Issue - decisions



That the draft Usk (& Woodside) Improvement Masterplan be approved, and that the action plan be subsequently amended by the Steering Group as appropriate.


That the process to deliver the Action Plan set out in the Next Steps section is approved, subject to the amendment that the Partnership Group recommendation is not taken forward (see paragraph 3.7).


That a Steering Committee is established and that the Steering Committee agrees a terms of reference, including the ability to revise and amend the Action Plan.


That the Chief Officer for Enterprise and the relevant Cabinet members be regularly briefed on the actions of the Steering group and refinement of the Action Plan.


To facilitate early occupation, that options for the use of the vacant HWRC site In Maryport Street car park be developed and implemented in advance of the wider masterplan action plan revision and any such proposals be approved by the deputy chief executive in consultation with the relevant cabinet member