Each address below is displayed as a comma separated value (CSV) list. You can copy and paste this information into a text file. Open the file in your word processor or spreadsheet for use in mail merges.
To use this information as a mail merge in a Microsoft Word document, copy and paste all the names and addresses including the headings 'Name, Address1 etc' into a Word document. To put it into table format: Highlight all the text, go to Table/Convert text to table/Make sure 'separate text at commas' is chosen then OK.
Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Postcode, Phone, Mobile, Email
County Councillor Jill Bond, C/O Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , , jillbond@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Fay Bromfield, C/O Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , 07565707831, faybromfield@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Emma Bryn, C/O Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , 07891603974, emmabryn@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Jan Butler, C/O Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , 07719101625, janbutler@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor John Crook, c/o Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , , johncrook@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Tony Easson, 60 Castle Lodge Crescent, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, , NP26 4JS, , , anthonyeasson@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Steven Garratt, c/o Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, USK, NP151GA, , , stevengarratt@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Meirion Howells, C/O Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, 01633 644618, , meirionhowells@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Su McConnel, c/o Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , , sumcconnel@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Jayne McKenna, c/o Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, USK, NP151GA, , , jaynemckenna@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Phil Murphy, C/O Democratic Services, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA, , 07712 068741, PhilMurphy@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Maureen Powell, C/O Democratic Services, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA, , 07890 043796, maureenpowell@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Sue Riley, c/o Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, USK, NP151GA, , , SueRiley@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Dale Rooke, C/O Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, Usk, NP15 1GA, , , DaleRooke@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Ann Webb, C/O Democratic Services, The Rhadyr, Usk, , NP15 1GA, , 07816678948, annwebb@monmouthshire.gov.uk
County Councillor Laura Wright, c/o Democratic Services, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, USK, NP151GA, , , laurawright@monmouthshire.gov.uk