The Chair welcomed Melanie Laidler, Associate Director of Integration and Innovation, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, to the meeting to answer questions. Her kind offer to return to the Area Committee with regular updates was welcomed.
· In response to a question about intentions for the future for the Community Hospital, it was explained that it is one of several across Gwent provided under the ethos of Care Closer to Home and to address problems such as the large numbers of outpatients in the Royal Gwent Hospital.
· It is proposed that there will be a graduated care model e.g. if a patient doesn’t need acute care, they can be admitted to Chepstow Hospital, be nearer to home and there is the option to step up or down to or from the Royal Gwent Hospital as needed. This model in Chepstow will be replicated across Gwent. Dr. A. Gray, Neighbourhood Care Network will be co-ordinating this care model which will be rolled out to all community hospitals in Gwent.
· The Health Board is working with Council staff on an integrated service model of wellbeing. Some local authority staff will be based in Chepstow Hospital.
· There are plans for DVT Pathway to be moved within 6 months and Audiology has already moved. There will be a carefully planned shift of services over the next 12 months.
· Regarding Care of the Elderly, a model has being developed that has moved outpatient services to Chepstow Hospital. It was confirmed that staff will be there more often. It was confirmed that there is some space within the hospital that is suitable for outpatient appointments.
· A Member noted that staff at the Hospital has declined and asked if staff numbers will increase to deliver outpatient services. It was emphasised that there is a national shortage of nurses, medical staff and social workers etc. To address this shortage, the Health Board (with Monmouthshire County Council) has set up an academy to build staff resources and has secured funding for two years.
· In response to a question, it was confirmed that consultants will not be based at the Hospital but will travel there 1 or 2 times a week. GPs will be based in the hospital and will oversee the step up beds. There is the opportunity to increase frailty consultants and possibly base them in the hospital.
· It was responded that the X ray service will continue at Chepstow Hospital.
· A member of the public was sceptical about the plans and expressed specific concerns about adult mental health, and moving dementia services to St. Woolos Hospital. It was responded that the intention is to provide continuity and integrated services. It was added that there is an opportunity for the day hospital to start opening for third sector organisations to provide services.
· A Committee Member also expressed uncertainty about the plans in view of previous promises and asked if there are there any plans to move services away. If so, it is important to ensure that the most appropriate services move to the hospital to add value to the community.
· The Health Board is keen to promote the ethos of care closer to home and hopes to continue to reduce DNAs (Did Not Attend). There has been a reduction since services have moved to Monmouthshire. This has encouraged staff in others services to embrace the move and staff now want to provide outpatients clinics in Monmouthshire.
· A Member asked if reports of cold meals in Royal Gwent Hospital can be investigated and a response was promised from the Director or Facilities.
· It was reiterated that there are no plans in Clinical Futures to reinstate the Minor Injuries Unit at Chepstow Hospital.
· It was confirmed that there were regular meetings on cross border issues and that differences in staff terms and conditions was not currently a recognised problem.
· Regarding plans to accommodate population growth due to housing development in Chepstow and Sedbury, it was explained that the regional partnership board brings all stakeholders together to share information which is a benefit and avoids decisions being taken in isolation.
· The Chair requested a list of new and planned outpatients’ services, and respective timescales.
· It was requested that defibrillation facilities are made available at the hospital that are accessible at night. It was responded that a bid has been made to the integrated care fund for the provision of defibrillators in community hospitals and also for third sector organisations plus training equipment. The help of the Lions Club was offered.
The representative of the Health Board was thanked for her contribution to the meeting and for the offer to attend meetings regularly.