Agenda item

Supporting People Grant Spend



The purpose of the report is for Committee members to consider the Supporting People Programme Grant (SPPG) proposals for 2017/18 and to agree the proposed Spend Plan.


Key Issues

The Indicative Allocation of Grant for 2017/18 suggests that the level of funding will be the same as for 2016/17 - £2,039,175.00. The majority of Monmouthshire’s SPPG contracts have an end/review date of 31 March 2019.


The guidelines associated with the Grant require Authorities to ensure that Grant Funding is both tenure and age neutral in nature. Demand for older people housing-based support has declined with the allowable 10% contract variation already being implemented in the main older person contract. During 2017/18, the main older person contract will end, the provider having given notice to terminate the contract. 


Support to older people will then be available through the place-based model and the Gateway.  This is a generic floating support service and an analysis of the outcomes delivered by the generic services demonstrates that support is provided to all the support categorisations and therefore all the protected characteristics. The transition arrangements will be managed through the Gateway who will ensure that all people currently being supported have their needs reassessed and are then referred to the appropriate service delivery that will meet their needs.


In 2016/17, two important pilot initiatives were developed – Homeless and well-being support and social inclusion support, both within the place-based initiatives. Whilst the initiatives did not get fully underway until September/October 2016, there has been a significant increase in the numbers of people supported within the overall static grant funding, with an associated increase in the outcome being achieved. 

Access for older people will now be predominately through our Gateway service with its associated support workers in the place-based teams.


There have been situations identified recently in which the needs of younger people and care leavers have not been fully met by the SP programme. It is important that positive action is taken to ensure that this vulnerable and protected characteristic is supported appropriately. A designated resource is assigned in the spend plan.


The majority of contracts run until March 2019; funding levels remain unchanged; and the place-based initiative is making a very positive contribution to those requiring support in the communities. This new way of working allows support to be provided based on need and not be associated purely with where a person lives.


Monmouthshire’s demographics have made older people a priority need, however, the support needs for this category have changed over time and decreased. Closer working across the Adult and Younger Person services has identified that further, targeted support is needed for the young care leavers.


Member Scrutiny

The Supporting People Lead and the Head of Adult Services introduced the context of the report.  Following the presentation, Members made observations as follows:


A Member asked if the Welsh Government (WG) continues to reclaim funding not spent or for ineligible projects.  In response it was explained that a service review is conducted every year and it is known that other authorities have had to refund money when it has been spent on ineligible projects. 

In answer to a question from a Committee Member, it was explained that the categorisation of people receiving support can be problematic.  Generic service and floating support is the main thrust of service provision and generally, housing based support is the same across any of the protected characteristics.  For reporting purposes, the Council has been asked to categorise clients receiving support and this can then be confusing when comparisons are made.


In response to a further query, it was confirmed that 1400 is the number of people requiring support (as opposed to a smaller number of people with lots of different disabilities). 


Clarification was sought about categories not reported, specifically that whilst there are figures for domestic abuse of women, there is no mention of domestic abuse of males, also people with physical disabilities and long term conditions.  It was explained that these are included under generic floating support not under a specific category.  It was added that some local authorities have specific projects for these types of groups but Monmouthshire provides more needs-based, generic support.  It was explained that over the last period eleven males received support due to domestic abuse not recorded separately as this is a discrete service provided predominantly, but not exclusively, for women and is a service based on need.


A further query was raised about recognition of elder abuse and it was confirmed that there are figures for this area but not a separate service due to funding constraints.  It was challenged that elder abuse is a significant category to be reported and it was confirmed that when the strategy is written, specific information will be provided on how support will be provided. 


A Member asked about the implications of the older person contract ending.  It was explained that resource has been given to the place based service and during the transition until the end of the contract, everyone will have their needs reassessed.  If needs identify the person as eligible, they will be referred through the Gateway to an appropriate provider to a place based support worker or other provider based on need and priority.  In response to a question, it was refuted that there will be cutbacks; instead people will be supported but in a different way.


A Member asked a question about the Careline Community Alarms and it was explained that SPPG can only fund part of the alarm service (51p per week per alarm).  It was added that the operator has reduced the weekly charge to 41p and demand has fallen (300 units won’t now be funded due to reduced demand).  It was explained that some local authorities in Wales don’t now pay for community alarms and this could possibly be considered in the strategy going forward.  It was questioned if there was a more efficient, up to date method available but explained that the call centre charge will remain similar regardless of the technology used.  It was also explained that new housing schemes have the technology built in. Additionally, individuals utilise their own technology such as mobile phones so technological advances may overtake the need for such alarm services.


The Chair commented that there is confusion amongst e.g. residents in sheltered housing regarding alarm services and also regarding floating support.  He advocated the need for all providers to work together and identified a need to simplify who is providing what services and for whom. It was confirmed that there are diversified services and support that can come from a variety of sources but confirmed that all service providers are talking to each other and have the same purpose and principles.  The Officer suggested that there is an argument that WG could consider the removal of the ring fencing of Supporting People funding being that it is  person centred support (to avoid confusing the individual).


A Member of the Public commented that she understood that the existing older persons’ strategy was not due for review until 2023 and also commented about the underspend being used to fund a Young People’s Co-Ordinator post.  It was noted that the underspend only affects one contract and would be available for supporting people.  It was queried if publicity would be provided to identify what money will be spent for over 55s.  The Officer explained that WG stipulates that spending on supporting people has to be age and tenure neutral and support therefore will be allocated according to housing based support need and priority.  It was added that when one of the main providers gave notice of termination, it was timely to move towards these types of contracts.  It was confirmed that the publicity will not specify housing need irrespective of age, disability etc.

Text Box: Chairs Comments The Chair thanked the Supporting People Lead for his report. The Chair stated that the Committee agreed to recommend that the approach outlined in the report was approved. It was requested that the strategy is scrutinised by the Select Committee when drafted.






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