Agenda item

Monmouthshire Local Development Plan Annual Monitoring Report




To scrutinise the purpose, key findings and conclusions of the Local Development Plan (LDP) third Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).


Key issues:


The Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping provided the Select Committee with a presentation on the Local Development Plan Annual Monitoring Report 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         There was a statutory requirement to produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).


·         To be submitted to Welsh Government by 31 October 2017 and cover the preceding financial year from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.


·         The Monmouthshire Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted on 27th February 2014.


·         The third AMR covers the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.


·         It is the basis for monitoring effectiveness of the LDP – demonstrate whether the LDP strategy and objectives are being achieved and whether the Plan’s policies are functioning effectively.


·         Determine whether any revisions to the Plan are necessary.


·         Allow the Council to assess the impact the LDP is having on the social, economic and environmental well-being of the County.


·         Identify any significant contextual changes that may influence plan implementation or review.


The conclusions of the AMR:


·         Good progress continues to be made in implementing many of the Plan’s policies and overall the strategy remains sound.


·         However, a number of the LDP’s key housing provision policy targets are not being met, indicating that these policies are not functioning as intended.


·         Continued lack of a five year housing land supply remains a matter of concern that needs to be addressed if the Plan’s housing requirements are to be met.


·         The position remains that an early review of the LDP is considered necessary to address the housing land supply shortfall.


Recommendations of the AMR:


·         Continue with an early review of the Monmouthshire LDP as a result of the need to address the shortfall in the housing land supply and facilitate the identification / allocation of additional housing land. This will involve the production of a Review Report which will set out and explain the scope of the Plan revision required. 


·         Submit the third AMR to the Welsh Government by 31 October 2017 in accordance with statutory requirements.  Publish the AMR on the Council’s website.


·         Continue to monitor the Plan through the preparation of successive AMRs.

Next steps:


·         A full statutory review of the LDP is required to commence in February 2018. It is considered appropriate to continue with a full review of the Plan to consider all aspects of the LDP at this stage in order to fully assess the nature and scale of revisions that might be required.  This will also assist in meeting the 2021 deadline for having an adopted revised LDP in place to avoid the local policy vacuum that the new Regulations threaten to create.


Member Scrutiny:


·         In response to a question raised regarding whether a short term review would be able to take into account significant issues such as the issues relating to the Severn Bridge tolls, it was noted that this could be achieved but would have to be in the context of the current plan strategy which is where developments are being focussed.


·          The current LDP is not fit for future purpose. With the guidance changes and the probable move to a Strategic Development Plan for the region a balance needs to be struck in which the long term strategy needs to be identified but doing this quick enough to allow the Authority to aid in   shaping and forming a regional strategy rather than being directed by it.


·         The knowledge sector is one of the fastest growing industries in the County and there is a need to ensure that young people remain in the County.


·         Currently, in the Severnside area, the percentage aim of achieving new affordable houses equates to 25%. With the removal of the Severn Bridge tolls this area might need to be brought into line with the remainder of the County with affordable housing targets being raised to 35%. A more qualitative approach needs to be undertaken with a view to housing developments being located where there is a need.


·         The provision of affordable housing is a challenge. The 25% in the south of the County and the 35% in the north of the County, affordable housing provision is based on viability evidence on the previous LDP but this could be reviewed.  Figures are indicating that the Authority is achieving in the region of 19% affordable housing provision.


·         A reduction in the Severn Bridge tolls may lead to an increase in house prices in the south of the County as well as potentially leading to an increase in land values.  There are a number of challenges to be faced when the tolls are reduced / ended.


·         In response to a question raised by a Select Committee Member regarding the delay in the LDP review, it was noted that much discussion has been undertaken during the previous 12 months regarding what the Authority is looking to do on a regional basis.  Debate has been undertaken at officer level with a view to achieving a Strategic Development Plan at some point in the near future.


·         Reference was made to a number of indicator targets that were either ‘amber’ or ‘red’ and that there did not seem to be reference to any action plans in place to address these issues, which indicated that areas of the LDP were not performing as it should. In response, it was noted that the conclusion of the report indicated that the action required is to undertake the review report and commence revision of the LDP.


·         In the short to medium term, there will be the challenge of the five year land supply and unallocated sites running in tandem whilst the new plan is being established.


·         In terms of the short form revision, if the Authority decides to undertake this revision, this would be as a pragmatic solution to keep the Authority having planned coverage until there is a regional plan.  However, it was noted that this was not necessarily the preferred option.


·         In response to a question raised regarding the shortfall in housing provision (797 dwellings) it was noted that there is progress being made on the Crick Road Site. In the next plan, if sites do not come forward then they will be removed from the plan. Communities will be encouraged to put forward potential sites for development.


·         Cross boundary discussions with English authorities take place but more could be done to establish ways of working more closely to achieve better outcomes. This has impacts on education and local issues to that region. Similarly, there are cross border issues regarding the Health Board and discussions will need to be undertaken as part of the new LDP.  Allocation of smaller sites could be considered with a view to engaging with smaller local builders on both sides of the border.


·         The Authority has a positive working relationship with the three affordable homes providers in Monmouthshire and is working with them. These developers are keen to build in Monmouthshire but land supply is currently short.


·         In response to a question raised regarding a short form revision of the LDP it was noted that the extent of what can be achieved via a short form revision is limited.


·         In terms of education provision, this can be factored into new developments proposed within the LDP as live birth records are known and pupil numbers can be predicted from data already available.


·         With regard to the additional doctors’ surgeries, this is an area where improvements could be made. Planning Committee has recently agreed that consultation will be undertaken with the Health Boards regarding planning applications where there are to be more than 10 dwellings.


·         A Future Monmouthshire Workshop will be held in due course.




Committee’s Conclusion


  • The Chair thanked officers for presenting the Monmouthshire Local Development Plan Annual Monitoring report.


·         A Future Monmouthshire Workshop will be held in due course. All Members are encouraged to attend.




Supporting documents: