Meeting attendance

Monday, 24th February, 2020 2.00 pm, Strong Communities Select Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr USK - County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk

Contact:    Democratic Services

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
County Councillor Dimitri Batrouni Committee Member Present
County Councillor Peter Clarke Committee Member Apologies
County Councillor Lisa Dymock Chair Present
County Councillor David Dovey Committee Member Present
County Councillor Tony Easson Committee Member Present
County Councillor Roger Harris Guest In attendance
County Councillor Val Smith Committee Member Present
County Councillor Jamie Treharne Committee Member Present
County Councillor Ann Webb Vice-Chair Apologies
Paul Matthews Officer Expected
Will McLean Officer Expected
Peter Davies Officer Expected
Julie Boothroyd Officer Expected
Frances O'Brien Officer Expected
Hazel Ilett Officer In attendance
Robert McGowan Officer Expected
Matthew Phillips Officer Expected
Mark Howcroft Officer Expected
Richard Williams Officer Expected
Wendy Barnard Officer Expected
Nicola Perry Officer Expected
Alan Burkitt Officer In attendance
Carl Touhig Officer In attendance
Gareth Sage Officer In attendance
Matthew Gatehouse Officer In attendance