Agenda item



We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the three conditions, as outlined in the report.


The local Member for Llanfoist, also a Planning Committee Member, outlined the following points:


·         Having looked at previous planning applications in respect of this site made in 2009 and 2011, the need to extend the garden curtilage is not an issue for the local Member.  However, the matter of the views towards the site from Castle Meadows and the conservation area has been and remains a key consideration.


·         The outward appearance of the site is no less important now.


·         The issue here is how to enable the boundary of the residential development to best assimilate with a sensitive riverside location.


·         Fences and walls of an overly domestic appearance and scale contrary to the original approval would not be appropriate whereas railings, post and wire or planting would be more suitable.


·         Screening of a native species of hedging is helpful to some degree but for a short isolated length of linear planting, this would look incongruous. It would take some time to reach a height where it could achieve its purpose. Maintenance of the hedge would be required to ensure that it remained at a suitable height.


·         The application, as it currently stands, will cause visual harm and is unacceptable.


·         With regard to the landscaping condition, the hedge will be on third party land and outside the ownership and boundary of the application property.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed by the local Member it was proposed by County Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by County Councillor M. Feakins that we be minded to defer consideration of application DC/2016/01146 to a future meeting of the Committee to allow officers to explore the applicant’s ability to plant up the proposed native species hedge. It appears to be proposed on third party land owned by Monmouthshire County Council so it would not be in the control of the applicant at this stage. The application would be re-presented to the Committee once this is clarified / agreed, either with the planting or without. If it cannot be planted up, investigations be made with the applicant to ascertain if agreement can be reached to remove the rear trellis.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For deferral               -           14

Against deferral        -           0

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that we be minded to defer consideration of application DC/2016/01146 to a future meeting of the Committee to allow officers to explore the applicant’s ability to plant up the proposed native species hedge. It appears to be proposed on third party land owned by Monmouthshire County Council so it would not be in the control of the applicant at this stage. The application would be re-presented to the Committee once this is clarified / agreed, either with the planting or without. If it cannot be planted up, investigations be made with the applicant to ascertain if agreement can be reached to remove the rear trellis.






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