Crynodeb Presenoldeb ar gyfer yr holl gyfarfodydd cyhoeddus

Eglurhad o'r golofn ystadegau

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend, whether in person or virtually, in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the actual attendance status is known.
Yn bresennol
Nifer y cyfarfodydd yr aeth y Cynghorydd iddynt fel aelod o’r pwyllgor hwnnw.
Present, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, as substitute, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in place of a committee member who could not attend.
Yn bresennol
Nifer y cyfarfodydd eraill yr aeth y Cynghorydd iddynt ac eithrio fel aelod o’r Pwyllgor, er enghraifft yn wirfoddol oherwydd diddordeb personol yn y testun oedd yn cael ei drafod..
In attendance, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Disgwyliedig Yn bresennol Present, virtual Present as substitute, virtual Yn bresennol In attendance, virtual
County Councillor Jill Bond13120000
County Councillor Mary Ann Brocklesby11110000
County Councillor Fay Bromfield970000
County Councillor Louise Brown10100000
County Councillor Emma Bryn15130000
County Councillor Rachel Buckler760000
County Councillor Sara Burch12110000
County Councillor Jan Butler13130000
County Councillor Ben Callard12120000
County Councillor Ian Chandler11110000
County Councillor John Crook24240000
County Councillor Tomos Dafydd Davies760000
County Councillor Lisa Dymock970000
County Councillor Tony Easson16160000
County Councillor Christopher Edwards870000
County Councillor Catherine Fookes100000
County Councillor Steven Garratt11100000
County Councillor Rachel Garrick330000
County Councillor Paul Griffiths11110000
County Councillor Martyn Groucutt18150000
County Councillor Simon Howarth1060000
County Councillor Meirion Howells16150000
County Councillor Richard John550000
County Councillor David Jones770000
County Councillor Penny Jones980000
County Councillor Tony Kear550000
County Councillor Malcolm Lane860000
County Councillor Jane Lucas990000
County Councillor Catrin Maby1090000
County Councillor Su McConnel870000
County Councillor Jayne McKenna10100000
County Councillor Phil Murphy16140000
County Councillor Alistair Neill1080000
County Councillor Martin Newell220000
County Councillor Paul Pavia970000
County Councillor Maureen Powell12120000
County Councillor Sue Riley15120000
County Councillor Dale Rooke12110000
County Councillor Angela Sandles12120000
County Councillor Maria Stevens410000
County Councillor Jackie Strong14140000
County Councillor Peter Strong14120000
County Councillor Frances Taylor750000
County Councillor Tudor Thomas11100000
County Councillor Armand Watts660000
County Councillor Ann Webb16140000
County Councillor Laura Wright1190000