Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk NP15 1GA
No. | Item | |
To note the appointment of the Select Chair Minutes: We noted the appointment of County Councillor P. Pavia as Chair of the Economy and Development Select Committee. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair Minutes: We appointed County Councillor D. Blakebrough as Vice-Chair of the Economy and Development Select Committee. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: County Councillor A. Davies declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 – Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Outturn Statement, as he is a governor at Castle Park Primary School, Caldicot.
County Councillor D. Dovey declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 – Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Outturn Statement, as he is a governor at Chepstow School.
County Councillor P. Pavia declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 – Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Outturn Statement, as he is a governor at St. Mary’s R.C. Primary School, Caldicot.
County Councillor B. Strong declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 – Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Outturn Statement, as he is a school governor.
Public Open Forum Minutes: There were no issues raised. |
Confirmation of minutes PDF 271 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Economy and Development Select Committee meeting dated 6th April 2017 were confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Presentation for the Overview of Enterprise Minutes: The Select Committee received a presentation in which an overview of activities of the Enterprise Directorate were provided.
Member Scrutiny:
· High skilled manufacturing jobs – It has been recognised that the Directorate needs to do more to encourage high skilled manufacturing firms to set up in Monmouthshire. In the south east of the county, with the reduction in to Severn Bridge tolls, more enquiries are being received asking for more industrial accommodation in this part of the County. The Authority is currently aligning its investment strategy with the work being undertaken regarding the City Deal with a view to obtaining maximum impact from this.
· There are in the region of 4300 micro businesses located within the County which tend to employee fewer than 10 employees per business. Under current European structural funds criteria these businesses are unable to receive grants but with Brexit, European Structural Funds will dissipate and will hopefully be replaced with something more favourable to Monmouthshire.
· Broadband connectivity in Monmouthshire is an issue that requires addressing, which will also help small businesses.
· The Agri Urban action plan will be produced in September / October 2017 with a view to looking at ways of drawing in additional funds to key areas.
· 20% of the population use leisure facilities. There is a huge opportunity within Monmouthshire to incorporate and join together services with a view to keeping fit. Working with key partners is critical to provide appropriate leisure provision and encourage all citizens to take part in a diverse range of activities in a fun and relevant way to maintain and improve fitness.
· Businesses have used Hilston Park for corporate training events. The Authority needs to maximise its assets to further develop this type of opportunity.
· In response to a question raised regarding new business development in South East Wales, it was noted that a specific study is being looked at regarding South East Monmouthshire, particularly in terms of specialist growth sector areas. Bespoke services are offered for companies that are looking to relocate to Monmouthshire and one to one support is what these companies often require. The Authority’s inward investment strategy and the Cardiff Capital Region proposal will aid in the development of the County. The Authority has a specific website to promote the development of Monmouthshire . In terms of skills, officers are working to influence opportunities. The development of youth enterprise and youth entrepreneurship is being taken seriously. However, all of this is being undertaken within capacity and budget to take forward the business development of the County. The Authority could have a bigger impact on business development with more resources in place.
· Regional and national frameworks exist where a number of meetings and catch up events are held throughout the year comprising of representatives from Welsh Government and partners. Therefore, there is a very good structure in place to remain updated. Internally, the Directorate has its Departmental Management Team meetings, as well as having its service plans. The Public Service Boards and the partnerships ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Youth Enterprise - European Structural Fund (ESF) Programmes - INSPIRE2WORK Extension PDF 389 KB Minutes: Context:
Further to Cabinet approval for the implementation of the Inspire2Work (I2W) programme in March 2016, Youth Enterprise requests in principle support for additional match funding from Authority reserves. This funding will enable the enhanced delivery of the existing I2W programme which provides post 16 support, intervention and employment opportunities utilising European Structural Fund (ESF) monies.
Key Issues:
· The current I2W programme for 16-18 year olds was approved by Cabinet in March 2016 for three years at a total project cost of £381,601 split between 55% ESF of £171,720 and Monmouthshire County Council match funding in the sum of £209,881.
· Following the delayed final approval of the programme in February 2017, one of the project’s original partners, Melin Homes, has withdrawn from the project. This provides an opportunity for the Authority to extend its current programme provision beyond 16-18 year olds to 16-24 year olds.
· Members have previously been made aware that Welsh Government has implemented the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework 2013, which provides a delivery model centred on the needs of young people identifying six key areas for achieving better outcomes for young people. The principles of the framework is embedded in the I2W programme and is designed to secure added value whilst reflecting the needs and aspirations of Monmouthshire’s young people and the Authority’s Single Integrated Plan.
