Agenda item



The Licensing Sub-Committee of Monmouthshire County Council considered the application regarding the above for a premises licence to allow the operation of Regulated Entertainment (Live Music, Recorded Music and activities like Music and Dance) Late Night Refreshment and Supply of Alcohol. 


The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and introduced Members of the Sub Committee, Officers and representatives present.


The Principal Licensing Officer presented the key issues.


The Members were invited to ask questions based on the evidence provided. During discussion we noted:


  • Applicant’s willingness to amend hours.


  • Security and safety provision.


  • First Aid provision.



The committee was advised that the team was experienced at running festivals with great emphasis on getting the correct security and safety team in place, as they felt the festival should be inclusive of the Community.


Concerns were expressed regarding festival goers entering the site with their own alcohol and the committee were assured that this had been addressed, with ticket holders advised the allocation to be brought onto site and a wristband scheme in place which would notify when this allocation had been used.


Following questioning the Officers and Applicants left the meeting to allow the Committee Members the opportunity to deliberate and discuss the findings.


Upon re-commencement, The Chair advised that the Committee had considered the application under the Licensing Act 2003 and issued the statement below;


The sub-committee have considered the application for a Temporary Premises Licence for The Balter Festival, Great Goytre Farm, Pandy, Abergavenny. We have heard representations from the applicant, Monmouthshire County Council Licensing Officer Mr Leigh Beach and Mr Huw Owen Monmouthshire County Council Environmental Health Department.


We have also taken into account any other written representations and objections received.


In reaching the decision we have had regard to:


-          the Licensing Act 2003

-          the licensing objectives

-          the Council’s statement of licensing policy.

-          the guidance issued by the Security of State for Culture, Media and Sport.


In taking into account all of the above matters, any other relevant legislation, for example, the Human Rights Act 1998 and all the relevant circumstances of the application.


The following points were discussed and it was felt that:-


The noise levels in the area would be unacceptable if the licence was granted at the times requested on the application form.


As such the following permissions for the above premises are as follows:-


Live Music, Recorded Music, Activities like Music & Dance

Friday: 14.00hrs – 01.00hrs, Saturday: 11.00hrs – 01.00hrs, Sunday 11.00hrs – 23.30hrs

Late Night Refreshment

Friday-Sunday:23.00hrs – 05.00hrs

Supply of Alcohol

Friday-Sunday:12.00hrs - 02.00hrs

Opening Hours

Friday-Monday:12.00hrs – 17.00hrs


The applicant and objector may appeal to the Magistrates Court against this decision within 21 days of being notified of the decision.


The applicant and objector will receive written confirmation of this decision within 5 working days.




Supporting documents: