E-Petition to Monmouthshire County Council details

Cattle grids in Castle Meadows

We the undersigned petition the Monmouthshire County Council to Immediately cover the newly constructed cattle grids in Castle Meadows and reconsider their use in Proposal DM/2022/01831

The cattle grids have very recently been constructed, despite some local opposition and warnings of danger to small children and dogs. On Friday April 28th a dog was killed running across the grid at the Mill Street end of Castle Meadows in Abergavenny. We hope this will be the last tragedy of this nature. Please take immediate steps to remove the grids.

Started by: Jo Webb

This E-Petition to Monmouthshire County Council ran from 29/04/2023 to 30/06/2023 and has now finished.

16 people signed this E-Petition to Monmouthshire County Council.