Agenda and minutes

Economy and Development Select Committee - Wednesday, 10th April, 2019 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr USK. View directions

Note: Meeting moved from 28th March 2019 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest raised by Members.


Public Open Forum


There were no issues raised by members of the public.


Draft Digital Deprivation Action Plan pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Additional documents:




To scrutinise the Draft Digital Deprivation Action Plan in light of the recent question to Council on the 7th March 2019, regarding what the Council itself is doing to address the issue of digital deprivation.


Key Issues:


The Select Committee received an overview of the Superfast Cymru Project from Ms. V. Collins, representing Welsh Government.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         The Superfast Cymru Project was let to BT Openreach in 2012.


·         The deployment phase of that project was completed in February 2018 which resulted in over 733,000 premises being provided with fibre to the Cabinet / fibre to the premises technology.


·         Within Monmouthshire, that provided around 80% of premises with either of these two technologies.


·         On completion of the deployment, an open market review was undertaken, which consolidated the data from all of the suppliers.  That commenced in February 2017 with the results being published in July 2017.


·         This allowed for the setup of the intervention area for the next procurement.  This went live in July 2017 and has been completed.


·         Three contract have been let with BT Openreach which were awarded towards the end of 2018 / beginning of 2019.


·         Welsh Government was disappointed with the response to the procurement. It established three lots and a budget in the region of £80M.  On two of the lots only one supplier came back, on lot 2 there were two suppliers and this was the lot that Monmouthshire came under. BT Openreach was awarded the contract having won the bid.


·         BT Openreach had indicated that it could deliver using £26M of the £80M.


·         The original intervention area was in excess of 90,000 premises and BT Openreach is providing access to a further 26,000 premises.


·         The procurement will result in an additional 1000 premises in the Monmouthshire area.


·         Further key issues are outlined in the report.


Member Scrutiny:


·         With regard to a question raised - For every 1% increase in the connectivity in the 12.5% that are not currently connected what impact will that have on the Welsh economy?  The Welsh Government representative stated that she would take this matter back to Welsh Government for an answer.


·         There is a need for Welsh Government to support South East Wales with a view to encouraging and supporting businesses in the region. The Welsh Government representative stated that she would take this matter back to Welsh Government.


·         The Welsh Government representative informed the Committee that BT Open reach has considerable city fibre projects currently underway.  Therefore, its focus is not necessarily on the rural regions of the Country.  Therefore, it is difficult for Welsh Government to get BT Openreach to deploy in the very rural areas of the Country.


·         Welsh Government has capital funds equating to £80M. Only £26M of the £80M has been used. Via the Superfast Cymru Project, the Welsh Government obtains clawback based on the take up of the broadband. Welsh Government is anticipating £50M back from the Superfast Cymru Project.


·         However, there are concerns regarding revenue  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Abergavenny Tourist information Centre pdf icon PDF 210 KB


We resolved to defer consideration of the report to a future meeting of the Select Committee regarding the potential move of Abergavenny Tourist Information Centre (TIC) from the Tithe Barn to Abergavenny Town Hall as part of the upcoming refurbishment programme.


The Select Committee considered that the Abergavenny Members needed to be invited to the Select Committee meeting when scrutinising this matter to aid the Select Committee in making a recommendation to Cabinet. Also, that that the report should be presented to the North Monmouthshire Area Committee meeting on 15th May 2019 before being scrutinised by the Economy and Development Select Committee.


Monmouthshire Adopted Local Development Plan Draft Infill Development Supplementary Planning Guidance pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:




To inform the Economy and Development Select Committee of the preparation of the Draft Infill Development Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) which is currently subject to public consultation, and to seek comments from the Committee.


Key Issues:


·         The Monmouthshire Local Development Plan (LDP) (2011-2021) was adopted in February 2014 to become the adopted development plan for the County (excluding that part within the Brecon Beacons National Park). This statutory development plan contains a number of policies relating to new housing development in the County’s settlements. The Draft SPG provides guidance on proposals for small scale infill development (i.e. fewer than 10 dwellings) within the County’s designated settlements as defined under Policies S1, H1, H2 and H3 of the Monmouthshire LDP, namely, Main Towns, Severnside Settlements, Rural Secondary Settlements, Main Villages and Minor Villages.


·         The requirement for the Draft SPG has arisen from the suggestion by Planning Committee that it would be useful to have additional guidance in place to help shape proposals for small scale infill development in the County’s settlements.


·         Selective use of SPG is a means of establishing more detailed thematic or site specific guidance in the way in which the policies of an LDP will be applied in particular circumstances or areas.


·         SPG can be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications, provided that it is consistent with the development plan and appropriate consultation has been undertaken.


·         The SPG is intended to provide certainty and clarity for applicants, officers, Members and communities in the interpretation and implementation of the LDP policy framework in relation to small scale infill development proposals within the settlements identified in Policies S1, H1, H2 and H3 of the Monmouthshire LDP.


·         The Draft SPG sets out the detailed matters that need to be taken into account when considering proposals for small scale infill development in the County’s settlements. Such matters include site context, design, privacy / amenity, access / parking, planting / trees and drainage. Once adopted, the SPG will have a key role in shaping proposals for small scale infill development.


·         The options in relation to the Draft SPG are:



1.    Economy & Development Select Committee considers and comments, as appropriate, on the Draft Infill Development SPG.


2.    Economy & Development Select Committee does not comment on the Draft Infill Development SPG.


Option 1 is the preferred option.


·         Planning Committee has received the report and suggested changes had been made primarily with regard to the need for additional diagrams to clarify the difference around backland developments and infill plots, more reference to affordable housing and commuted sums, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and to clarify ‘neighbours’ and their location to the proposed site.


·         The consultation process ends on 13th May 2019.  The report will then be re-presented to Planning Committee with consultation comments and any suggested changes.  The Cabinet Member for Enterprise will then receive the report for adoption.


Member Scrutiny:


·         In response to a question raised regarding whether there is a process to establish how much infill development may take  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 104 KB


The minutes of the Economy and Development Select Committee meeting dated 14th February 2019 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Democratic Services Officer note:


It had been identified after the meeting that the minutes required a slight amendment. The Chair had therefore agreed that the following amendment be noted:


Minute 3 - Economies of the Future Analysis, Member Scrutiny - Bullet point 17:  remove reference to 15,000 houses.



Economy and Development Select Committee Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 225 KB


We received the Economy and Development Select Committee Forward Work



In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         The report regarding Abergavenny Tourist Information Centre (deferred at today’s meeting) to be scrutinised at a future meeting of the Select Committee.


·         Undertake a review of the Alternative Delivery Model at a future meeting of the Select Committee to ensure that the correct process has been followed and adhered to, irrespective of the final decision that will be taken by Cabinet in respect of this matter.


·         Various workshops were ongoing with a view to being progressed throughout the year. 


·         ICT in schools is an important piece of work that could be undertaken with the Children and Young People Select Committee as a Joint Select Committee.


·         Further work is required with regard to engagement with businesses with a view to looking at the concerns and challenges being faced, particularly with the removal of the tolls on the Severn Bridges.


·         There will be an examination of every town within Monmouthshire, going forward.


The Chair thanked the Select Committee for the support that he has received during his time as Chair of the Committee.


Council and Cabinet Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 43 KB


We received the Council and Cabinet Business Forward Plan.


Next Meeting

Thursday 9th May 2019 at 10.00am.


Thursday 9th May 2019 at 10.00am.