Purpose and Context:
To set out a budget proposal for financial year 2019/20.
To commence a period of consultation on the budget proposal that will remain open until 31st January 2019.
To consider the 2019/20 budget proposal within the context of the 4 year Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and the Corporate Plan.
Member Scrutiny:
A Member sought clarity regarding the failure to reduce costs relating to agencies. This referred to social care agency staff to supplement our existing establishments. Work is in place to build in-house resilience to reduce reliance on agencies.
With regards to harmonisation of finance relating to foster care, the five authorities across Wales in relation to foster care have differing rates and it is more equitable to apply a rate across Gwent that is the same. It will incur a pressure because the harmonised rate is more than what would have traditionally been paid. It does mean that we potentially have access to a wider pool of foster carers.
It was questioned if raising car parking charges was a sensible strategy, and would it make a significant difference to the operations budget. Concerns were that this could prove to have a negative impact on businesses in those areas. The Chief Officer for Enterprise responded that this would also be for consideration under the Strong Communities Select remit. She explained the charges to go back in to the highways infrastructure, and those service areas. The effect of charges on town centre footfall and activity would be monitored.
With regards to retaining resources, a question was raised around a change to the recharged from selling properties after people have gone into respite, and the impact on budgets. It was agreed that this should be brought to Adults Select Committee.
Pressures around energy and fuel, and procurement of fuel were discussed. A cost pressure is included within the portfolio as we struggle to absorb annual increases in fuel costs. Currently it is understood that we will be affected by £40,000 per annum. Fuel and energy contracts are assisted through a regional procurement.
A Member questioned if there had been feedback on the introduction of Hydrogen fuel for commercial vehicles, to which the Chief Officer advised that a car trial is hoped to take place in the next few months. An update would be welcomed by Members.
In view of the current performance of Tourism and Enterprise, and the failure to meet targets, it was questioned how a £331,000 benefit was predicted in relation to ADM Mon Life. The Chief Officer for Resources explained that the saving was a consequence of the current draft business plan being scrutinised ahead of a future decision around moving services to the ADM. Some of the savings are consequential to business rate, VAT, gift aid savings.
Members recognised the importance of engaging with Town and Community Councils in the consultation process.
The Economy and Development Select Committee resolved to agree the recommendation:
To consider and provide feedback upon the budget assumptions, pressures and savings proformas affecting this Select portfolio area.
Committee Conclusion:
The Chair concluded the item and summarised that the Committee have looked at the pressures around fuel and energy costs, recognising potential opportunity to work alone, and understanding innovations such as hydrogen and electricity models for our fleets.
The Committee looked at staffing pressures, in agency working, and the potential to grow our workforce.
Car Parking charges were discussed thoroughly.
The Committee resolved to accept the recommendation in the report
Supporting documents: