ac unrhyw fusnesau sydd yn derbyn nwyddau rhwng 4pm a 10am. Byddai dileu’r Gorchymyn yn ail-agor y Stryd Fawr i’r holl draffig cerbydol, yn union fel y trefniadau cyn y pandemig.
Awdur: Mark Hand, Pennaeth Creu Lleoedd, Priffyrdd a Llifogydd
Manylion Cyswllt: markhand@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet supports the unanimous request of the locally elected County Councillors for Chepstow and the Transforming Chepstow Masterplan Steering Group and revokes the Experimental Order that closes Chepstow High Street, thereby re-opening Chepstow High Street to vehicular traffic. |