Issue - decisions


16/12/2016 - Section 106 Funding - 3G Pitch and Caldicot Castle Play Area Upgrading

·         That Council be recommended to increase the 3G capital budget (Capital Budget Code 90761) by £26,335 to include the additional expenditure incurred on this project.

·         That £26,335 of the Church Road Section 106 balance be used to offset the overspend that has occurred in carrying out additional works at the Severnside 3G pitch in Caldicot;

·         That £63,500 of the Church Road Section 106 balance be used to completely upgrade the children’s play area at Caldicot Castle;

·         That the upgrading of the children’s play area at Cas Troggy, Caldicot be delayed pending wider consideration of play areas generally across the         county.