Member Scrutiny:
· 16 – 18 year olds Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) currently number around 60 young people. However, young people can come in and out of this as they progress.
· For JSA, those young people aged 18 – 24 claimants, there are currently 40 young people.
· Data is continually being monitored as these are some of the most hardest to reach young people. Bespoke pages of support are required, i.e., a large or small intervention might be required, depending on the individual’s needs.
· Discussions are being held with the lead authority, Newport City Council regarding target setting.
· In response to a question regarding similar schemes that have been operated, it was noted that three contracts were run two years ago with Job Centre Plus and are keen to pick up on this work again liaising with local links and the Job Centre.
· Outcomes to evidence the success of the project – 33% Education, 22% into employment and 18% into educational training. Outcomes are being met.
· All avenues in terms of apprenticeships are being investigated with good links both locally and nationally. The aim is to tap into the local business market and we are well placed to build employability links. Discussions with schools are being held in the future.
· Young people’s interests and past experiences are also looked at, as well as aiming to build confidence and unlock the potential in young people.
· As the service is bespoke, the team will met individuals in their locality. Monmouthshire is a rural authority and therefore not always easy for young people to access services.
· The programme is gender balanced and gender targets have been set. This is a three ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Outturn Statement PDF 805 KB Minutes: Context:
To receive information on the revenue outturn position of the Authority at the end of period 4 which represents the financial outturn position for the 2016/17 financial year.
Recommendations proposed to Cabinet:
· That Members consider a net revenue outturn underspend of £884,000, an improvement of £805,000 on quarter 3 outturn predictions.
· Members consider a capital outturn spend of £40.03 million against a revised budget of £40.98 million, after a proposed slippage of £17.5 million, resulting in a net underspend of £951,000.
· Consider and approve the £17.5 million capital slippage recommended, paying attention to those schemes described in para 3.3.6 of the report where slippage has been requested by the service manager but is not being recommended to slip (£198,000).
· Considers the use of reserves proposed in para 3.4.1 of the report.
· Supports the apportionment of general underspend in supplementing reserve levels as described below, i.e.:
Priority Investment Fund £570,000 Redundancy & Pension Reserve £114,000 IT Transformation Reserve £100,000 Capital Receipts Generation Reserve £100,000
Total £884,000
· Members note that the low level of earmarked reserves will severely reduce the flexibility the Council has in meeting the challenges of scarce resources going forward.
· Members note the significant reduction in the overall school balance at the end of 2016/17 and support the continuing work with schools to ensure that the Council’s Fairer Funding scheme requirements are met and that the overall schools balance remains positive in 2017/18.
Member Scrutiny:
· Earmarked reserves remain at limited levels having reduced from £17,536,000 in 2015/16 to an outturn prediction of £12,958,000 in 2017/18.
· 2016/17 Savings progress – It was identified that there was additional pressure on an already pressurised budget. It was noted that the Enterprise Directorate had made 79% of its scheduled savings. However, not all savings were achieved in year and it was noted that the savings are carried over into the next year, creating additional pressure on budgets.
· In response to a question raised regarding local authority borrowing, it was noted that the authority would not be able to borrow more money than it was allowed to do. Current interest rates on borrowing were very low.
· Six schools have exhibited a deficit position at the start of 2016/17. Throughout the year this was anticipated to rise to 12 by the end of 2016/17. Information regarding the management position in respect of this matter in the longer term will be investigated by the Finance Manager and will be reported back to the Committee.
List of actions arising from the previous meeting PDF 73 KB Minutes: We noted the list of actions arising from the previous meeting. |
Minutes: The Scrutiny Manager informed the Committee that the Select Committee’s forward work plan and the Council and Cabinet Business Plan required developing.
In view of the discussions undertaken at today’s meeting, the Committee agreed that the Scrutiny Manager and the Democratic Services Officer should draft a list of the subjects raised with a view to scheduling a discussion on the work programme at the next Select Committee meeting in order to prioritise the topics that the Committee would like to focus on.
In terms of the next meeting, Members were asked to consider the following items:
· There has been a request for a report to be presented to the Committee regarding ICT provision in schools.
· Return on Investment report for the velothon, if the report is available.
For later in the year at the Select Committee meeting on 19th October 2017, the following items will be presented to the Committee:
· STEAM data.
· Tourism Destination Management Model.
We resolved to receive the update and noted its content. |
Timing of future Economy and Development Select Committee meetings Minutes: We resolved that future Economy and Development Select Committee Meetings would be held at 10.00am. |