Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- County Councillor Jim Higginson - Personal - County Councillor J. Higginson declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of an application for the grant of an Adult Gaming Centre at 2 – 4 Monnow Street, Monmouth as he is a Member of Monmouthshire County Council’s Planning Committee and might be required to determine the change of use for the premises.
- County Councillor Tony Easson - Personal - County Councillor A. Easson declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of an application for the grant of an Adult Gaming Centre at 2 – 4 Monnow Street, Monmouth as he is a Member of Monmouthshire County Council’s Planning Committee and might be required to determine the change of use for the premises.