The Chief Officer for Children and Young People presented his Annual Report and in doing so took the opportunity to reflect on the past year for education and the services we offer to our children and young people. He thanked colleagues, and all teachers, head teachers, teaching assistants and everyone else who work with our children in our schools.
Following presentation, discussion ensued.
Reference was made to the ongoing focus on vulnerable learners, and how this continues to be an issue. The Chief Officer was asked what plans are in place to help these children improve with fewer resources available. In response the Officer acknowledged the concerns and explained that we are working very closely with our secondary schools, and beginning to use a far more rigorous approach to interrogating the schools’ plan. Involving using the Sutton Trust Toolkit, ensuring that the money being spent on those interventions is the most effective.
In response to a concern it was explained that Social Justice is reflected throughout the report, and the importance of education with regards to social justice and social mobility in the future.
County Councillor P. Pavia left at 16:45pm
The Cap 9 is based on the Fisher Family Trust Aspire Model. FFT is a hugely well-developed resource for teachers. It compares children to children who are very similar. The example used was most challenging comparison we could have.
There was disappointment in the increase in fixed term exclusions, and schools are challenged regarding the levels of FTE. The Chief Officer reflected that it is wrong to conflate those with addition learning needs, and being supported by teaching assistants, with those with disruptive behaviour. He added that we need to understand the patterns of those being excluded on a fixed term basis, the number of children and how long those instances are. More work is being undertaken and a report will be taken to Select Committee in the coming months.
From September 2019 we are investing in an additional teacher and teaching assistant in every Secondary School and additional HLTA to ensure we have a countywide response to challenging behaviour.
It was agreed that the performance level at Key Stage 4 is not where we would like but it is hoped that we will see an increase at the end of this academic year.
Concerns were raised from a financial perspective with regards to predicted deficits across half of the County’s schools. The Chief Officer recognised the challenge and explained that we have to make sure our schools understand the flexibility of the resources that we provide and that they understand how to make best use of that.
In response to a concern regarding racism in schools, officers work closely with schools to ensure they receive the training needed to make sure schools are fair, equitable and open, and that children behave responsibly and appropriately.
County Councillor D. Jones left at 16:55pm
County Councillor D. Blakebrough left at 17:00pm
Caldicot was recognised as a key pinch area in terms of capacity, and work is being undertaken to develop a clear strategy around how Section 106 money is spent.
There is an equity strategy in place, a key component of which More Able and Talented children, to ensure these children are encouraged to continue to move forward.
County Councillor D. Evans left at 17:15pm.
The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People thanked the Chief Officer for the evidence based report, and recognised the number of challenges, but also highlighted the importance of recognising the excellence.
The Chair thanked the Chief Officer for his report.
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