Issue - decisions

Test 7

07/06/2017 - Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2016/17 Outturn Forecast Statement

That Cabinet consider a net revenue outturn unspend of £884,000, an improvement of £805,000 on quarter 3 outturn predictions.


That Cabinet consider a capital outturn spend of £40.03m against a revised budget of £40.98million, after proposed slippage of £17.5 million, resulting in a net underspend of £951k.


That Cabinet consider and approve the £17.5m capital slippage recommended (detailed in appendix 2), paying attention to those schemes described in para 3.3.6 where slippage has been requested by the service manager but is not being recommended to slip (£198k).


That Cabinet considers the use of reserves proposed in para 3.4.1,


That Cabinet supports the apportionment of general underspend in supplementing reserve levels as described in para 3.4.3 below, i.e.:

Priority Investment Fund £570k

Redundancy & Pension Reserve £114k

IT Transformation Reserve £100k

Capital Receipts Generation Reserve £100k

Total £884k


That Cabinet note that the low level of earmarked reserves will severely reduce the flexibility the Council has in meeting the challenges of scare resources going forward.


That Cabinet note the significant reduction in the overall school balance at the end of 2016/17 and supports the continuing work with schools to ensure that the Council’s Fairer Funding scheme requirements are met, and that the overall schools balance remains positive in 2017/18.