Lleoliad: Steve Greenslade Room, County Hall, Usk
Cyswllt: Gwasanaethau Democrataidd
Rhif | eitem |
Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb |
Datganiadau o Fuddiant |
Diben:Pwrpas yr adroddiad yw rhannu gyda’r Cabinet canlyniad yr ymgynghoriad diweddaraf ar fwriad yr Awdurdod i sefydlu ysgol gynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg ar gyfer plant 3-11 mlwydd oed ar safle Ysgol Gynradd Overmonnow. Mae’r adroddiad yn cyflwyno’r adroddiad ymgynghori i’r Cabinet ac yn gofyn iddynt gymeradwyo mynd i’r cam nesaf h.y. cyhoeddi’r hysbysiadau statudol.
Awdur: Will McLean, Prif Swyddog, Plant a Phobl Ifanc
Manylion Cyswllt: willmclean@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol: Penderfyniad: That Cabinet agree to publish statutory notices in line with School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013 to establish a 3-11 Welsh-medium primary school on the Overmonnow Primary School site with effect from 1st September 2024.
Statutory notices will be published on the 19th June 2023 for a period of 28 days ending on the 17th July 2023. |
STRATEGAETH GAFFAEL CYMDEITHASOL GYFRIFOL 2023-28 PDF 156 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Pob un
Diben:Gofyn i’r Cabinet gymeradwyo mabwysiadu’r Strategaeth Gaffael Cymdeithasol Gyfrifol ar gyfer 2023-2028 (Atodiad A) a nodi cynnwys y Cynllun Cyflenwi (Atodiad B).
Awdur: Steve Robinson (Pennaeth Comisiynu a Chaffael) Scott James (Rheolwr Caffael Strategol)
Manylion Cyswllt:s.robinson@cardiff.gov.uk scottjames@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: To approve the Socially Responsible Procurement Strategy 2023-2028 which will establish the Council’s key procurement objectives and the salient changes that it will need to make for the duration of the strategy to improve the outcomes and enhance the management of its external spend on goods, services and works.
That Cabinet agree that the Socially Responsible Procurement Strategy and Delivery Plan are coordinated via the procurement function and this enabling strategy is owned and delivered across all services.
To delegate authority to the Chief Officer Communities and Place to approve any updates from time to time in line with legislative procurement updates. |
CYLLID A BLAENORIAETHAU ADFYWIO PDF 159 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Pob un
Diben:Pwrpas yr adroddiad yw briffio’r Cabinet ar brosiectau adfywio yn Sir Fynwy a ffynonellau posib o gyllid ar gyfer eu gweithredu a gwahodd y Cabinet i gymeradwyo ceisiadau ar gyfer Rownd 3 o’r Gronfa Ffyniant Bro er mwyn cefnogi prosiectau adfywio yng Nghil-y-coed ac ar gyfer cyllid Trawsnewid Trefi er mwyn gweithredu’r cynigion ar gyfer tir y cyhoedd a gwelliannau teithio llesol yn Stryd Monnow yn Nhrefynwy.
Awdur: Daniel Fordham, Rheolwr Adfywio
Manylion Cyswllt: danielfordham@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet authorise the Chief Officer, Communities and Place, to prepare and submit an application for Levelling Up Fund Round 3 funding to support the delivery of regeneration projects in Caldicot, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, Deputy Leader, and the Severnside Area Committee and subject to confirmation that funding is available.
That Cabinet authorise officers to prepare and submit a bid for Transforming Towns funding for the delivery of proposals for public realm and active travel improvements in Monnow Street, Monmouth. |
UWCHGYNLLUN TRAWSNEWID CAS-GWENT PDF 162 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Cas-gwent
Diben: Pwrpas yr adroddiad yw briffio’r Cabinet ar Uwchgynllun Trawsnewid Cas-gwent a gwahodd y Cabinet i gymeradwyo’r cynnig i fabwysiadu a chynnig sefydlu gr?p cyflenwi uwchgynllun cyfun gyda Chyngor Tref Cas-gwent.
Awdur: Daniel Fordham, Rheolwr Adfywio
Manylion Cyswllt: danielfordham@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet approves the Transforming Chepstow Masterplan and agrees its adoption.
That Cabinet approves the establishment of a joint masterplan delivery group with Chepstow Town Council, which will agree terms of reference including its membership and the ability to review and revise the masterplan action plan from time to time as required. |