Agenda item

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny: Safer Monmouthshire Plan




To provide relevant performance information to the Stronger Communities Select

Committee under the requirements of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.


To focus on the activity and delivery within the Safer Monmouthshire Group.


The Safer Monmouthshire Group (SMG) formally undertakes the Local Service Board’s

Statutory responsibility in-line with the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Part 1: S6) which includes, strategies for the reduction of crime and disorder, strategies for combating the

misuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances, and strategies for the reduction of reoffending.


Under the direction of the Monmouthshire Local Service Board, the SMG brings together

representatives of the key organisations responsible for shaping and delivering community safety actions which contribute to the Monmouthshire Single Integrated Plan and are in- line with the Crime and Disorder Act.


The Safer Monmouthshire Group contributes to Theme 2; People are Confident, Capable

and Involved and Outcomes 4, 5 & 6 of the Single Integrated Plan.


These are:


  • People’s lives are not affected by alcohol and drug misuse

·         Families are supported

·         People feel safe



Key Issues:


In 2012 the Welsh Government Statutory Guidance “Shared Purpose, Shared Delivery” rationalised the partnership landscape, by reducing complexity and duplication, and freeing up resources, through the development of Local Service Boards and the Single Integrated Plan. The Single Integrated Plan replaced the existing statutory plans and strategies, which included the Community Safety Partnership Plan, that incorporated the three crime and disorder strategies; (1) the reduction of crime and disorder, (2) strategies for combating the misuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances, and (3) strategies for the reduction of re-offending.



The old Community Safety Partnerships were disbanded, and under the Monmouthshire LSB, the Safer Monmouthshire Group was formed and the statutory duties, of the Crime and Disorder Act, were discharged to the Safer Monmouthshire Group.


The Safer Monmouthshire Group embraces multi-agency working, with representation from a wide range of partner organisations, who work collaboratively to address community safety issues across Monmouthshire. Collaboration and partnership working forms a key part of the delivery of community safety actions across the county, and it is important that Select Committees have a strong oversight of this work and the actions that are being taken to address the challenges of crime & disorder across Monmouthshire’s rural and urban landscapes.


Member Scrutiny:


A member asked for clarity on the classification of the areas. The Member asked how they would be referenced in future. The Officer answered that they would wait for the outcome of reorganisation.


A member asked why figures for fraud dropped so dramatically, 364 to 0. The Police Inspector answered that he would return an answer to the Committee. (ACTION STEFAN WILLIAMS/POLICE)


It was questioned how effective were CSAT and who did they report to. The Officer answered that a core member of each CSAT was a County Councillor and this was the mechanism by which information was cascaded back to full Council.


A Member asked about importance of CCTV. The Police Inspector felt from an operational Police point of view CCTV was invaluable.


A Member commented on the lack of technology mentioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner at their recent visit to Full Council.


A Member mentioned that technology could be instrumental in non-urgent crimes reporting crimes. The Station Commander advised there was an app (Android and Apple compatible) for reporting information to the Fire Service.


A Member voiced concerns regarding youth crimes against society. An Officer replied that there was a structure in place to address anti-social behaviour. This was seconded by the Police Inspector who explained the use of behaviour contracts, injunctions and dispersal powers under new anti-social legislation.


A Member questioned the categorisation of crimes. It was advised that the Home Office set the categories of Crime.


A Member raised the issue of roadside advertising which has been suspended by MCC, and asked if the Police and Fire Bridge had an opinion. The Police Inspector was not aware of any issues but would report back. (ACTION STEFAN WILLIAMS/POLICE)


A Member questioned if a member of the Probation service would be available to attend a future meeting.


A Member mentioned that they felt the word ‘older’ should be removed from the vison.


A question was raised regarding new legislation requiring all rental properties to fit a mains powered smoke alarm; what work was being done with Landlords? The Fire Commander answered that he was aware of the new legislation, which would be led and policed by his Fire Safety Team. He will clarify what legislation applies to Wales and return to the Committee with answers. (ACTION MATT JONES/FIRE SERVICE)



Committee’s Conclusion:


Chair’s Summary:


On behalf of the Select Committee, the Chairman thanked the Officers, the Police Inspector and Fire Station Commander for their recommendations.


And look forward to receiving the report on a 6 monthly basis to compare data.




Supporting documents: