Agenda and minutes

Economy and Development Select Committee - Thursday, 7th June, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA

No. Item


To note the appointment of County Councillor P. Pavia as the Select Committee Chair


We noted the appointment of County Councillor P. Pavia as Chair.


Appointment of Vice-Chair


We appointed County Councillor A. Davies as Vice Chair.


The Committee considered that, in future, the election of chairs for all Select Committees should be taken at the Democratic Services Committee rather than being undertaken by the Conservative Group.


We resolved that the Chair discusses this matter with the Chair of the Democratic Services Committee.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest raised by Members.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The minutes of the Economy and Development Select Committee meeting dated 26th April 2018 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Public Open Forum


There were no members of the public present.


Alternative Delivery Model - to scrutinise the progress of the establishment of the Alternative Delivery Model for Tourism, Leisure, Culture and Youth Services, to input on the proposed governance arrangements and to discuss the stages prior to final Council approval pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Given that there is likely to be wider interest in this scrutiny, an invitation is extended to all elected members.

Additional documents:


The Select Committee expressed concern regarding the direction of scrutiny in respect of this issue and have therefore asked officers to reconsider this matter.


We resolved to defer consideration of this agenda item to another meeting of the Select Committee, potentially a special meeting in the near future.


City Deal Joint Scrutiny - Report on the governance arrangements pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Additional documents:




To scrutinise the proposal to establish a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal.


Key Issues:


At its meeting held on the 20 November 2017, the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Cabinet received a report detailing proposals for the establishment of a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal.  This report also included a suggested draft ‘Terms of Reference’ for the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The report proposed that one of the ten authorities hosts the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and provides it with dedicated scrutiny support and advice.  It was agreed by the Joint Cabinet that Bridgend County Borough Council would undertake the role of Host Authority and would provide the necessary scrutiny support for the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Member Scrutiny:


·         It was considered that the Monmouthshire County Council Member sitting on the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee should come from the Economy and Development Select Committee.


·         Economy and Development Select Committee Members expressing an interest in being the Authority’s representative to sit on the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee should consider submitting a short statement outlining why it should be them, with a view to making a short presentation at Full Council. 


·         The Chair stated that he would contact the Scrutiny Manager regarding the next steps in this process.



Committee’s Conclusion:


The Committee concluded that it would be sensible for the appointed Member to derive from the membership of the Economy and Development Select Committee.   Members interested in performing the role may choose to make a short presentation to Council. 





Economy and Development Select Committee Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 227 KB


We received the Economy and Development Select Committee Forward Work Programme. In doing so, the following points were noted:


Economies of the Future WORKSHOP 2


Cross border issues to be discussed. Gloucestershire First, which is an organisation that works with businesses in the Gloucestershire area, has been invited to join the Select Committee in a workshop session.  This is currently scheduled to take place in the afternoon of the 12th July 2018.  The Strong Communities Select Committee will be invited to join the workshop.


Scrutiny of Enabling Strategies


This report is scheduled to be presented to the Economy and Development Select Committee meeting on the 19th July 2018.


Cross Border Issues WORKSHOP 1


This workshop is scheduled to take place in September 2018.


The local Member for St. Mary’s, Chepstow, informed the Committee that the Forest of Dean Economic Partnership will meet in the morning of the 22nd June 2018 in Mitcheldean. Members of the Select Committee can attend this meeting. The local Member will distribute details of the meeting to the Select Committee.


The local Member for St. Kingsmark, Chepstow, informed the Committee that a meeting has been held between Forest of Dean District Council, Gloucestershire County Council and Monmouthshire County Council, in which the transport issues regarding Chepstow were being discussed in an integrated way.




The Chair will liaise with officers to establish another workshop session. He will also liaise with the Chief Officer for Resources with a view to obtaining an update report regarding progress in respect of this matter.



We noted the report.





Council and Cabinet Business Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 59 KB


We received the Council and Cabinet Business Forward Plan.  In doing so, the following point was noted:


£50 million Prudential Borrowing to fund acquisitions over a three year period


This matter has not been scrutinised by the Economy and Development Select Committee and is integrated into the Council’s Corporate Plan up to 2022. It would be advantageous if the Committee undertook scrutiny of this issue.


We resolved that a report regarding this matter is brought to a future meeting of the Select Committee.




Next meeting

Thursday 19th July 2018 at 10.00am.


The next ordinary meeting of the Economy and Development Select Committee will be held on Thursday 19th July 2018 at 10.00am. However, it was noted that a special meeting of the Economy and Development Select Committee might be required to scrutinise the Alternative Delivery Model report that was deferred.


The following information was noted:


·         The local Member for St. Mary’s, Chepstow, is organising a visit to see the Bristol Robotics Laboratory for members of the Select Committee.


·         On 21st June 2018, Lord Clement-Jones, the spokesperson regarding the digital economy, is speaking at the Drill Hall, Chepstow regarding Artificial Intelligence, which is open to all and is free to attend.


·         The Secretary of State for Wales has released a low key survey on the impact of the Severn Bridge tolls.


·         The Chair had attended the Democratic Services Committee.  It was noted that the Head of Policy and Governance will shortly circulate a paper with a view to following this with a Members’ seminar to decide which particular work streams the Select Committees will want to investigate.