Agenda item

Application DC/2016/01453 - Demolition of existing structures on site, construction of 25 new dwellings and associated works. Brookside, Neddern Way, Caldicot, NP26 4RJ.


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the fifteen conditions, as outlined in the report.


The local Member for Dewstow, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair, outlined the following points:


·         Over the previous months, the local Member has been involved in addressing some issues relating to the application.


·         There is some criticism regarding the number of trees that need to be cut down.


·         A bat survey suggests that more work is required in respect of this matter.


·         Bird nesting needs to be taken into account when deciding when to commence development.


·         There are concerns regarding the lighting and where this will be connected.


·         Concern was expressed regarding the road layout in that the road cannot be accommodated via Neddern Way.


·         Concern has been expressed that some of the proposed houses will be located in close proximity to the Church.  By re-orientating the houses and taking the road straight up and around would create a buffer and create an environment suitable for the residents of the houses and for the church.  Public open space would not be affected if the road followed this route.


·         The new estate will primarily be occupied by younger people.  Protection of the facilities for young people should be considered.


·         The current proposed route will be dangerous for local children as it will run through the estate.


·         Local residents do not have an objection to the number of houses on the proposed development but the issues relating to the bird, bats and the extinguishment of the footpath need to be addressed.


·         The road layout needs could be better delivered which would satisfy the residents’ concerns.


Councillor F. Rowberry, representing Caldicot Town Council, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         At the Caldicot Town Council meeting on the 10th January 2017 the application was considered.  At the meeting it was noted that the Severnside Area Committee had made representations raising concerns regarding access to the site, the footpath and effect on the surrounding land and buildings.  Therefore, the application was refused by the Town Council subject to further consultation with the residents.


·         Whilst the Town Council supports development that brings in affordable housing to the area, there has been significant concerns expressed regarding the lack of consultation and the lack of time for consultation during the pre-application process.


·         Representations were made to local ward members from the public and concerns had been expressed regarding traffic access around the development.


·         Caldicot Town Council had met again on the 25th January 2017 and considered the amended application. The Town Council had refused this application for the same reasons as previously mentioned.


Mr. C. Parker, representing objectors and Bethany Church, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         Local objections refer to the entrance road to the proposed new estate.


·         No two vehicles are able to pass at this entrance without one reversing to allow the other vehicle to pass.


·         The close proximity of the proposed houses to the church is a concern as the distance is less than six metres in one area.


·         The church’s congregation is anticipated to increase from 100 to 170 attendees.  It is a vibrant church with over 400 visitors per week. Events occur every day at the church.


·         There will be issues regarding overlooking and privacy if the development is approved.


·         The Highways Department had proposed that the road should go straight up into the estate.  That road would then act as a buffer for the church and residents. Re-orientation of some of the proposed properties would be required to alleviate the issue of overlooking and would eliminate the issue arising from the narrow blind bend.


·         To summarise, the objections refer to issues of safety, overlooking and noise.


The applicant’s agent, Sam Courtney, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         The report of the application is detailed and sets out all of the planning considerations in a comprehensive and balanced way.


·         The existing building is in a poor state and the accommodation is not fit for purpose due to the undersized rooms which do not properly cater for people with mobility issues.


·         The residents of Brookside have been relocated over the previous six months to better suited accommodation within the community.


·         The proposed development will provide much needed family housing which will go towards addressing the affordable housing need within Caldicot.


·         The objections raised have been carefully considered.  There are no instances of unacceptable privacy or amenity issues and no examples that could sustain a reason for refusal of the application.


·         The applicant has investigated a number of design changes at the request of the objectors and the local Member, i.e., the re-alignment of the main access road and the re-orientation of a number of plots would result in an inferior design which would not be acceptable to the applicant or Planning officers.


·         The design and density of the development has been questioned by objectors during the process. Rather than being overdeveloped the applicant has chosen a lower density development.


·         The development includes the retention of a significant proportion of existing trees within the site which will be incorporated into the design.


·         There will not be any adverse impact upon the wider highway network when compared to the potential traffic which could be generated from the existing premises.


·         Matters such as car parking, access traffic impact and construction management arrangements have been carefully considered and Highways officers raise no objections subject to conditions.


·         The applicant has exceeded the statutory requirements with regard to the amount of consultation undertaken giving interested parties a number of opportunities to review the scheme details and make comment.


·         This application has been properly considered and received officer support following the detailed process of consultation.


·         Approval of the application would deliver an attractive development providing much needed affordable homes for the community.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, it was noted that:


·         If the original building was fully occupied, it would generate more traffic than the proposed development. 


·         The road will be made up to an adoptable standard and the road layout is appropriate for this scheme.


·         The proposed development will be designed to a high standard.


·         Currently, the existing building is unfit for purpose.


·         There will be no significant overlooking issues.


·         The proposed dwellings will be in keeping with the surrounding properties.


It was therefore proposed by County Councillor R.J. Higginson and seconded by County Councillor B. Strong that application DC/2016/01453 be approved subject to the fifteen conditions, as outlined in the report.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval              -           11

Against approval      -           0

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DC/2016/01453 be approved subject to the fifteen conditions, as outlined in the report.




Supporting documents: