To inform the Economy and Development Select Committee of the preparation of the Draft Infill Development Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) which is currently subject to public consultation, and to seek comments from the Committee.
Key Issues:
· The Monmouthshire Local Development Plan (LDP) (2011-2021) was adopted in February 2014 to become the adopted development plan for the County (excluding that part within the Brecon Beacons National Park). This statutory development plan contains a number of policies relating to new housing development in the County’s settlements. The Draft SPG provides guidance on proposals for small scale infill development (i.e. fewer than 10 dwellings) within the County’s designated settlements as defined under Policies S1, H1, H2 and H3 of the Monmouthshire LDP, namely, Main Towns, Severnside Settlements, Rural Secondary Settlements, Main Villages and Minor Villages.
· The requirement for the Draft SPG has arisen from the suggestion by Planning Committee that it would be useful to have additional guidance in place to help shape proposals for small scale infill development in the County’s settlements.
· Selective use of SPG is a means of establishing more detailed thematic or site specific guidance in the way in which the policies of an LDP will be applied in particular circumstances or areas.
· SPG can be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications, provided that it is consistent with the development plan and appropriate consultation has been undertaken.
· The SPG is intended to provide certainty and clarity for applicants, officers, Members and communities in the interpretation and implementation of the LDP policy framework in relation to small scale infill development proposals within the settlements identified in Policies S1, H1, H2 and H3 of the Monmouthshire LDP.
· The Draft SPG sets out the detailed matters that need to be taken into account when considering proposals for small scale infill development in the County’s settlements. Such matters include site context, design, privacy / amenity, access / parking, planting / trees and drainage. Once adopted, the SPG will have a key role in shaping proposals for small scale infill development.
· The options in relation to the Draft SPG are:
1. Economy & Development Select Committee considers and comments, as appropriate, on the Draft Infill Development SPG.
2. Economy & Development Select Committee does not comment on the Draft Infill Development SPG.
Option 1 is the preferred option.
· Planning Committee has received the report and suggested changes had been made primarily with regard to the need for additional diagrams to clarify the difference around backland developments and infill plots, more reference to affordable housing and commuted sums, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and to clarify ‘neighbours’ and their location to the proposed site.
· The consultation process ends on 13th May 2019. The report will then be re-presented to Planning Committee with consultation comments and any suggested changes. The Cabinet Member for Enterprise will then receive the report for adoption.
Member Scrutiny:
· In response to a question raised regarding whether there is a process to establish how much infill development may take place in an area, the Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping stated that there is no area based assessment undertaken. Each application is looked at on a case by case basis. The LDP relies on a number of these small scale developments coming forward and a significant number of dwellings are delivered in this way.
· National Planning Policy seeks for an efficient use of brownfield land. Gardens come under brownfield land development.
· It was considered that there needs to be a processwhereby, certain areas have a limit to the amount of infill development that may be put into a particular area. It was noted that this matter could be looked at in the next LDP. However, it might be difficult to quantify a number. A comprehensive view of all of Monmouthshire’s towns would need to be undertaken to identify which gardens could be built in.
· In response to a question raised regarding looking at the percentage of property on the plot size, the Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping informed the Committee that this is partly covered in Section 5.1 of the SPG. However, percentages are not covered so there would be a need to look at each application on its merits.
· The LDP target is 566 dwellings out of 4500 which are expected to come from small windfall sites. The SPG policy will put in place better ground rules.
· It was considered that not enough credence is given to public transport on new developments and road widths are insufficient. Kerbside design is important to reduce on street parking on new developments. Closer working is required with the Transport Department to reduce the number of vehicles entering Monmouthshire’s towns.
· In response, it was noted that a Members’ seminar will be held with regard to highways issues in relation to planning applications. In terms of accesses, the SPG policy covers sites that have fewer than 10 dwellings and National Planning policy is moving away from parking standards to encourage more people to access public transport. Roads are designed to be narrower to act as a means of traffic calming and to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment.
Committee’s Conclusion:
The Chair invited the Committee to formulate its views in respect of this matter with a view to a letter being written by the Chair, to the Head of Planning Housing and Place Shaping, on behalf of the Select Committee outlining the Committee’s submission by the end of the consultation period on 13th May 2019 and for it to be finalised at the next Select Committee meeting on 9th May 2019.
Supporting documents: