Agenda item

Pre-decision Scrutiny of the Review of Mardy Park




Members received a report in order to seek approval for the strategic direction and re-modelling of site and services at Mardy Park Resource Centre (MPRC).


Members were advised that an addendum had been issued following officers’ further consideration of the report.


Key Issues:


The key issues were outlined as:


  • All services at MPRC should have proportionate resources in relation to services and outcomes.  The current budget was disproportionate to the services provided at the centre.


  • The management levels at MPRC were disproportionate to the services and did not support an approach based on integration.


  • The wider community were not sufficiently clear on the role and purpose of the centre.


  • Limited accommodation had an impact on the well-being of staff and their ability to undertake all necessary duties.


  • Too much emphasis surrounded centre based services and opportunities to engage with the local community were not able to be taken.


  • A need for additional car parking to be added to the Cabinet report.



Member scrutiny:


Following the presentation of the report Members were invited to comment, during which time the following points were noted:


A Member raised concerns surrounding £171,000 capital expenditure allocated for the car park development, and the fact that the figure had increased, but the car park seemed smaller.  It was questioned if the work had gone out to tender or had been an internal contract.  In response we heard that the work had gone out to tender following a feasibility study, the car park now being supplied was a result of the feasibility study.  There were concerns regarding the high figure but the Committee were reassured that Property Services had gone through the correct tender processes.


It was confirmed that planning had been approved.


It was confirmed that the Intermediate Care Fund from Welsh Government had been drawn down, £146,000 of which would fund the additional car parking.  The remaining £25,000 would be a contribution from 2015/16 Social Care and Health Revenue Budget.


A Member referred to the comments made during the Public Open Forum regarding access to MPRC and questioned if the issues would be addressed by the new car park.  The Finance Manager advised the Committee that further information would be provided at a later date. (ACTION – TS)


The Cabinet Member expressed, that in accordance with the progress at Mardy Park, the issues surrounding the car park should be addressed to accommodate the greater flow in and out of the building, and would ensure discussions took place with the Team Manager to ensure development of the car park reflected this.


The Chairman confirmed that the Committee would welcome an update regarding the issues surrounding access at Mardy Park.


Following a presentation of the report detailing the re-modelling of the site Members raised the following points:


A Member questioned the strategic direction of Monmouthshire County Council and the over-arching purpose of  Adults Services in helping people live their own lives, and if the public had full understanding the objectives and outcomes.  In response we heard that it was difficult to communicate something so complex and diverse.  A key fundamental principle was to provide experience in terms of helping people understand.  Officers were looking how to communicate information in line with the Social and Wellbeing Act.


The Chairman agreed that communication was key and public perception could be that the service was being diminished. It was imperative that the alternative, better way of delivering the service should be emphasised.  It was suggested that communication via local newspapers, creating promotional features, would be helpful as not all members of the public had access to the internet.  Communication via the work of local groups would also be useful.    The Chairman stressed that there should be a clear, coherent communication strategy. (ACTION – NN / CR/ AB)


The Chairman recommended that the Communications team be invited to visit Mardy Park.


A Member questioned if there were occasions when staff or professionals would visit clients at their home, rather than them having to attend Mardy Park.  The Changing Practice, Changing Lives Lead explained that option was being considered under the review, and was part of the way forward.


Concerns were raised regarding the frequent mention of volunteers in terms of people being able to reach the centre, due to its location and the lack of bus service.  We were informed that the volunteering aspect centred round the community café and the centre grounds.  A volunteer co-ordinator had been appointed in order to recruit, provide support, and to ensure a positive experience for volunteers.


We heard that officers would be attending Abergavenny Action 50+ to provide a presentation on Mardy Park.


It was recognised that even though we were discussing Mardy Park, there was an extensive list of areas to benefit from volunteers including Social Care, Museums, Hubs, and Citizens Advice, therefore it was essential to provide an attractive service in order to engage people.


We heard that with regards to recommendation 3, item 7.18, appendix 1 of the report stating: “following the review of people attending, consideration should be given to reducing the days to 6 or 5 days per week.  This would support a more flexible staffing model as detailed above” there were no timescales set but testing would be carried out prior to new models being established.


The Chairman expressed that the new model would need to take the transport issues into consideration, and questioned if there were opportunities to use the Grass Routes service.  It was hoped a volunteer driver service would be developed.  The Chairman recommended discussions take place with the Transport Unit (ACTION – NN/CR)

The Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health explained reasons for changes recommended regarding the staffing structure were that, historically, Mardy Park had been based on a residential care model.  Going forward, the management structure would be practitioner led.


Following a question regarding respite beds and end of life care we were informed that the new model aimed to extend the choice and range of service models available.  It was confirmed that there had been no instances of insufficient facilities, i.e. people turned away, at Mardy Park.  We were informed that the issue would be discussed in further detail at a future meeting with the health board.




Recommendations outlined in the report required that:


  • Members recommend Cabinet approval to the development of the new service models namely:


  1. The development of a new day therapy/rehabilitation unit.
  2. The introduction of new approaches to short term respite.
  3. The consolidation of day services operating six days per week.
  4. The consolidation of residential services to be supported on one wing.
  5. The provision of nurse led ‘hot’ clinics re-sited from Neville Hall Hospital.
  6. The provision of Memory Assessment Services re-sited from Maindiff Court Hospital.


  • Members recommend Cabinet approve the revised staffing structure supporting the new models of support at MPRC which supports the delivery of savings within Mandate 34.


  • Members note that there may be possible future redundancy costs and once the financial costs are finalised, a further report to be submitted for approval by Cabinet.


  • Members endorse Cabinet to recommend to Council inclusion in the capital budget for the expenditure of £171,000 on additional car parking at MPRC to be funded by: £146,000 Intermediate Care Fund grant and £25,000 contribution from the 2015/16 Social Care and Health Revenue Budget.



Committee’s Conclusion:


Chair’s Summary:


The Committee acknowledged the change of direction for Mardy Park and made the noted staffing and leadership issues were being addressed.


The Committee wished to see a renewed effort regarding communication.


It was noted issues surrounding the car park and access to the building would be addressed.


The recruitment and retention on volunteers would be followed up, with communication and transport being areas of consideration.


The Committee suggested a mini-board be established, to include volunteers and Members e.g. Friends of Mardy Park. (ACTION – NN/CR)


Members resolved to endorse the report, taking into account the recommendations of the Committee.




Supporting documents: