Issue - decisions

Test 5


To note the progress in undertaking a feasibility study to establish a new cultural offer at Shire Hall incorporating the Monmouth Museum and the review of museum collection storage.


To approve the establishment of an initial phase within Shire Hall and to confirm that Monmouth Museum will not reopen in Market Hall.


To reopen key areas of Shire Hall for public use, subject to Covid regulations and any restrictions required to allow the completion of the phase 1 provision incorporating temporary museum displays.


Cabinet recommends to Council a £250,000 contribution from capital receipts to facilitate the initial phase of works, and that in turn will also provide a match funding contribution to the Levelling Up Fund bid for Monmouth that would if successful enable the longer term vision to be achieved.


Future reports be presented to Cabinet as the long term proposals for Shire Hall, Monmouth and for museum collection storage are further developed