Agenda item

Area Plan Workshop




This draft Area Plan sets out the high level outcomes and priorities for regional working across health, social care and the third sector.


It does not contain all priorities as the plan would be too large but focuses on areas of work that are ‘larger’ than one partner and require partnership



It focuses on priorities that have been highlighted by citizens


It is a starting point for formalised regional working under the Social Services and Well-being Act and aligns to the Well-being objectives in local Well-being Plans, under the Well-being of Future Generations Act.


It also sets out how the principles of working under the Social Services and

Well-being Act will be delivered especially in relation to integration and

preventative working


It is not a huge collection of detailed actions lifted from partner’s work plans as this is duplication; instead the plan will ‘signpost’ to other statutory and

formalised actions plans where necessary


It sets out the success measures that will ensure collective accountability

and effectiveness of partnership working under the Regional Partnership



This Area Plans sets the framework for all health and social care partners to

work together to a common agenda for now, and in the future. Developing an integrated system of care and well-being for Gwent Delivering integrated services, which improve the well-being of the population of Gwent is the shared objective of the Area Plan. This plan establishes our ambition to

create a unified vision for the health and social care system which includes third sector partners and is underpinned by quality, improvement and prevention.


The content of the plan is ambitious, and will be challenging in its delivery; it is

structured around the 8 core themes from the Population Needs Assessment (PNA) and translates the agreed ‘Outcome Priorities’ into ambitious programmes of delivery.


Across Gwent, there is already a strong commitment to partnership working to deliver effective health and social care services. We want to enhance the range of integrated services provided closer to home and within the community, and we want to do this in partnership with our communities, our partners in housing and our partners in the voluntary sector. The plan articulates how we intend to do this, and deliver integrated services, which improve the well-being of the population of Gwent over the next three

years; it establishes a set of outcomes, measures and milestones and appropriate governance arrangements, to provide assurance to the Regional Partnership Board and Cabinet Secretary.



Member Scrutiny:


A Member praised care for dementia sufferers in their own home rather than placing them in care facilities. The importance of respite for carers was also highlighted.


It was asked who is ultimately responsible and would the five local authorities be able to adequately manage their own budgets contributing to the plan.


Members looked for reassurance that Officers from each local authority with the responsibility for the plan will meet on a regular basis to discuss and share best practice.  


A Member was heartened by the accountability and communication between local authorities, the number of people accessing these services is increasing and although policies are great, the implementation on the ground is the greatest concern.


In regard to the finances, it was asked how we will cope with the financial responsibilities with the demand on services ever increasing.


Clarification was sought in regard to financing schemes to combat social isolation issues.


A Member commented on the importance of raising awareness of the care and support available.


A Member of the committee asked if there are any issues that that been brought up by other audiences.


The lack of profile of those working in the care profession was highlighted.


The plan has eight objectives to measure and score and it was asked how those cross with Monmouthshire’s four main objectives in our wellbeing plan. It was asked if there was a framework or direction to allow best scrutiny.


It was asked when reports are brought to committee would it be prudent to reference the eight objectives from the Area Plan.



Committee’s Conclusion:


It was asked that the plan is brought back to scrutiny before being presented to full Council.


It was felt that Scrutiny Committees overseeing the delivery of the action plan was essential.


It was recommended that all reports that come to committee highlight the eight objectives of the area plan.





Supporting documents: