To scrutinise the consultation feedback on the Local Development Plan (LDP) draft Review Report.
Key Issues:
The LDP review is the task of evaluating the extent to which an adopted LDP is functioning effectively. The Regulations allow for a ‘selective review’ to look at part(s) of a LDP, or a ‘full review’, which looks at the entire LDP. There is a statutory requirement to undertake a full LDP review every four years after adoption (February 2018 for Monmouthshire).
A full review of the LDP commenced in 2017, with the publication of the Draft Review Report. This was considered at an all Member seminar on 30th November 2017, facilitated by the Economy and Development Select Committee, which requested that the consultation responses be reported back to the Committee.
The Draft Review Report was endorsed by Cabinet in December 2017 for eight week consultation. This consultation period has now closed, responses have been considered and incorporated into the final Review Report as appropriate.
A high level summary of consultation responses were provided to the Select Committee.
The Review Report provides an overview of the issues that have been considered as part of the full review process and subsequently identifies the changes that are likely to be needed to the LDP, based on evidence.
Based on the evidence contained in the Review Report, it is concluded that the LDP should be revised and that this should take the form of a full revision procedure.
The recommendation to commence preparation of a new LDP for Monmouthshire will be considered by Council on 19th March 2018.
Member Scrutiny:
· The method of consultation undertaken was as good as it could have been. Social media can be used to widen the message and encourage consultation.
· In the Community Involvement Scheme, it sets out the groups that the Planning Department engages with.
· In response to questions raised regarding engagement and housing provision for future generations, it was noted that officers were aware of the issues around demography and the challenges being faced by the Authority. Existing data identifies the increasing proportion of the older population in Monmouthshire (over 65 - over 85) and also the gap in the number of 20 to 40 year olds. Compared to the Cardiff Capital Region, Monmouthshire has a lower proportion of the 20 – 40 year old age group. It is considered a proportion of people in this age bracket are unable to afford a property in Monmouthshire and are having to move out of the County.
· The main way of achieving affordable housing within the County is via market house builders.
· There are some groups listed in the Community Involvement Scheme that the Authority is looking to work with, e.g. Engage2change. Officers are working with schools to enquire what the students’ aspirations are for the County.
· With regard to the issue of models for delivering housing provision, it was noted that there are separate discussions to the LDP regarding this matter. One of the challenges with the current LDP is the reliance on strategic sites. There is a need to identify how other developers might be brought into the County and encouraged to build in Monmouthshire.
· It is anticipated that the new LDP will be in place by March 2022. Work surrounding strategy and growth options will commence in the coming months.
· Affordable and social housing provision is essential to retain young people within the County and also to help attract businesses to settle here.
· As part of the engagement process, the Select Committee will play its part in the development of the new LDP. A steering group could also be established to discuss key points / strategies required.
· The impact of the reduction and eventual removal of the Severn Bridge tolls are already creating a detrimental effect in the south east of Monmouthshire, as house prices are beginning to rise.
· In response to a question raised regarding the Welsh Government’s involvement with the M4 Relief Road, it was noted that this scheme is one of the few schemes that the Welsh Government is involved in. The majority of other trunk road schemes fall within the remit of the Cardiff Capital Region.
· With the removal of the Severn Bridge tolls, opportunities could arise for employers to look to relocate to Wales from over the border with England.
· Many of the responses to the consultation were from developers and land owners. Other responses referred to the reliance on strategic sites in the main towns and whether growth around villages should be considered.
· The impact on the County’s transport systems needs to be included in the development of the new LDP.
· Healthcare infrastructure needs to be included in the LDP. Engagement with Aneurin Bevan Health Board will be strengthened.
· Population and household projections will also be addressed.
· Dialogue is already taking place at officer level with regard to the knock on effect of property developments in Monmouthshire around the Wales / England border and how this might affect pupil numbers in Monmouthshire’s schools due to the anticipated growth in development.
· When the new LDP is adopted there will be policies in place regarding affordability. Viability of schemes has to be taken into account but there will also be a requirement in the next LDP from Welsh Government to ensure sites are deliverable and viable.
· The period between now and having a new LDP adopted indicates that we have a four year land supply, the Authority has to consider unallocated sites and that they should be looked at favourably. Sound planning considerations will apply when making decisions on these planning applications.
Committee’s Conclusion:
· Consultation methodology needs to be undertaken correctly.
· It is imperative that the models for housing provision for future generations is addressed, i.e., creative and innovative models should be considered.
· An early discussion with Welsh Government is required regarding its regional strategic development programme, in particular around transport infrastructure.
· Housing cost uplift is already occurring across the County. This is an early indication of what is anticipated when the Severn Bridge tolls are reduced / removed.
· The Select Committee wants to be engaged and welcomes the establishment of a steering Group. |
Supporting documents: