Agenda item

Chepstow Transport Study: Update from Michelle North-Jones, Capita


The Chair welcomed Michelle Jones-North, Capita to the meeting to provide an update on the Chepstow and surrounding area study. 


It was explained that a long list of potential options has been developed and that an initial appraisal of the options has been undertaken.  Meetings have taken place to gather information on the revised Local Development Plans in Monmouthshire and Forest of Dean to establish what sites and areas may be developed in future.


The draft appraisal has been discussed with the Group Engineer, Highways and Flood Management and the Transport Manager from Gloucestershire and their comments have been included. 


As required by the Welsh Transport appraisal Guidance (WelTAG) a draft report will be compiled.  This will include a five case model assessment and conforms to English requirements.  Then an ndependent review group will be set up mid-October and the appraisal results will be included in the draft report to produce a final stage 1 (Strategic Outline Case) Weltag report.


In response to a question, it was confirmed that currently there are a list of options recommended for further appraisal with a view to completing Weltag stage one.  The next step will be Weltag stage 2 involving more quantitative information being gathered on a shorter list.


Subject to the outcome of the independent review, the identified alternatives include a by-pass with different route options and one will be recommended for further appraisal.  Also, there is a public transport option e.g. looking at better rail frequency and services to Bristol. Ideally this would include half hour frequency at peak times and include improved Park and Ride at Lydney and Chepstow stations with improvements at Severn Tunnel Junction.  It was added that there is further potential for a new junction off the M48 determined after further appraisal.


Additionally, complimentary options could include increasing local public transport services in Chepstow including Tutshill and Sedbury, also improving local transport links to railway and bus stations.   Active Travel plan improvements would assist communities in Tutshill, Sedbury and Chepstow.


A Member referred to the delayed decision on the M4 Relief Rd, and the suggested links from the M48 to the B4245 to provide better access to Severn Tunnel Junction.  Clarification was sought if the Metro would stop at Llanwern and not include further developments towards Lydney, and if this would be detrimental to a proposal to have a by- pass for Chepstow.  In response, it was confirmed that Chepstow By-Pass is on the long list alongside other options. 


A Group Member raised awareness of the Magor and Undy Walkway Station Group. It was explained that there are 30,000 users of the Severn Tunnel Junction station per annum.  If the station bid is successful, space could be freed up at Severn Tunnel Junction.  It was confirmed that this information can be added into the consideration of improvements to Severn Tunnel Junction and wider area at Stage 2.


The Head of Operations explained the WelTAG process. If Stage 1 is successful, Stage 2 will involve investing significant funding to carry out detailed analysis to support or oppose the options.  After consideration by officers, the Stage 1 report can be promulgated further as decided by both authorities.  It was suggested that Welsh Government is invited to the review group meeting.


The Group were informed that Severn Tunnel Action Group (STAG) had surveyed commuters and a high proportion travel from Forest Of Dean and Chepstow to Severn Tunnel Junction.  This information will be passed to Capita.


Councillor R. James expressed support for the link from Lydney to Severn Tunnel Junction. He wanted the service to be maintained, and improved e.g. more trains to stop at Lydney to increase the ability to travel to Wales and Bristol.


Michelle North-Jones was thanked for her attendance and contribution to the meeting.