The Group received a presentation from Michele North-Jones, Senior Transport Planner, Capita regarding the Chepstow transportation study and its various stages (slides forwarded to Group Members). Following the presentation, questions were asked as follows:
A Group Member welcomed the study to appraise a long standing problem but was sceptical that funding would be made available at Stage 4 for implementation and sought reassurance if the evidence supported changes that there would be money available. It was confirmed that Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) was represented at the workshop and that there had been good discussion about funding sources involving all parties. Whilst acknowledging that funding for major capital schemes in England and Wales is limited, it was confirmed that any groundwork completed now will be compliant in the event that funding becomes available. The study will concentrate on smaller (e.g. active travel improvements or use of pinch point funding for improved junctions) and larger scale solutions in case a phased approach is utilised. Reassurance was provided that GCC has liaised with Monmouthshire County Council about a potential by pass in the local transport plan as queuing on the GCC side is just as bad and there will be impact from the removal of the tolls from the Severn Bridge there too. The Group noted the establishment of a Forest Economic Partnership (FEP).
County Councillor J. Becker asked to see the long list of options and possible solutions. This will be forwarded to Christian Schmidt who can distribute as necessary. It was added that Councillor Becker is working to strengthen links with the FEP. It was questioned if there was a need to have national involvement and confirmed that Welsh Government representatives were present at the workshop to consider Chepstow traffic congestion and all aspects of public transport. Representatives of the rail industry and Highways England will be consulted with at another time due to unavailability.
The Chair and Chief Executive referred to the news that Chepstow is one of the five worst towns for air quality in Wales. Whilst welcoming explanation of the study stages, the Chief Executive stressed the importance of making every investment to optimise the timing, and expressed his preference for an engineering solution. It was confirmed that appraisal takes place in June with first output in early July. The Chief Executive stated his expectation for significant flow and pace to ensure the least delay between Stages 1 and 2.
It was announced that a petition in support of a by-pass has been submitted to Welsh Government and that will be considered in mid-May. The Secretary of State has expressed interest in visiting Chepstow. Comments from this Group and working groups were welcomed and will be passed on.
Regarding costs, it was explained that at Stage 2 sufficient detail is required to provide effective cost benefit analysis and outline design then at Stage 3 full design can be undertaken. Decisions on what proposals to take forward will be taken at the end of Stage 2 with some engineering design and quantitative assessment to assure the proposals stand up against Welsh Government criteria.
The funding so far covers Stage 1 and it would be beneficial and timely to meet the Secretary of State now.
The Chair thanked Michelle North-Jones for her presentation and attendance.