Agenda item

Presentation regarding Caldicot Regeneration Scheme (as part of Cardiff Capital Region City Deal)




To scrutinise the Caldicot Regeneration Scheme (as part of the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal).


Key Issues:


·         To maximise a strategic funding opportunity that had come via the Target Regeneration Investment Fund – TRIP.


·         This equates to a £100M fund with £45M earmarked for South East Wales.  The Intervention rate of 70% is strong for Monmouthshire County Council.


·         The priorities are addressing social issues, job creation, provision of affordable housing and ensuring the well-being of communities.


·         Section 106 match funding already exists in Caldicot.


·         The total project value for Caldicot equates to £10M with £7M coming from the TRIP funding.


·         Cabinet approval was obtained on 5th September 2018 for the wider Cardiff Capital Region Regeneration Plan and Submission of the Project Development Funding Application in the sum of £117,000, which was approved by Welsh Government in October 2018.


·         Finalised design works and costings for the Cross Destination Space and the Church Road extension to include a submission of the bid to the Local Transport Fund in the sum of £369,000.


·         Cabinet approval has been received for the submission of applications to Welsh Government for Cross Destination Space, in the sum of £1M, Enterprise Space in the sum of £200,000 and Urban Centre Property Enhancement (UCPEF) in the sum of £1M submitted to Welsh Government for consideration on 20th November 2018.


·         Community consultation for Cross Destination / Church Road is underway with a view to starting works before March 2019.


·         Simultaneously continue on?going negotiations with Newport Road property owners; develop detail of the UCPEF to include a Design Manual, block planning consents and grant application process.


Member Scrutiny:


·         As part of the Local Transport Fund, funding has been requested to look at how a scheme might address issues within the Church Road area. It has become clear that there are a number of issues in this area that need to be addressed.


·         With regard to maximising the shared work space at the Hub, plans have been drawn up with a view to providing ten desks. However, there are options to look at working with private companies.


·         In terms of the grants scheme, it equates to a 70% - 30% split.  Private sector landlords would be required to put in 30% themselves.


·         In terms of the car parking strategy, this will enable the Authority to draw in further funding. However, evidence is required.


·         The Caldicot Regeneration Scheme is a model that could be used elsewhere in the County.


·         It was noted that Monmouthshire County Council owns land to the rear of Castle Park School.  It is feasible for this ground to be used as staff car parking and a drop off area for parents which would alleviate some of the road traffic congestion that currently exists on Church Road around school opening and closing times. It is understood that the   school is in the process of looking into this matter as a potential option for staff car parking and a drop off area.  However, this matter would be investigated further with the Corporate Director for Children and Young People.


·         In terms of the Cross Space, there is a need to identify the demarcation between vehicles and pedestrians.  Officers are discussing this matter with the local access group. The provision of the on street loading area on Chepstow Road will also be looked at.


·         Officers are looking to meet with representative of Grey Hill Surgery to look at how health provision can be built into the wider scheme.


·         In terms of branding, internal conversations are to be held in the coming weeks.


·         With regard to the future of the high street, conversations with the private sector are being held.


·         The Town Team has been successful regarding the development of Pop Up Shops, which has led to some pop up shops taking on premises.


·         The night time economy of Monmouthshire’s high streets also needs to be looked at, e.g., a premises could be an art shop during the day and a wine bar at night.


·         The 70% intervention rate is making a significant positive difference.


·         Town centre re-purposing needs to be looked at by identifying the unique selling point of each town.  A strategic approach to each of the towns will be undertaken, going forward.


·         The creative space needs to be retained.


·         The current car parking strategy across the four towns will be reviewed in a holistic fashion with a view to understanding the issues that are arising in each of the towns.




Committee’s Conclusion:


  • A framework is being developed which can be used in other towns across the County.


·         Highways improvements are required at Church Road, Caldicot.


·         Shared workspace is being developed.  Councillor Becker has agreed to share his experience of working in this environment.


·         Grant funding in relation to private landlords (70:30 ratio) provides benefits to private landlords.


·         Car parking is a significant issue in all of Monmouthshire’s towns.


·         Access to public transport needs to be addressed.


·         Engagement with disability groups is being undertaken.


·         The importance of enhancing primary care services was identified with work being undertaken with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.


·         Residential development needs to be multi-faceted and needs to appeal to a broad socio-economic demographic.


·         The development of a creative space needs to remain flexible, going forward.