Agenda item

Application DM/2018/01963 - Ground floor change of use from A1 to A3 use. Part first floor change of use from flat to A3. Relocation of front entrance door. New sign above shop front. Penhowe Antiques, 37A Bridge Street, Usk, NP15 1BQ


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the six conditions, as outlined in the report.


The Planning Committee was informed that officers consult with directly adjoining properties and erect site notices.  With regard to this application, some directly adjoining properties had not received a consultation letter from the County Council. Therefore, it was suggested that the Planning Committee considers making a resolution on the application for further consultation to be undertaken with the neighbours with a view to the application being referred back to the Delegation Panel to consider any new issues that might arise.


It was noted that the applicant had offered to provide obscured glazing to the upper floor windows to help mitigate any impact, which could be implemented via an additional condition.


County Councillor V. Smith (adjoining ward Member) attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points raised by local residents:


·         Consultation had not being undertaken adequately to make all residents aware of the implications of the application.


·         The reasons for the objections to the application are:


-       The loss of privacy – The first floor of 37a Bridge Street looks directly into the lounge of property number 8 on the opposite side of the road and the bedroom of a child in number 10.  However, this matter could be addressed via the applicant installing obscured glazing.


-       There should be no opening windows on the first floor, as sound travels significantly in that enclosed street at night.


-       Opening times should be restricted. An opening time until 1.00pm is unacceptable in a small community.


-       Change of use is not consistent with other public houses on Bridge Street.


-       People stepping out from the public house onto Bridge Street late at night is a safety concern.


-       A complaint has been made to the County Council regarding the lack of consultation.  However, reference had been made regarding this matter and was being addressed.


The Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping informed the Committee that in terms of the consultation, the legal requirement had been fulfilled in respect of this application, which is to either provide a site notice or consult adjacent neighbours.  However, the Council’s standard practice with regard to applications like this is to undertake both options.  Therefore, additional letters will be sent as indicated, in addition to the site notice.


Having considered the report of the application and the view expressed, the following points were noted:


·         It was promising to see re-investment returning to Usk high street and the Committee should support such re-investment.


·         Support for the application was expressed subject to the conditions outlined in the report and by officers and subject to re-consultation via the Delegation Panel.


·         Support was expressed for the obscured glazing as put forward by the applicant.


·         The windows appear to be non-opening.  However, if they were replaced, consideration would be required with regard to the wording of the condition in respect of the obscured glazing and the opening of the windows. Also, Building Regulations might be required for ventilation purposes and a means of escape. These matters could be addressed via the Delegation Panel.


·         The issue regarding opening hours would be a Licensing and Regulatory Committee matter.


It was proposed by County Councillor M. Feakins and seconded by County Councillor P. Murphy that application DM/2018/01963 be approved subject to the six conditions, as outlined in the report and:


·         Subject to additional consultation with adjoining properties that have not yet been consulted.


·         Report to the Delegation Panel when the 21 days have expired.


·         Add a further condition to ensure the first floor front windows are obscure glazed and are non-opening if Fire / Building Regulations allow.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


In favour of the proposal                -           9

Against the proposal                       -           0

Abstentions                                       -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2018/01963 be approved subject to the six conditions, as outlined in the report and:


  • Subject to additional consultation with adjoining properties that have not yet been consulted.


  • Report to the Delegation Panel when the 21 days have expired.


  • Add a further condition to ensure the first floor front windows are obscure glazed and are non-opening if Fire / Building Regulations allow.


Supporting documents: