Agenda item

Presentation for the Overview of Enterprise


The Select Committee received a presentation in which an overview of activities of the Enterprise Directorate were provided.


Member Scrutiny:


·         High skilled manufacturing jobs – It has been recognised that the Directorate needs to do more to encourage high skilled manufacturing firms to set up in Monmouthshire. In the south east of the county, with the reduction in to Severn Bridge tolls, more enquiries are being received asking for more industrial accommodation in this part of the County. The Authority is currently aligning its investment strategy with the work being undertaken regarding the City Deal with a view to obtaining maximum impact from this.


·         There are in the region of 4300 micro businesses located within the County which tend to employee fewer than 10 employees per business. Under current European structural funds criteria these businesses are unable to receive grants but with Brexit, European Structural Funds will dissipate and will hopefully be replaced with something more favourable to Monmouthshire.


·         Broadband connectivity in Monmouthshire is an issue that requires addressing, which will also help small businesses.


·         The Agri Urban action plan will be produced in September / October 2017 with a view to looking at ways of drawing in additional funds to key areas.


·         20% of the population use leisure facilities.  There is a huge opportunity within Monmouthshire to incorporate and join together services with a view to keeping fit.  Working with key partners is critical to provide appropriate leisure provision and encourage all citizens to take part in a diverse range of activities in a fun and relevant way to maintain and improve fitness.


·         Businesses have used Hilston Park for corporate training events. The Authority needs to maximise its assets to further develop this type of opportunity.


·         In response to a question raised regarding new business development in South East Wales, it was noted that a specific study is being looked at regarding South East Monmouthshire, particularly in terms of specialist growth sector areas.  Bespoke services are offered for companies that are looking to relocate to Monmouthshire and one to one support is what these companies often require. The Authority’s inward investment strategy and the Cardiff Capital Region proposal will aid in the development of the County.  The Authority has a specific website to promote the development of Monmouthshire .  In terms of skills, officers are working to influence opportunities.  The development of youth enterprise and youth entrepreneurship is being taken seriously. However, all of this is being undertaken within capacity and budget to take forward the business development of the County.  The Authority could have a bigger impact on business development with more resources in place.


·         Regional and national frameworks exist where a number of meetings and catch up events are held throughout the year comprising of representatives from Welsh Government and partners. Therefore, there is a very good structure in place to remain updated.  Internally, the Directorate has its Departmental Management Team meetings, as well as having its service plans.  The Public Service Boards and the partnerships are generating good outcomes and results and are focussing on key areas.  Regional networks have been established in respect of the City Deal and business support networks.  The Rural Development Programme Team networks nationally with other teams across Wales.  Cross border working on projects also occurs. With regard to micro businesses, a bespoke one to one service is provided.


·         In response to a question raised regarding the Directorate’s priorities, the following points were noted:


-       Broadband infrastructure and how this is being addressed.

-       Raising the County’s Inward investment Profile.

-       Maximise funding streams.

-       Apprenticeships and training.

-       The strategic direction of Community Engagement and the Whole Place Plan.


·         The volunteering rate in Monmouthshire is at 63% which is the highest in Wales.


·         There is work to be done on how one measures a healthy community.


·         In response to a question raised regarding opportunities missed due to budgetary constraints, it was noted that the Directorate would have liked to have been in a better position to promote Monmouthshire with the reduction in tolls for the Severn Bridges. However, now is the time to take this matter forward.


·         In terms of the Great Western City’s powerhouse, discussions have been ongoing for some time at a political and operational level.  There are good opportunities for Monmouthshire to work across the border.


·         Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) – The Directorate is aware of the opportunities.  It helps that we have the lead in terms of the business innovation and digital networks in terms of the Cardiff Capital Region.  The Directorate is working in these networks but the pathways for students are not as clear yet as they could be.


·         In response to a question raised, it was noted that walking football is played in Caldicot which has been very successful. The aim is to promote this across the County.


·         In response to a question raised regarding Chepstow TIC, it was noted that the TIC has a budget for this year to ensure that it will remain open for the year. Some grant funding has become available and product development has been ongoing. It will take partnership work and a change to the current model to create a more consistent, sustainable product.


·         In response to a question raised, it was noted that BT has a 95% coverage target for broadband provision across the Superfast Cymru Programme.  Welsh Government has just undertaken an open market review to enable them to find out where the hard to reach properties are and the results of this analysis is awaited. These results will then inform the Superfast Cymru 2 roll out programme which is likely to be fibre to the premises rather than fibre to the cabinets.  However, it will likely take longer to roll out this programme but it will be a high speed service.


·         In the interim the Directorate has been looking at innovative pilot schemes.  The line of sight wireless pilot has had limited success as the signal has to have direct point to point sight in order to obtain a connection. Another innovation pilot scheme uses TV white space using analogue signals to transport the broadband. Initial results are very positive, as these signals will penetrate solid objects allowing for a better connection.


·         In the meantime, the Authority is lobbying Welsh Government to address the lack of broadband provision and the need for Superfast Cymru 2 roll out to commence as quickly as possible within the County.


·         An Update meeting involving Cabinet Members and officers with BT and Welsh Government will be held in early July 2017. An update report on progress will be presented to a future meeting of the Select Committee.


·         A map providing the distribution of broadband provision across the County has been requested from BT.


·         A report regarding the STEAM figures will be presented to the Select Committee for scrutiny in September / October 2017.


·         In terms of business support and business rates, as far as the City Deal is concerned a regionalised strategy is being looked at for business support delivery but with a localised delivery function.  City Deal is just one aspect.  The Authority’s networks are wide, working with innovation companies, as well as many other companies. The County is also promoted via social media.


·         In response to a question raised regarding skills, what Coleg Gwent and Universities were doing to meet the employment needs of the future, it was noted that there was a need to be aware of the Donaldson Review and the implementation of this on Monmouthshire’s schools.  Also, there is a regional learning skills partnership and there has been research undertaken with colleges and universities regarding what the future need is. The Authority needs to ascertain how this will impact on Monmouthshire at a local level.


·         The Scrutiny Manager informed the Committee that an email has been sent out to all Members regarding the Tourism Destination Management Plan reminding them that there was still an opportunity to contribute to this. The draft plan will be brought to the Select Committee meeting on 19th October 2017.  The July 2017 meeting will receive a report for scrutiny regarding ICT provision in schools and STEM.


·         With regard to the County Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP) and the slow progress in bringing forward the LDP’s allocated strategic housing sites (which means the Council, does not have a five year housing land supply).  The plan is to be reviewed and it was anticipated that some of this shortfall will be covered under the review. However, it is likely that the Planning Department will receive planning applications on non-allocated sites that are not in the LDP, which will have to be determined on their merits pending the review of the LDP.




Committee’s Conclusion


  • That a list of topics discussed at today’s meeting be produced with a view to discussing how to proceed with the development of a forward work programme.


·         To scrutinise a report at the July 2017 Select Committee meeting regarding ICT provision in schools and STEM.


·         An Update meeting involving Cabinet Members and officers with BT and Welsh Government will be held in early July 2017. An update report on progress will be presented to a future meeting of the Select Committee.