Agenda item

Annual Report of the Statutory Director of Social Services


Council was presented with the statutory Annual Report of the Chief Officer, Social Care, Health and Housing.


·         Referring to the statement that timescales for completing assessments for have not been good enough, a Member questioned if there are enough staff to compile Judiciary reports for looked after children.  The Chief Officer highlighted the need for a constructive relationship with the judiciary commenting on the challenge for this, and other Councils in the region, to prepare reports to the required high standards, and the need to provide training and support for staff. 


·         A Member queried the budget for community care asking how services will be funded sustainably in Monmouthshire and Wales in the long term referring to the demands of an aging population and the removal of the Severn Bridge tolls.  A further question was asked about standards of care which can seem variable and asked how services, especially for those with dementia, can be delivered with insufficient resources.


The Chief Officer assured that options can be explored to help people to lead better lives that are also more cost effective.   The in house homecare service specialises in dementia care and provides relationship based support.  The authority is working with the independent sector to introduce the same style of working by moving towards block contracts and supporting their training, development and recruitment.    As Turning the World Upside Down proceeds there will be changed contracts, practice and financial rewards aligned to a single approach by in house, private and Health Board services. Regarding price, the authority will work with external providers to understand true costs and develop a cost recommendation.   Preparations are also required for the challenges of registration with Social Care Wales.


A Member questioned what can be done to improve quality of life, to combat loneliness and isolation.  The Chief Officer emphasised the importance of identifying resources in every community to link people together acknowledging that some parts of the county do this well and the aspiration to have the same level of connection and support in the whole county.


In response to questions from Councillor Batrouni, it was revisited that there had been an Area Co-Ordinators pilot that was evaluated which led to the current place based working in a co-ordinated way to connect people and support community development. 


In terms of safeguarding, it was recognised that the authority had been found wanting in term of safe recruitment practice and reported that a Kerbcraft action plan is in place.  To prevent similar situations, recruitment is monitored. 


The Chief Officer explained the work with Legal Services to improve the quality of assessments and care plans. 


In terms of wellbeing, the Chief Officer confirmed her strong links with Leisure Services and provided examples such as exercise and referral, and work with the Youth Service.


The Cabinet Member, Social Care, Safeguarding and Health noted, regarding the Judiciary, that the comments are not unique to Monmouthshire and that all councils encounter the same problems which affects the morale of social workers.  In terms of loneliness and isolation, it was suggested that Members visit Mardy Park to experience the good work there.


A Member requested consideration to help stroke survivors overcome travel difficulties referring to the restriction on Grassroutes services which are limited to 15 miles.


A Member questioned the role of Housing Associations and the need to ensure people are seen and looked after.  The Chief Officer emphasised the importance of all partners working together to best meet the needs of communities and the availability to all of housing related support. 


A Member asked how many children are on the edge of care and secondly, what the Council is doing to recruit new foster carers.  The Chief Officer responded that whole family support provision has been reviewed which identified some gaps in early intervention and prevention, and preventative services at the edge of care.  Work is in progress to better co-ordinate family support provision; some additional funding has been awarded to the Team around the Family (TAF) for this work.  It was confirmed that that there are continuing low numbers of Monmouthshire CC foster carers which impacts financially and on the quality of outcomes.  Recruitment campaigns, investment and better marketing have not increased numbers significantly.  An option appraisal will be brought forward to decide on the approach going forward.


The Deputy Chief Executive Officer thanked the Chief Officer for her comprehensive, honest and plain speaking report and for highlighting that despite grave challenges, there are opportunities to make a significant contribution to the social justice agenda. 


Council resolved to agree the recommendations in the report:


·         That Council members consider and endorse the analysis in 2016/17 Annual Report of the Statutory Director of Social Services concerning the performance, and impact, of adult and children’s well-being social care and health services over the last financial year.


·         That Cabinet members also consider and endorse the 2017/18 priorities for improvement set out in the report to address the critical risk and developmental issues in social care and health

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