Agenda item

Application DM/2018/01470 - Detached house Land Adjacent To The Beeches, Wainfield Lane, Gwehelog


We considered the report of the application, and late correspondence, which was recommended for approval subject to the nine conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement.


The local Member for Llanbadoc ward, attended the meeting by invitation of the Vice-Chair and outlined the following points:


·         The sub division of plots and piecemeal developments have become a regular occurrence in Wainfield Lane over the years.


·         That development had mainly been on the opposite side of the lane to this application where the ground slopes down from the lane with surplus water draining away to the rear of the properties onto open ground.


·         This application is on the opposite side of the lane and sits on ground that slopes down to the lane.  Therefore, any run off from the ground will drain onto Wainfield Lane.


·         There is considerable concern in the community regarding the capacity of the ground to cope with and absorb both surface water and the water from the treatment systems from two dwellings.


·         If the application is approved, the local Member asked that the location of the foul water treatment system is located at the rear of the plot and that it be close to the boundary with the Beeches.


·         Also, that there be no application which would provide any overlooking of the adjacent house.


·         The community is pleased with the design and that the level of the ridges is progressing downwards.


Having considered the views expressed, the following points were noted:


·         The treatment plant will be a considerable improvement which is situated to the rear of the property and centrally located and is quite a way from Springfield’s boundary.


·         There will be permeable surfaces to deal with water run-off.  There are engineering solutions being put in place to cope with these issues.


·         The application has a condition in place in relation to permeable surfaces for any additional hard standing provided.


·         The Highways Department prefers having a shared access as there will only be one point of conflict on the highway.


·         With regard to the affordable housing contribution, there is a rigorous financial viability process that has to be undertaken.  In this case, it was established that the affordable housing contribution being obtained is an appropriate level for this development.


·         A review is being undertaken regarding commuted sums, details of which will be presented to the Planning Committee and a Select Committee for comments before going out for consultation.


·         Due to the considerable drop in the viability contribution, it was suggested that the Planning Committee defers consideration of the application in order to review the figures and investigate whether other quotes should be obtained. In response, the Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping informed the Committee that quotes are not obtained from other companies.  Officers are satisfied with the figure presented within the report based on the information that has been provided.


·         The Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping acknowledged that viability information would be sent to the Planning Committee confidentially but had not done so on this occasion. This would be rectified for the future.


·         Condition four be reworded to ensure it indicates that the foul and surface water drainage is provided in accordance with the approved details and plans.


·         It was suggested that the development could have a separate soakaway for household waste and have an additional system that deals with the sewage.  In response, it was noted that any additional hard standing would consist of a permeable surface.  With regard to the treatment system, this would be a matter for Building Control to address and would ensure that this system did not cause any harm to public health and was sufficient for the site prior to occupation.


·         It was noted that the Informatives within the report would deal with issues of run-off.


Having considered the views expressed, it was proposed by County Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by County Councillor M. Powell that application DM/2018/01470 be approved subject to the nine conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement. Also, that Condition 4 be modified to ensure it indicates that the foul and surface water drainage is provided in accordance with the approved details and plans.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval              -           11

Against approval      -           0

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2018/01470 be approved subject to the nine conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement. Also, that Condition 4 be modified to ensure it indicates that the foul and surface water drainage is provided in accordance with the approved details and plans.



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