Agenda item

Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Monmouthshire NEET Reduction Strategy.




Members were presented with the draft Monmouthshire NEET Reduction Strategy (Not in Employment, Education or Training) and action plan, which would be delivered by Monmouthshire’s schools and Youth Service.


Key issues:


The Monmouthshire NEET Reduction Strategy sets out its commitment to creating better outcomes for young people aged 11-25 through increasing engagement and progression of existing and future provision, with the aspiration of creating a NEET free county.


Schools, Education Welfare Service, Pupil Referral Service, Youth Service and Careers Wales with the LA would work together with a single goal, to support and improve outcomes for young people at risk of becoming NEET or who those who were NEET. The model had reduced Monmouthshire NEET figures to 1.7% in 2015 (2nd lowest in Wales).


Whilst the good work achieved in Monmouthshire Schools to date in identifying and preventing disengagement at all stages of their education was acknowledged, this strategy would build on schools’ contributions and would work toward an early identification system, a suitable curriculum and learning pathway to support skills development and qualifications.


Primary Schools have a key role to play in the early identification of children at risk of becoming NEET.


Member Scrutiny: 


Members were informed that the 3 year funding would be received on a quarterly basis.  We heard the figures were:


  • Inspire to Achieve, the pre-16 programme – total programme cost is £827,180, with a match funding element of £454,949, the ESF injection of £372,231.
  • Inspire to work – total programme cost is £516,947, with a match funding of £284,321, bringing an income of £232,626.


A Member questioned if there were links with Community Learning as part of the work in association with Coleg Gwent.  We heard that MCC would be working with Coleg Gwent on the Inspire to Achieve programme.  Adult Education had been approached in regards to European funding and may be looking to come in on the Skills for Growth Project.  Further information to be provided (ACTION – HJ).


It was noted that the report was part of a bigger arrangement with other Authorities and clarification was requested regarding the scrutiny arrangements.  The Cabinet Member explained that authorities would likely scrutinise their individual areas of the agenda.  It was agreed that this could be looked into further.  It was noted that Newport City Council were leading the project, and all authorities were following the same model.


Members stated that it would be preferable to receive figures rather than percentages to enable efficient scrutiny.  Further information was also requested regarding the information received from the consultees.


We heard that the figures in the report were produced in relation to the school attended rather than the place of residence, which could be an issue where pupils were residing in England but attending schools within Wales.


The Committee would welcome further updates on the figures following implementation of the plan.


A Member questioned benchmarking processes undertaken.  In response we heard the consultee groups held discussions surrounding good working practices, and significant progress and impact had been made through work through schools and transition groups.


Clarification was required regarding children residing in Wales but being schooled in England.  We heard that the Local Authorities held responsibility for individual being schooled in their authority.  The individual could access MCC services outside the school environment.




The report recommended that Members receive and scrutinise the draft NEET strategy prior to submission to Cabinet for approval.




Committee’s Conclusion:


Chair’s Summary:


The Chairman expressed thanks to the Officers.


It was recognised that the committee had discussed and scrutinised the report as part of a pre-scrutiny process.


The committee resolved to recommend that an update is brought back to Children and Young People Select three months after implementation.



Supporting documents: