Agenda item

Local Development Plan: Mark Hand, Head of Planning, Housing and Place-Shaping


The Head of Planning, Housing and Place-Shaping attended to provide an update on the Local Development Plan (LDP); the statutory plan for the future development of land use in the County to last until 2033.  The items regarding the LDP and the Local Transport Plan (LTP) were considered together.


The three and a half year timeline that started in May 2018 was shared. We are currently at the point looking at Issues, Objectives and Vision moving to Growth levels and options in May 2019, and adoption in December 2021.


Suggestions for candidate sites have been sought and a list published.  The sites could potentially provide a maximum of 50,000 homes.  However, it was noted that no candidate sites have been assessed to date.


Key issues have been picked out from the public wellbeing plan and address the main challenges of demography, economic base, housing prices and affordability, infrastructure, job availability and attractiveness of the County to incoming businesses and investment etc.


The LDP can look to tackle some of these issues and others such as cost of commuting, environmental impact and also reflecting national planning policy to reduce the need for travel or providing opportunities for sustainable travel.


It was noted that the Local Transport Plan will run in parallel with the LDP.  Input on infrastructure and development opportunities was welcomed from the Group.  Questions were invited:


·         Regarding addressing healthy lifestyles, a Group Member referred to the bid for a new walkway station at Magor, acknowledged the support so far from the authority and queried if any more can be done.  It was responded that the work so far can continue to help inform infrastructure.  It was suggested that the walkway station could be put forward as a candidate site in November with a caveat that inclusion may be removed according to the views of the inspectorate.  It was agreed that the proposed station is intended to be a community hub so could be tied into the LDP accordingly.

·         The Chair informed the group of the campaign to reduce traffic from the route between Lydney and Chepstow, and to seek a direct rail route from Lydney/Chepstow to Bristol and Wales.  It was agreed that there are also insufficient trains and that there is impatience for improvements. The Transport Planning & Policy Officer confirmed that Lydney is always included in discussions and assured that the authorities are working together.  There were no positive updates in relation to the new franchise, there is commitment for an hourly service and not for an accessible turn up and go service, same for Bristol services.  It was confirmed that discussions continue. It was agreed that it may be worth an approach to the Secretary of State, David Davies MP and Mark Harper MP from the Gateway for Wales aspect. 


The Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping advised that there is a duty to work alongside neighbouring authorities and confirmed that we are working with all.


It was added that it is important to consider how our work links into Metro plans especially building transport to serve new development.