Agenda item

Revenue Budget Proposals 2019/20



1. The backing main report is being shared with all Select Committee members so that they can understand the holistic budget position being considered by Cabinet. The holistic nature of that report recognises that savings proposals should not be viewed in isolation, and may be necessary to allow other service priorities to be maintained.

2.  Subsequent to the consultation process and feedback from individual Select Committees and other representative groups on particular proposals, the resulting report will be provided to full Council in their consideration of settling a balanced budget for 2019/20.

3. This abridged report seeks to ensure that all proposals have a designated scrutiny oversight, and the tables below highlight those illustratively earmarked to the Scrutiny role of Children and Young People Select Committee for specific feedback.


Key Issues:

1.  It is recommended that Select Committee consider specifically the table of pressure and savings, with a view to providing pertinent feedback on the adoption or otherwise of such by full Council in its subsequent consideration.


Member Scrutiny:

The Cabinet Member for Resources presented the Revenue Budget proposals.  Following on from this, questions and comments were invited


·         In response to a question, the Chief Officer acknowledged that the increase in teachers’ pensions employer contributions from 16% to 23% (potentially £112,000 additional per month) represent a significant pressure.  There is frequent contact with Welsh Government and Welsh Local Government Association to seek an update. Schools are reassured that they will receive the funding but the risk is being held centrally.  Welsh Government has confirmed it will fund the teachers’ pay award for this and next year.


·         The possibility of appealing against rates increases at the new schools was raised.  It was explained that the increases are due to the valuation of the two new schools.  The authority appeals valuations and was successful last year in saving £100,000. The Member suggested that schools should have discounted business rates.  It was confirmed that there is a national policy and no local discretion.


·         The Chair expressed concern about a potential reduction of the Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) service budget in favour of delegating funding to schools and training being provided on general literacy provision.  Under the Equality Act 2010, Dyslexia is listed as a disability and invited comment.  The Chief Officer explained that the proposal is to reshape as an advisory service with two members of staff to work with schools to support the pupils. This is similar to the model provided by other authorities.  Schools will be consulted on whether the costs will remain in the Individual Schools Budget.


·         A Member commented on the specialist intervention provided that has aided pupil progression and expressed concern about adding to the significant demands on class teachers.  The Member questioned how pupils will continue to receive the same support and how this will be monitored.  The Chief Officer confirmed that support for teachers will be unchanged as per the Welsh Government model.  Children with statements will continue to receive the same support. The priority is to ensure that support for teachers continues. Declaring an interest as a School Governor at Ysgol Gymraeg Y Ffin and as a Member of Monmouthshire Association of School Governors, County Councillor A. Easson commented that the proposal is for a reduction of days and it will be difficult to deliver the service.  The Chief Officer and Cabinet Member were asked to note this point.


·         A Member drew attention to school transport from Ysgol Gymraeg Y Ffin to Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw and Ysgol Gwent Is Coed and sought reassurance that the budget pressure wouldn’t adversely impact on provision of transport to either school.  The Chief Officer confirmed there is no charge for transport to Welsh medium schools.  There will be more pupils to be transported to Ysgol Gwent Is Coed in future and in time a larger bus may be required.


·         The Chair raised the increased cost of foster carers to bring the authority into line with other areas, also the provision of therapeutic fostering support for more difficult young people and the continuation of use of agencies. It was questioned if these items added together, will cause a pressure on the budget. A written response will be provided to the Select Committee.  Reassurance was provided that whilst it has been difficult to attract sufficient foster carers, the increase to a Gwent-wide rate will allow access to a larger pool of foster carers, better service for users, better terms for foster carers and less use of fostering agencies.  The ability to care for children in their own community was welcomed.


·         The Chief Officer, Children and Young People referred to Project 5 developed on a regional basis, and now known as MyST (My Support Team) which provides intensive fostering support for young people in settings outside the county.  This will be grant funded for two years. 


·         A Member asked about the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Review including Mounton House Special School, and queried the budget proposal.  The Chief Officer explained that the funding is based on the number of pupils on roll and the value of the Age Weighted Pupil Unit.  The school has been funded as if school is full and this year it is proposed to fund on pupil numbers closer to those in school to a value of £275,000. This is under consultation.


·         Assurances were provided that there is sufficient staff to supervise at Mounton House Special School.  It was confirmed that the ALN Review will return to the Children and Young People Select Committee before being considered by Cabinet.

Text Box: Committee Conclusion: It was agreed to approve the report recommendations with the amendment: In the absence of the Senior Officer from Social Care, that questions about additional possible budget pressures around the costs of fostering are sent to the Chair as a written answer for the Chair to circulate to members of the committee and also to add that individual points that have been raised are specifically addressed when this issue goes forward to the all member seminar and finally to Cabinet.

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