Agenda item



We considered the report of the application and late correspondence, which was recommended for approval subject to the eight conditions, as outlined in the report and also subject to the conditions, as outlined in late correspondence relating to Green Infrastructure and Ecology. Also, subject to a Section 106 Agreement requiring that nine of the dwelling units be provided as affordable housing either for low cost home ownership or social rent; that a financial contribution of £56,438 be made in lieu of affordable housing in respect of proposed plots 1 and 2, and a financial contribution to be made for the adoption of Pentwyn Close.


The local Member for Shirenewton, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair, outlined the following points:


The site is located within the Local Development Plan (LDP) and the principle of development at this site has been agreed.  However, the following points were made:


·         The existing access is the width of a steel container.  The back wall of Hill House will be demolished together with an old out building.  However, the local Member is still not convinced that the access will be adequate for passing traffic and a footpath.


·         The proposed changes in Pentwyn Close – There is a proposal to bisect the turning circle and provide landscaping to one half of the circle and leaving the other half as highway.  Concern was expressed that maintenance of the landscaped area will not be maintained in future.  There is no need for this to be landscaped.  White lines on the road would be adequate for determining priority.


·         There is evidence of sewage overflow from two manhole covers close to Mounton Brook.  Welsh Water has put some straw bales and fencing around the manholes.  However, improvements to the sewerage needs to be undertaken before any work should commence on the development.


·         The development is located on the northern side of the A48.  All facilities / amenities are located on the southern side of the A48.  A condition should be added to the development that a pedestrian crossing be provided on the A48 to allow easy access to amenities.


The Traffic and Development Manager informed the Committee that the applicant has demonstrated that they can provide a 4.8 metre wide carriageway which is a standard width for residential development which is more than adequate to allow a standard delivery vehicle and a car to pass.  A footway is also being provided that links into the existing footway provision into Pentwyn Close and on the A48.


With regard to landscaping, the applicant, as part of the Section 278 Agreement, will pay the Authority a commuted sum for future maintenance liabilities of the landscaped area.  The technical details of the landscaping can be negotiated at a later date. Therefore, the principles are there to provide a suitable means of access.


The original allocation in the LDP did not identify the need to provide a pedestrian crossing on the A48 at this location and it would be difficult to justify that provision at this stage for a development of this kind. Section 278 funding would fall considerably short with regard to funding such a crossing.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, Members noted the following points:


·         The LDP has designated this area for development.


·         The access issues are adequate for the development.


·         The sewage plan will need to be addressed at the reserved matters stage.


·         The design of the development needs to be in keeping with the surrounding area which should be addressed with the applicant at the pre-application stage.


·         In response to a Member’s question regarding school children accessing local primary schools, the local Member informed the Committee that the catchment area primary school is The Dell and the secondary school is Chepstow Comprehensive School. There are buses that collect and return the children to and from school. There are bus stops in the village but the road is busy.


The Head of Planning, Housing and Place Shaping reminded Members that this is a 60-40 site with the main purpose to deliver the affordable housing that is required.  Therefore, Section 106 Funding was not asked for.  It was also clarified that the affordable housing mix would be secured at Reserved Matters stage but that the mix indicated on the layout plan was not approved as it did not match the Housing Officer’s requirements.


It was therefore proposed by County Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by County Councillor R.G. Harris that application DC/2016/00953 be approved subject to the eight conditions, as outlined in the report and also subject to the conditions, as outlined in late correspondence relating to Green Infrastructure and Ecology. Also, subject to a Section 106 Agreement requiring that nine of the dwelling units be provided as affordable housing either for low cost home ownership or social rent; that a financial contribution of £56,438 be made in lieu of affordable housing in respect of proposed plots 1 and 2, and a financial contribution to be made for the adoption of Pentwyn Close.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval              -           13

Against approval      -           0

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DC/2016/00953 be approved subject to the eight conditions, as outlined in the report and also subject to the conditions, as outlined in late correspondence relating to Green Infrastructure and Ecology. Also, subject to a Section 106 Agreement requiring that nine of the dwelling units be provided as affordable housing either for low cost home ownership or social rent; that a financial contribution of £56,438 be made in lieu of affordable housing in respect of proposed plots 1 and 2, and a financial contribution to be made for the adoption of Pentwyn Close.









Supporting documents: